This is ecumenism at its worst. This is what Rome’s interfaith movement will lead to. No matter how often church leaders tell us today that mingling with Rome is good, the truth is that these unfaithful watchmen are no longer willing to condemn any apostasy, heresy, or serious theological errors. There is nothing to reject because the truth is no longer taken seriously. There is hardly anyone left to call out or expose the real dangers this generation faces.
If we could summarize the current state of Adventism in one sentence, it would be: “Our leaders are nostalgic for heresy!” The errors and false doctrines that prevail today are seldom addressed; they are simply ignored. No clarifications or explanations are ever given about the dangerous dogmas that the different members of the ecumenical movement are espousing. Therefore, we live in an age that loves heresy.

What the Council of Trent could not do, ecumenism has finally done. Thanks in part to our leaders.
On October 10, 2021, Seventh-day Adventists joined an ecumenical event at the Cathedral of Trent, the same Roman Catholic building where the Council of Trent was held. The Council of Trent (1545-1563) was the official Roman Catholic response to the Protestant Reformation. This council affirmed the supremacy of the papacy, condemned the Protestant Reformers, revitalized the Inquisition, maintained tradition above Scripture and placed the Bible on a list of forbidden books.
Four hundred and seventy-six years later, in 2021, in the same Cathedral where Rome gathered to plan the end of the Protestant movement, Seventh-day Adventists, Orthodox, Lutherans, Waldensians, Pentecostals and Roman Catholics gathered for an ecumenical celebration and signing ceremony designed to bring “healing” and “reconciliation” and end divisions. The Catholic Church was represented by the Catholic priest Cristiano Bettega, a member of the Ecumenical Council at the local Catholic Archdiocese. The Seventh-day Adventist Church was represented by Pastor Patrizio Calliari, a pastor who has been involved in national and international ecumenical events.
The Catholic priest Cristiano Bettega welcomed the participants with the following words that, according to Revelation, are a fulfillment of prophecy:
Minute 7:09 – We think it is a significant moment but also important, also precisely, because it is a bit of the point of arrival of a journey that for several decades, with the grace of God, these our churches have been carrying out a path of encounter, a path of mutual recognition, a path also of healing of wounds, those wounds that history has produced and the consequences of which we still see today through many divisions. A journey in which the beauty of being brothers and sisters is continually rediscovered even beyond the distinctions between churches of the Orthodox tradition, either of the Protestant tradition or the Catholic tradition. This is a journey that has been pursued here for decades as in many other parts of Italy, Europe and the world, for us here in Trento today precisely this moment takes place.
Healing the wounds? That is exactly what prophecy said would happen (Revelation 13:3). Rome’ agent clearly stated that they want to end the “many divisions.” He said this can happen when we “move beyond” the distinction between Catholics and Protestants. That is exactly what the ecumenical movement is doing. They are ignoring those differences. Sadly, we have fallen silent when it comes to truth and righteousness and we turn a blind eye to error and superstitions.
Dr. Vicintini, from the Council of Christian Churches in Verona, Italy, stated during this event in the Cathedral of Trento that churches must move away from “antagonistic” relationships towards a new “transformed vision” of perfect unity:
Minute 13:09 – “Trent represents a situation in this process in particular. From this council held between 1545 and 1553 the definition of the boundaries between the Catholic and Protestant churches in the antagonistic sense starts, but always in Trent in 1943 the focolare movement was born for collaboration, understanding and spiritual sharing between all religions and confessions. Precisely in this transformed vision of the relations between churches and religions the will of the Lord is perhaps more explicitly expressed as the basis and foundation for the ecumenical life as expressed in the Gospel of John in chapter 17 … to make them one, I in them and you in me so that they are perfect in unity.”

Catholic Priest Cristiano Bettega.
The Catholic priest Cristiano Bettega then brought a special greeting from the Bishop of Trento, Bishop Laurel, and read the following words from the local bishop. These words are also prophetic:
Minute 16:00 – “That you may all be one in Christ.”
Minute 16:50 – “All know how our city in particular, this cathedral has witnessed division in the past centuries. May God’s mercy educate and ask for mutual forgiveness to sincere welcome to generous collaboration to draw bonds of peace and harmony. And may this same cathedral represent a wish of tenacity and trust as the millenary stones that build this cathedral tell us also our churches … that everyone is truly one in Christ Jesus.
Minute 18:28 – “This cathedral church that in the Sixteenth Century was witness and silent of a rift between believers, we gather today as witnesses of a journey of rapprochement and communion that we undertake to support to promote and intensify it.
