This week I received the following email which I’d like to share with you. Because freedom is non-negotiable, every Seventh-day Adventist should cherish it and speak up in defense of it whenever our freedoms are threatened. Our liberties were not given to us by the government. As stated in our founding documents, freedom is an unalienable right bestowed upon us by God.
There are two issues at hand that we are facing: the Covid-19 vaccines/boosters and the vaccine enforcement mechanism. Even if Seventh-day Adventists disagree on the Covid vaccine, at the very least we should all oppose the coercive enforcement techniques that are being imposed on the public. The solution to any crisis is not to take away people’s freedoms and liberties and establish a new discriminated-class of citizens. Truth doesn’t need the sword to convince people of its legitimacy if it is indeed true.
Dear Andy,
Things are getting terrifying for church members who object to the vaccines. I was stirred up by your report on the Religious Liberty offering this coming Sabbath, January 8, 2022. I feel outraged and betrayed by the church’s Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department (PARL). I’ve written a letter and sent it to my contacts, encouraging them to contact church leadership with their concerns. I will share it with you, and if you feel it’s something you can do, please share it with others. Perhaps some of the officers of the church will be awakened if we keep making noise, and they will turn from their wickedness and escape the doom that’s coming. If not, may God use us to witness against evil.
I understand that a special offering will be collected this Sabbath, January 8, 2022, to support Liberty magazine and the religious liberty work of the church. I have reservations about supporting the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department of the world church for various reasons. The most pressing issue right now is the department’s neglect of addressing the freedom of conscience and religious liberty violations due to Covid mandates.
On November 19, 2021, The Lancet reported that high vaccination rates were expected to reduce transmission of Covid-19, but this hasn’t been the case. [1] In fact, researchers have found that “peak viral load did not differ by vaccination status or variant type.” [2] And yet, the church is not only silent about rights violations against unvaccinated church members, but has clearly stated its support of health mandates – the use of coercion and force to push objecting members into receiving a vaccine that obviously doesn’t work and has been shown to pose serious health risks, including death. [3]
It appears that PARL has not advised the church against supporting government mandates that strip members of the right to freedom of conscience, nor does it offer any support to church members who have suffered rights infringements due to their position against vaccination. PARL is obviously not fulfilling its stated functions. [4]
It is deplorable that, without a peep from PARL, church members are being segregated due to vaccine status. And in places like Austria [5] and Quebec, [6] unvaccinated members will be barred from attending services, without a word of support from PARL. Why haven’t local churches been informed about these abuses? Why hasn’t leadership called for a day of fasting and prayer on their behalf? Why has PARL been silent about these abuses? I would like to support the work of PARL because I value religious liberty. But I will not financially support this department while I have the concerns I’ve outlined above.
_________ (Redacted)
We couldn’t be more in agreement. That is why I am fortunate to be in Phoenix this weekend for the Liberty and Health Alliance event. May God bless each of you in your struggle for religious liberty so that we can be free to proclaim the Three Angels’ Messages, finish God’s work, and go home.
[1] Gunter Kampf, “The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing,” The Lancet, November 19, 2021,
[2] Ibid.
[3] For example, see, especially the graph, “All Deaths Reported to VAERS by Year.”
[4] See for example, “The Foundations and Functions of PARL,” by Ganoune Diop, Director of PARL.
[5] See for example, “How Austria Plans to Enforce EU’s First Mandatory Vaccine Policy,”
[6] Government of Quebec website, “Places and activities requiring the COVID-19 Vaccination Passport,”
I was also stirred about your article referring to the January 8, Religious Liberty Offering. I’m the RL director of my small SDA Church, and I told the congregation last Sabbath that my household will no longer support the PARL Dept, or Liberty Magazine. Also, told them to do their homework before they support anyone, as you suggested Brother Andy. We need more to stand up for our precious religious liberties. If we don’t, we may not be ready for the bigger and bigger storms to come!
Right on.
In Australia the church leadership have by and large ignored the religious liberty issue and gone along with the subtle and not so subtle pressure on the unvaccinated to be vaccinated. We are up to our third jab with 90% plus compliance and months of lockdowns and the infection is still infecting the double and triple jabbed. Many of our churches are separating the vaccinated from the unvaccinated and the church leadership is allowing fear to drive this.
