Davide Romano is the Director of the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department for the Italian Union of Seventh-day Adventists. [1] He is also the President of the Italian Adventist University Villa Aurora. [2] On September 3, 2024, Hope Media Italia, the official news agency for the Italian Union, reported that the top Seventh-day Adventist religious liberty leader in Italy was pushing green eco-spirituality in a Roman Catholic monastery operated by St. Benedict monks.
The fact that PARL leaders around the world are engaged in so many other activities that they have no business doing is one of the reasons why their efforts to promote religious liberty are so ineffective. Pope Francis’s goal is to bring the various churches together to spread the green ecological gospel. This is one of the most important endeavors emphasized in Laudato Si’. Pope Francis is leading the way, urging people, including the religious communities, to fulfill their ecological obligations and become interconnected. But this is more than just addressing climate degradation; they are united in teaching the moral and spiritual aspects of protecting the Earth, including Adventist PARL leaders.
Hope Media Italia published the following:
• “Sustainability and environment in the foreground at the SAE (Ecumenical Training Session) Conference in Camaldoli, between ethics and spirituality.” [3]
• “One month before the end of the Ecumenical Training Session of the Sae (Secretariat for Ecumenical Activities), the echoes of the presentations and the days lived together are still alive in the participants. The Monastery of Camaldoli hosted, from July 28 to August 3, the sixtieth edition of this annual meeting. Christians of various denominations, Adventists, Baptists, Catholics, Methodists, Orthodox, Pentecostals, Waldensians, participated along with some believers of other monotheistic and oriental religions.” [3]
• “The Pastor Davide Romano, director of the Adventist Institute of Florence and the Department of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty of the Adventist Union (Uicca), was one of the two speakers of the panel ‘Ecospirituality between beauty and cry.’ In his presentation, entitled ‘As long as Lord? The cry of creatures, between dismay and hope,’ he began with a premise on the nature and limits of that discourse that says the otherness of God with respect to creation. He then stated: ‘We can speak of an ecospirituality because God’s dream is to live among his creatures. The incarnation is the model of identification with the earth, with the human and with the creature’.” [3]
• “Participation in the 2024 Session was defined as ‘multiple,’ at the end of the meetings, due to the presence of Protestants of various denominations, Orthodox, Catholics and representatives of other religions, from most Italian regions.” [3]
• “Various languages were used to deal with the subject: theology, environmental sciences, economics, law, ethics, good practices. There were different but convergent views on the divine and the world on the theme of care. In the assembly of participants, with many presences who expressed specific observations, the conference was appreciated as ‘a moment of great culture and great knowledge among people, especially at the tab, an opportunity to meet among different, which means wealth, characterized by a living prayer’.” [3]
Davide Romano talks about the ‘cry’ of the earth just as Pope Francis does in his climate encyclical (Sections 49, 53, and 117). This type of Eastern pantheism is in line with the core teaching of Laudato Si’. It is Rome that is pushing for a global response to care for our common home. This is opening the door to Mother Earth philosophies and demonic activity. They are mixing pagan spirituality with Christianity. The Omega of Apostasy is making its way into Adventism through interactions with theologians from Babylon. Why can’t our people see the danger with this? Mother Earth spiritualism under the cloak of environmentalism is causing our people to “seek them with familiar spirits” (Isaiah 8:19, 20). Our unwillingness to love and embrace the truths of our historic faith is causing us to embrace “strong delusions” and “lies” (2 Thessalonians 2:10, 11).
Rome is rapidly spreading its climate agenda and using this to bring her daughters home. Environmentalism has become the new universal religion of the world. Everyone is embracing Rome’s climate theology—Laudato Si’. Christians, Muslims, Hindus, spiritists, pantheists, and even secular humanists are coming together to solve the common global problem of saving planet Earth. This green pseudo-religion is replacing the biblical doctrines of the church.