Minute 19:45 – “The next step is a request for forgiveness that as sisters and brothers, we want to lift to the Lord.”
The ecumenical group then offered prayers to bring “forgiveness” and “healing” between the different religions. These prayers were combined with a Catholic choir and presented in a manner similar to how the Catholic liturgy is performed during Mass. And yes, our representative from the Seventh-day Adventist Church also participated in this:
Minute 20:48 – “Lord forgive our indifference to your prayer for unity and to the suffering caused by our separations.”
Minute 21:21 – “Forgive Lord our sufficiency and our prejudices towards others with Christian divisions towards their gifts and their riches.”
Minute 21:51 – “Forgive Lord our refusals and our violence towards other Christian churches towards their tradition and their liturgy.”
Minute 22:25 – “Lord forgive the resistances of our mediocrity, hardening of our certainties and harshness of our comparisons.”
Minute 22:55 – “Lord forgive the obstacles that we have created to the evangelization of all humanity to the announcement of your salvation.”
Minute 23:329 – “Together, remember, our God, of your church, free her from all division and grant her perfect in your love.”

Seventh-day Adventist representative, Pastor Patrizio Calliari.
Pastor Patrizio Calliari, the Seventh-day Adventist representative, gave the following remarks during the interfaith event:
Minute 27:42 – “The acceptance by faith of the sacrifice of Jesus makes all human beings equal to each other.”
Minute 28:16 – “All distinctions are eliminated and this is the splendid truth that unfortunately we find it hard to live fully. We must take note of this and ask our heavenly father that we may have a reciprocal inclusive attitude.”
Minute 27:43 – The Seventh-day Adventist Church that I represent has always believed and believes in fraternal dialogue with all religious realities in an attitude of respect for the different positions, and I participate in the church in quality precisely as is was said by Don Cristiano (Catholic Priest Cristiano Bettega) as an observer at all these interreligious meetings at various international or even local levels. In this sense I participate in the Council of the Adventist Churches, at the Council of Christian Churches of Trent, certainly giving my opinion and the contribution of my community, but we will not sign the document. We will remain at the table as observers and we will certainly give our contribution. Thank you all.”
If you take the words of the representative of the Seventh-day Adventists at face value, it appears that Adventists had nothing to do with the document or with anything that was transpiring. He was just an observer. That’s what they all say. But there is much more to this. The Roman Catholic representative reveals more details about the Seventh-day Adventist contribution to the document that was signed by the different leaders. Catholic Priest Cristiano Bettega stated the following:
Minute 9:07 – “The statute (document) in which several churches participate are the Romanian Orthodox diocese, the Russian Orthodox dioceses, the Luther Church, the Waldensian Church, the Pakistani Indian Church, the Catholic Church, the Foursquare Gospel Church (Pentecostal) and in its own way the Seventh-day Adventist Church participated in the whole path of composition of the statute (document) and even if they participate as an observer, however, fully.”
There is no other way to say this, but many of our leaders in the Seventh-day Adventist Church are simply dishonest. They tell us that they are just observers in the ecumenical movement. However, the Catholic Church says that this Seventh-day Adventist leader not only “FULLY” participated “IN THE WHOLE PATH” on this ecumenical journey in Trent, but also in the creation of the document.

This was the document signed by the churches that was prepared in part by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
In fact, the same document signed by the different churches explains the role that Seventh-day Adventists played in this act of reconciliation and healing of wounds. If you look at the bottom of the document, it says the following about Seventh-day Adventists:
“The Seventh Day Adventist Christian Church of the Bolzano – Trento district, having participated in the drafting of this Statute (document), while sharing its principles in general, has preferred not to sign the Statute itself and therefore participated in subsequent work in the simple quality of ‘observer‘ ” (Document).
In other words, Seventh-day Adventists “participated” fully in the “drafting” of the document and fully “shares” its “general principles.” But they chose not to sign it. How do you fully participate in the drafting of a document that you fully agree with but then refuse to sign? Is this how we wash our hands and absolve our guilt? We create the document. We agree with the document. We support the document. But we don’t sign it? No, my brothers and sisters, we are not exempt from our responsibility as we actively collaborate with Rome to create this document.
We cannot wash our hands and say that we are only “observers.” Don’t let anyone fool us. When someone actively conspires with Rome and others to create a working document for the churches, they are NOT just “observers.” They are partners. This is being political. We support Rome in their unity efforts and we work with them to prepare their documents, but we still want the support of the rest of Adventism, so we don’t actually sign anything. Then our leaders come out of these interfaith events and don’t say a word about what they were doing. Adventists never report what they do. Once again, it is Rome that has revealed all these facts, both the video and the document. And when faced with the facts about these ecumenical commitments, our leaders smile and say, “Well, we are not part of it, we are just observers.”