The most dangerous organization on the planet is the SDCCC (Seventh Day Catholic Communist Corporation). It speaketh with a forked tongue and just like in Nazi Germany, the SDCCC buried its head in the sand and presto, a new denomination was formed, The Reformed SDCC Corporation.
Never again were the German Adventists going to see their pastors and members jailed and killed by Hitlers Gestapo because they would not support the illegal and tyrannical mandates of a demonized ruler. Where was the SDCCC when these atrocities happened? No where to be found as they turned a blind eye to the abuses of freedom.
I fear more the harlot daughter SDCCC of Rome than the Mother Whore Papacy. We have far more to fear from within. The worst abuses of freedom will be carried out by the rogue SDCCC leaders and members that have converted to the dragon’s religion, Communism. Check out what the SDCCC Gestapo did to the Creation SDA church in Tennessee and its pastors (had them jailed) about 10-15 years ago. It made national news and is all over the Internet.
The previous track record of the SDCCC speaking like a dragon with a forked tongue should give us a clue as to what they will do and are doing in the scamdemic of Covid. To support PARL is to support the devil and his religion Communism. May we defund PARL and may the whole PARL department of the SDCCC be disbanded.
Folk, I Advise all to Cancel G.C SDA Church membership of Local SDA Conference Church and Worship God at Home Churches of the Faithful. Forget Ted Wilson and His Gestapo and Worship in Peace. There is Nothing more that can be done for the SDA Denomination. God Divorced it When it Rejected the Final Entreaties from the Lord though M.L. Andreasen in the Late Fifties. God had Filed his Bill of Divorce to the Church by 1960. The SDA Denomination Sealed its Rejection of God and Closed it’s Probation when it Adopted the Trinity Doctrine of the Catholic Church at the Dallas G.C Session in 1980. Again I Humbly Advise all to Cancel G.C SDA Church membership of Local SDA Conference Church and Worship God at Home Churches of the Faithful.
Great wisdom. I removed my membership with the SDCCC (Seventh Day Catholic Communist Corporation) in 2016 and it was a great decision as I finally woke up that I had joined a corporation and not a biblical church. I found other Hebrews who have come out of Babylon and we study and praise Yah every Sabbath and meet in a Sunday Church.
Home assemblies are necessary in times of persecution, but so far we are not there yet in the USA. Once SDA’s wake up to their identity as biblical Israel, no longer do they associate with pagan Christianity and the harlot daughter of Babylon. I teach a 2 part seminar on the mystery of Israel that revolutionizes the believer’s identity and walk. For more info, email me back.
Мир и благодать от Господа нашего Иисуса Христа всем верным ученикам Спасителя во всех деноминациях. Свобода решать кем и с кем быть никогда не отнимется у народа Божьего. Вопрос только в том, какую цену нужно заплатить за эту свободу. Развитие исторических событий неизменно будет по тому сценарию, который контролирует наш Небесный Отец. Детям Божьего Царства беспокоиться нет нужды! А тем, кто ещё не пересёк границу Земли Обетованной, тому следует незамедлительно поговорить с Иисусом о рождении свыше, а также проанализировать историю произошедшую в АСД в 1888 году. Каждый, кто для себя сделает выбор быть членом Божьей семьи и уже сейчас войти в Божье Царство милости. тому нет нужды смотреть в сторону ГК АСД. Между детьми Божьими и Творцом только один посредник – это наш Спаситель и Ходатай Иисус Христос. Обеспокоенные предательством адвентиского народа со стороны ГК АСД и Тедом Вильсоном лично нужно понимать, что это звено одной цепи событий, о которых Слово Божье и Свидетельства Иисуса нас давно предостерегли. То, что не многие понимают, что на самом деле происходит – это ответственность самих людей. Верующие из разных деноминаций привыкли доверять своим проповедникам. Но это очень опасный путь, потому что и среди проповедников нет рождённых выше людей. Исследуйте Писания самостоятельно и молитесь о том, чтобы иметь с Богом личные близкие отношения, подобно тем, какие были у Еноха и других героев веры. По примеру Марии (сестры Лазаря и Марфы) седите у ног Иисуса и впитывайте в своё сознание Его Слова, несущие каждому Мир, Свободу, Радость. Стремитесь обладать верой Иисуса и этой верой примитете в дар праедность Христа и Духа Святого. Обладая богатством, которое предлагает Свидетель Верный и Истинный лаодикийской церкви, вам никогда больше не придётся искать поддержку от слабого человека, но вы будете сильны Духом Божьим и сможете совершать Божью работу там, куда вас пошлёт Небесный Отец. Читайте Нагорную прповедь и пусть все блаженства Неба снизайдут на вас! Читайте молитву Спасителя в 17 главе от Иоанна и да наполнит вас Божья Любовь до самых краёв, чтобы через вас Любовь Божья смогла излиться на этот многострадальный мир. Мир всем вам и вашим близким.