According to the world, the great moral issues today are not the 10 Commandments, the judgment work in heaven, or the Second Coming of Jesus. It’s the environment, pollution and eco-justice. The new morality removes the emphasis of sin and obedience and shifts the burden to political activism, social organizing, ecumenism, and building bridges with the Vatican. When Seventh-day Adventists get involved in this, we quickly become a people who are losing our unique identity. We are fast becoming just another church among hundreds and thousands of religions in the world. Ecumenism, pantheism, interfaith relationships and spiritualism are the snares that Rome uses to unite the world.
The never-ending struggle for eco-justice will certainly trump the preaching of the Three Angels’ Message. Instead of preparing people for the coming of Christ so that they can be ready for that day, we are busy trying to create the perfect environmental utopian society for the coming New World Order.
“Our people need to be silent upon questions which have no relation to the third angel’s message” (Selected Message, Book 2, p. 336).
[1] https://www.adventistyearbook.org/entity?EntityID=13794
[2] https://www.adventistyearbook.org/entity?EntityID=13792&highlight=David%7CRomano
should i keep sending my money to support this?
Maybe some of our people forget the purpose that God call us for.
It is so sad to see some of our leaders like DAVIDE ROMANO do such kind of thing.
Our work is to call all the people to be the disciple of JESUS CHRIST and to embrance the three angels’ message in Rev 14:6-12 to prepare the World for JESUS second return not to commune with BABYLON.
What message are we going to preach if we commune with them?
Let us call sin by it name.
Dear Brother Andy and Brothers and Sisters in Jesus, When do we call for God’s Tithe money to be withheld from the numerous Apostate storehouses we read and hear about all over the SDA World?
“By exercising your own judgment, giving where you see there is need in any line of the work, you are putting out your money to the exchangers. If you see in any locality that the truth is gaining a foothold, and there is no place of worship, then do something to meet the necessity … While it is not your property that you are handling, yet you are made responsible for its wise investment, for its use or abuse. God does not lay upon you the burden of asking the conference or any council if you shall use means entrusted to you by God as you shall see fit, to advance the work of God in destitute towns and cities, and impoverished localities. If the right plan had been followed, there would not have been so much means used in some localities and so little in other places where the banner of truth has not been raised. We are not to merge our individuality in any institution in our world. The high-handed power that has been developed, as though positions had made men gods, makes me afraid, and ought to cause fear. It is a curse wherever, and by whomsoever it is exercised. This lording it over God’s heritage will create such a disgust of man’s jurisdiction that a state of insubordination will result. The people are learning that men in high positions of responsibility cannot be trusted to mold and fashion other men’s minds and characters. The result will be a loss of confidence even in the management of faithful men. But the Lord will raise up laborers who realize their own nothingness without special help from God.” 1888 Materials, p. 1444.
With this intense of American presidential elections in Nov 2024, adding on top the most and favorable agenda of “Climate Change” Earth Sabbath, Our Mother Earth,
I am much convinced that the Left wing of Harris Kamala takes a bigger percentage to win so as to carry the Big Boss’s agenda .
Anyway, the Right wing – Trump’s side also carry a similar agenda-Project 2025/Heritage Foundation in terms of end result vision but may narrowly succeed also in this Nov.2024 elections.
All the current emerging crisises, converging at the same time, like labor pains to the woman in travails, only cries out to the times we are living in. While the nations are at war and threatening nuclear war, while the Christian nationalist are calling for a Protestant takeover of the government (Thus erecting an image to the beast) in order to impose a national Sunday law; while earth Sabbath global movement continues to gain ground and the bishop of Rome exalts himself as the leading figure in the fight against global warming and rallies the religio-ploitical world after him; in combinationwithworldwidedevastatingnaturalcatastrophies, the timing for the revelation of the public SDA Omega Apostacy is riped. The prophetic events continue to fulfill in its order and the overwhelming surprise is just ahead of us.
Are we going to wske-up in time to see what hour we live in? Are we going to passively standby to console ourselves saying it was written this things had to take place? Are we going to remain idle before the emergency?
The time for a true revival and reformation that leads to positive action and tangible results is NOW.