Pilate also tried to wash his hands when he said he had nothing to do with the death of Jesus; even through he acted with indifference and colluded with the Jews and handed Him over to be crucified. This is exactly what the leaders in Adventism are doing. They are betraying both the Adventist movement and Christ Himself by handing us over to Rome with these documents that they themselves helped to prepare. It is dishonest to say that we are only “observers.” Pilate also claimed to be just an “observer.”
“When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.” Matthew 27:24.
However, Jesus told Pilate that he was neither innocent nor free from guilt when he said:
“He that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.” John 19:11.
Both those who signed this ecumenical document and those who prepared it are equally guilty. Seventh-day Adventist leaders are not innocent after all. They are helping to fulfill Bible prophecy, specifically, the healing of the deadly wound. And our church leaders helped prepare these documents, they fully agree and support them, they ignore the warnings of the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy, but then wash their hands by not signing.
No, it doesn’t work like that. Their hands are still covered with blood. They crucified Christ. They betrayed the Reformation and the millions of sincere Christians who were killed during the Inquisition. They are not free of guilt just because they didn’t sign. They prepared it. They confessed it. They are in harmony with it. And in the Day of Judgment they will have to acknowledge it and answer for betraying the Reformation, the Advent Movement and for crucifying Christ again.
These are the principles of the document that they signed in the Catholic Cathedral of Trent in which they pledged their allegiance to Rome and each other:
1) bearing witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ together;
2) to implement reciprocal and fraternal knowledge of the Churches;
3) to cultivate an ecumenical mentality in the Churches;
4) to propose and support together, especially in the Trentino area, ecumenical initiatives and activities;
5) to disseminate information on the activities of the ecumenical movement ;
6) seek common answers to the problems and challenges that challenge the Christian faith;
7) discuss and clarify possible misunderstandings between the Churches;
8) to foster interreligious dialogue;
9) promote integration against all forms of racism and discrimination;
10) enter the public debate on topical issues, when there was an opportunity or when it was deemed appropriate, expressing the specificities that characterize the Churches. [1]
If this was not enough, to highlight this new working relationship with Rome, all the churches, including the representative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, began to sing the famous song called “Laudate Omnes Gentes,” which is an old traditional Catholic mass song used by Rome. [2] Starting at minute 58:45, the Latin mass song is used as a chant and the words are repeated over and over again. They sing the Latin mass song a total of 6 times! See video below.
Pastor Patrizio Calliari, the representative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, was actually singing the same Latin Mass song that Ganoune Diop sings at ecumenical events. In the video above, you will see both Pastor Patrizio Calliari and Ganoune Diop of the General Conference singing what is known in Catholic theology as the Tridentine Mass or Traditional Mass. The word Tridentine is Latin for the city of “TRENT.” The Council of Trent decreed that Mass should only be celebrated in Latin, even when Protestants worshiped in the language of the people. And Seventh-day Adventist leaders are now singing the same Catholic liturgy dedicated to the destruction of Protestantism.
As an act of solidarity with Rome, our church leaders are reciting the Old Roman Catholic Rite for mass, and tragically, the church supports this. They tell us that there is nothing wrong with doing this. They want us to follow their lead and embrace their example. Can anyone in their right mind justify this and say this is okay? Unfortunately, the church today rewards this behavior. They love to participate in endless interfaith services and dialogues with Rome. This is the reason why our leaders are nostalgic for heresy!

The Cathedral of Trent.
Everything is ripening for the final fulfillment of biblical prophecy. The greater the influence that this union of churches has in the world, the more power Rome receives. We are witnessing the greatest consolidation of power this world has ever seen. There are forces at work that will soon rob us of our individual freedoms and force us to obey the dictates of an ecclesiastical tyranny that will exceed in power and influence anything previously known in history.
Let the healing of the “deadly wound” be finalized and let the union of all religions be consummated, and immediately the prophecy will be fulfilled that says, “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads; and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16, 17.
Already the minds of men and women are being prepared to give up their individual rights and beliefs for the common good. If we want to preserve our individual freedom, let us check the growth of these religious and political confederations, and NOT join them. Let us speak out and say what God has said about this. If we value our freedom as we should, we will do everything possible to stop any attempt to destroy our liberty of conscience. These global religious confederations are to be feared because we know that this consolidation of power will only come together to crush the voice of the minority.