We are NEVER to leave the SDA organized church, no matter how bad it gets!!! EGW said that the church looks as if it is about to fall, BUT IT DOES NOT!!! We need to be very careful how we speak of Ted Wilson and the GC. Ted Wilson is just one person. He does not have a lot of power. He has boards and committee’s to answer to.
We are also to NOT stop paying our tithe to the organized church. We can decide for ourselves where we want to put our offerings. They can stay local, or we can support conference projects, or give to independent ministries. We have that right. We do not have the right to withhold our tithe. There are many pastors out there who have NOT bowed the knee to Baal, and need our support.
It is one thing to stand for the right, it is another to remove our names from the rolls of the organized SDA church. Those that choose to leave the organized church had better pull out their dusty SOP books and read what she has to say about the issue. That is exactly what Satan wants us to do. When you do that, Satan has won!
I vehemently oppose the stand that the GC has taken on vaccines! I will not, in any way, get the jab. They will have to hold me down and force me to take it, or they can take me to a concentration camp to wait out my days here on earth! Still, that is no reason to leave the organized SDA church. I pray that this has helped some that are in the valley of decision over this issue. God Bless!!!
Madam Satan Wins if You Stay in the G.C SDA Church. He owns it and it Belongs to Him. I Encourage you to Read about what Ellen White said about the Ezekiel 9 Slaughter. Those who Stay in the Harlot G.C SDA Communist Corporation are Partakers of Her Sins. At the Alpha of SDA Apostasy [ J.H. Kellogs Living Temple ] Ellen White Counseled all to Take the Young People and Themselves as far from our Churches as Possible. I Encourage You to Read Isaiah 4, 5 and 8 on these issues as well as Ezekiel 8 & 9. The Final Choice is yours madam. Stay in the Church and face Gods Wrath on Apostate Jerusalem, or Leave and Save Yourself and Possibly Others as Well. It is is Your Choice Ultimately.
THEY will not force you down to get vaccinated…….but they will take you to hospital and hook you in those machines …. I know lot of church members died from covid … beliving God will save them … is a selection of I.Q.
I agree with Linda Taylor ‘s remarks. God told Elijah that He had 7000 who had not bowed the knee to Baal when Elijah thought he was the only faithful follower of the True God left. We do not see and know all that God sees and knows. We are not the judge. Nor are we to call God’s church Babylon. We must continue to stand faithful in our place. God has promised to take us through. We must trust Him to DO exactly what He says He will do.
Madam the 7000 who did not Bow the Knee to Baal were not Part of Ahab’s and Jezebels Apostate Israel. They Did not Participate in Baal Worship. They were Obscure and in Hiding or the Wilderness. God is Calling us to do the same now. Madam the G.C. SDA Church from what I have seen in Recent Years Especially since I left it is that it is Worse than Babylon on Abortion Homosexuality and any other known and Open sin Under the Sun. You Remove God by the Trinity Doctrine as Happened in 1980, the Worst Abomination of all, who Takes Over? Has not the G.C SDA Church been the Harlot Bride of Satan since 1980? Does not the Prince of the World Control Ted Wilson and the Leaders? Is