Les Mills is a popular fitness program that blends exercise with the hottest new music and the best dance routines in a club-like setting. Body Attack, Body Combat, Body Flow, Body Jam, Sh’bam, and many more are among the training programs available. [1] These workout routines, which are based on yoga, Tai Chi, and Hip-Hop music, have grown in popularity in our culture, and AdventHealth has incorporated several of them.
Here is AdventHealth Wellness Center in Wesley Chapel, Florida promoting the Les Mills Body Jam workout. They openly celebrate the Hip-Hop culture in the above notice, which says:
“Body Jam – A fun-loving, insanely addictive dance workout. House, Hip-hop, and all styles of electronic music.” [2]
Seventh-day Adventist leaders in North America are embracing the Hip-Hop culture and merging these elements with Adventism into a new style of health evangelization. The question is, why would we merge two separate, opposing cultures into one? The gospel of Christ doesn’t attempt to do this at all.
The same Les Mills Body Jam training program is being promoted by AdventHealth Wellness Center in Celebration, Florida. Take a look at what AdventHealth writes on page two of their flyer:
“Body Jam is a dance-inspired workout that moves with the latest music and greatest dance moves. It’s cardio fun at its best for those with a passion for movement and dance.” (See page two) [3]
The problem with Hip-Hop dance culture, rock culture, heavy metal culture, jazz culture, and all other cultures in our world is that they are all sinful and corrupt. The whole Hip-Hop culture arose from the streets and ghettos. Originally, it was connected with breakdancing, DJs, beat-boxing, rapping, graffiti, gold chains, and flashy jumpsuits. Unfortunately, today, Hip-Hop has become synonymous with pimps, prostitution, thugs, gangsters, murder, drugs, greed, violence, and sexually objectifying women. This is one of the truths that we cannot overlook while examining Hip-Hop culture as a whole.
Below is one of Les Mills’ Hip-Hop dance workout videos. This is what some are bringing into Adventism. This is what is being incorporated by AdventHealth “Wellness” Centers.
When we look at the new trends that are emerging in many Adventist circles, there is no doubt that we are being driven farther and further away from where God intended us to be. If you’ve ever wondered what Israel’s apostasy looked like as they danced before the golden calf, well, this is it. God cautioned His ancient people about the danger of embracing pagan traditions, yet many of them disregarded His warnings. Some people today have likewise ignored God’s warning against joining the world and adopting its ways.
You cannot mix the sacred with the secular. You cannot mix Christianity with the common. That is called religious syncretism—the blending of two opposing belief systems into one. A new gospel is created and a new emerging culture begins. This results in the creation of a mutant gospel that’s been morphed with the elements of Hip-Hop. In their efforts to reach young people, many churches have blended their projects with cool, Hip-Hop music and a night club atmosphere.
Many church institutions are becoming increasingly devoid of the gospel, and they do so on purpose in order to appear relevant to the younger generation. When anything is added or removed from the instructions that God gave us, the uniqueness and purity of truth are jeopardized. A new gospel health message is created that contains no gospel at all. Unfortunately, this is where the emerging trends of the twenty-first century are leading us. This is what the new leadership desires. It’s a revival of ancient paganism orchestrated by Satan to overthrow God’s people and keep them from entering the promised land:
“I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:6-8.
[1] https://www.lesmills.com/us/workouts/all/
[3] https://files.constantcontact.com/03b4938e401/1450ce26-9070-48f9-a1db-de03cac6e368.pdf
This makes me want to throw up, it’s like a voodoo dance and some kind of snake (devil) worship people wake up this is pathetic! Please don’t call yourself a seventh day adventist if this is what you embrace.
Amen sister!
Pretty sad if this is the kind of thing you worry about! This kind of argument is the 21st century equivalent of debating how many angels fit on a pin head
Preach Jesus!!!!
jeff baxter, I would say YES, those who are committed to Jesus and truth do need to worry about these types of worldly things coming into the Adventist denomination . This type of music, dance is straight from Satan, wouldn’t you think that a warning should go out for those who may fall into this trap that Satan has set?