“The world is against us, the popular churches are against us, the laws of the land will soon be against us. If there was ever a time when the people of God should press together, it is now. God has committed to us the special truths for this time to make known to the world. The last message of mercy is now going forth. We are dealing with men and women who are judgment bound. How careful should we be in every word and act to follow closely the Pattern, that our example may lead men to Christ. With what care should we seek so to present the truth that others by beholding its beauty and simplicity may be led to receive it. If our characters testify of its sanctifying power, we shall be a continual light to others—living epistles, known and read of all men. We cannot afford now to give place to Satan by cherishing disunion, discord, and strife” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 236).
Did anyone notice in this article that everyone is giving in to the catholic church. No where in this document does it say that Rome will change! Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they are doing. This “Adventist” pastor (priest) must be a Jesuit. Why else would he cave to the Roman powers that be? If he is not a Jesuit, than he should be. He is playing right into the hands of the pope.
I am so thankful for the SOP! We know that some of the brightest lights will go out before the Lord returns to take us home. We are also told that they lay people would finish the work. We know now it is because many in the upper offices of our denomination will apostatize!!! It is a very sad state of affairs. We must cling to the Word and the SOP to see it through.
So true! I believe the pastor at my church is a Jesuit. :(…..
The entire SDCCC (Seventh Day Catholic Communist Church) corporate beast system is a tottering mass that will not and can not stand for anything Protestant and will soon fall for EVERYTHING Catholic. We need to stop referring to it as the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Within months to a few years it will be the FDCCC (First Day Catholic Communist Church). Time to leave Rome and come Home to biblical Israel, the only real Protestant people left on the planet.
Amen Thomas! The GCSDA was “shaken out” of the true Seventh-day Adventist Church a long time ago. Sadly, people that thing you “can’t leave” that corporate entity have everything backwards.
“think” not “thing”
What do you mean by Biblical Israel? I’m confused.
Feel free to call Susan and I will be happy to share my 2 part seminar on the mystery of Israel. Phone #- 720 899 1112. I have shared this message all over the place and it is the same message that Paul preached and got the left foot of fellowship from the Jews. Thomas
Thanks for information
The SDA church became Catholics when they accepted the false doctrine of the Trinity. :(…..
Jesus created everything in the universe so if that does make make Him God then I do not know what does!
Amen sister. Trinity is false doctrine.
Image to the Beast,
Telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. Revelation 13:14.
The change of the Sabbath is a sign or mark of the authority of the Romish Church. Those who, understanding the claims of the fourth commandment, choose to observe the false sabbath in the place of the true are thereby paying homage to that power by which alone it is commanded…. FH 330.2
There are true Christians in every church, not excepting the Roman Catholic communion. None are condemned until they have had the light and have seen the obligation of the fourth commandment. But when the decree shall go forth enforcing the counterfeit sabbath, and the loud cry of “the third angel” shall warn the world against the worship of the beast and his image, the line will be clearly drawn between the false and the true. Then those who still continue in transgression will receive the mark of the beast. FH 330.3
With rapid steps we are approaching this period. When Protestant churches shall unite with the secular power in sustaining a false religion, for opposing which their ancestors endured the fiercest persecution, then will the papal sabbath be enforced by the combined authority of church and state. There will be a national apostasy which will end only in national ruin…. FH 330.4
By compromises and concessions, Protestants have tampered with and patronized popery, giving her vantage ground which papists themselves are surprised to see and fail to understand. The Protestant world needs to be aroused to resist the advances of this most dangerous foe to civil and religious liberty. FH 330.5
When the state shall enforce the decrees and sustain the institutions of the church, then will Protestant America have formed an image of the Papacy. Then the true church will be assailed by persecution as were God’s people in ancient times. Almost every century furnishes instances of what human hearts, controlled by rage and malice, can do under a plea of serving God by protecting the rights of the church and state. The Protestant churches that have followed in the steps of Rome by forming alliances with worldly powers have manifested a similar desire to restrict liberty of conscience. How many nonconformist ministers have suffered under the power of the Church of England! Persecution always follows a restriction of religious liberty on the part of secular governments.—Signs of the Times, November 8, 1899. FH 330.6
From this article: “This council … placed the Bible on a list of forbidden books.”; what a reality-defying statement that is!!!! Don’t people realize that were it not for the care and preservation of Sacred Scripture by the Roman Catholic Church we would not have a Bible today? Is it not further realized by people that what we accept as the contents of the Bible are accepted because of a decree of the Roman Catholic Church: the One, Holy, Apostolic Church founded by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?