Jesus didn’t behave this way or approve of this type of thing, we are to walk down the same path that Jesus walked when He was on this earth, Jesus didn’t walk down this path..
No wonder so many of our young people have little or no reverence for God! I can’t help but wonder what grabbing his “private parts” has to do with exercise??? I would also like to know who could do these “exercises” except for the very young. This is nothing but a targeted program to draw our young people away from God. I hope and pray that parent’s can see what it is really about!
I live in Dade City, Florida, just a few miles from the Wesley Chapel Adventist Hospital. We also have one in Zephyrhills, Florida, which is just right down the road from where I live. I am so ashamed of our hospital affiliation! I hope and pray that I never have to don their doors!!!
Truly sad how people in the church are being lured into such seemingly innocent activities when they are not. Those who do this are becoming as the world is, and the world cannot see a distinction of spirituality and worldliness in the people and church body as a whole. That’s where the danger is; when attempting to see a difference with what is holy and what is not. Such activities is destroying our credibility within the community and should be halted ASAP, because it is defiling the temple of God in us via our mind and body, and whatever might follow after all the activity is finished.
Satan has been targeting our children through education for many years and has ramped it up through CRT which is nothing more than a perverted, demeaning sex education. The younger he can get them the more lasting will be his evil influence on them. It behooves every parent to remove their precious children from the demonic public school systems. For this worldly entertainment and various perverted educational platforms to be accepted by our SDA leadership and members, only shows how little they regard the word of the Lord…Now I understand more clearly, the meaning of this text; “Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”
CRT (Critical Race Theory} is a Red Herring and has no significance in this discussion except that the author just blamed all evils of Hip on Black folks. Both injections in this discussion have made this a very racially divisive discussion which is also not from God.
God ordained Seventh-day Adventists to be a peculiar people, set apart from the world. When Adventist decision makers in our churches and hospitals promote this kind of jarring “music” coupled with crotch grabbing gyrations….. where is Jesus in all this cacophony? In this misguided attempt to make our church look “cool” to the world, we have instead brought our church closer to the world, and lost our distinctiveness as an end time church.
sadly, but true. we are drifting away
The dances before the golden calf and Baal Peor are being repeated and promoted by ringleader apostates. If SDAer’s stopped learning from the world and would practice sanctified dance and worship to Yehovah, they could actually dance unto Yehovah instead of the devil.
Most SDA’s have never seen or participated in Davidic Dance as it has been thrown out like much of the rest of the Torah by anti Semitic and anti Torah gentile apostate system. The biblical dance and culture of the ancient Hebrews has been restored today, but you will never find it in an SDA apostate church. When church systems reject what Yah has given to His people, all they are left with is counterfeits. Then we wonder why our children, with so much energy, get into pagan dancing and don’t come to a dead and lifeless museum, that most SDA church services have degenerated into, complete with funeral music.
If the SDA worship service can not offer something better and scriptural with the Dance of the Temple Levites and King David, is it any wonder folks are drawn to pagan dancing, even on. Sabbath? You can not point out sin if you can not offer something better to replace devil worship with.
Dance is part of the very fiber of our being and is in the dna of all children. Have you ever put on music and seen some little one start to dance? This is an undeniable fact of how we are made.
For a good read on biblical dance that was thrown out by the Roman Catholic Beast and replaced with Gregorian Chants, get the book “Dancing for Joy” by Murray. Siberling. You can find it on Amazon. It brings out the history of biblical dance, the theological foundation for it, and what happened to it in history, and how it is being restored today. SDAer’s need to offer something better than a counterfeit of devil worship.
Lord wake us up🧎🏾♂️
Is a sad thing this us happening in our church. Can we just awake?
Is a sad thing this is happening and promoted in our churches. Many of our Adventh Health leaders are not members of the SDA church and that why is so easy to blend into this. As someone said “Lord help us”.
If there was no text explaining what those people were doing, one would basically assume that they are in a mental hospital ward. Or acting out a scene from Living Dead, zombies..
Administration of Advent Health`s motto is; “Why should Devil have all the Fun.”
Really?? That is shocking. Do you have a picture or link you could share?