Deepavali is the same celebration more commonly known as Diwali, but it is simply called by a different name depending on what part of Asia you are in. The name Deepavali is generally used in South Asia, while Diwali is more commonly used in the North. But it is the same annual pagan religious festival celebrated by the Hindu, Sikh, Jain and Buddhist communities. It is also the most popular festival dedicated to Hindu mythology celebrated throughout the world.
The celebration of Deepavali is associated with Lord Krishna, a major Hindu god. During the Deepavali festival, which usually lasts about 5 days, worshipers commemorate Lord Krishna’s victory over the cruel demon known as Narakasura. It is said that this demon oppressed the people until the people prayed to Krishna, who responded by killing Narakasura during a battle. Therefore, Deepavali commemorates Krishna defeating Narakasura. [1]
Now we have Penang Adventist Hospital, one of our institutions, celebrating the pagan errors of Hinduism. On November 3, 2021, the management team of Penang Adventist Hospital posted a “Happy Deepavali” greeting to the Hindu community on their Facebook page (see post above). The message also called for the “divine light of Deepavali to fill every heart and home with peace and endless joy.” Why would Seventh-day Adventists promote the false religions of the East and publish these tributes to our members? Is the church a human, secular and ecumenical organization? If so, let us celebrate every pagan deity known to man. But if the church is a divine institution established by God, why are we promoting false gods on church-owned media sites?
Deepavali is celebrated by prayers and offerings to the gods in different temples. This is pagan worship in heathen temples. Christ has no part in this celebration; in fact, there is no place in Scripture that can harmonize heathenism with Christianity:
“And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” 2 Corinthians 6:15, 16.
There are no similarities between Hinduism and Christianity because the other gods do not exist. Christ is the only Saviour who destroys evil, dispels darkness and gives life. We do not need to use the Hindu tradition or any other false god to promote the gospel of Christ. Rather than focus on proclaiming God’s final warning message, we are introducing pagan errors to our members, thanks to our more than 60 years of involvement in the ecumenical movement.
It is Rome’s ecumenical movement that seeks to mix the different religions by looking for the so-called similarities between them. The Jesuits tell us that the traditions of Christianity and Hinduism “can bring light” and “hope in people’s lives.” [2] Thanks to the agents of ecumenism (Rome) found within Adventism, we can now celebrate “Happy Deepavali,” a pagan religious holiday. Rome is setting the stage for all the world’s religions to unite. Rather than promoting this agenda, we should proclaim God’s final warning message to the world and to our people, who are being led blindly into the final ecumenical apostasy.
“The Word of God plainly declares that His law is to be scorned, trampled upon, by the world; there will be an extraordinary prevalence of iniquity. The professed Protestant world will form a confederacy with the man of sin, and the church and the world will be in corrupt harmony … In this time of peril we can stand only as we have the truth and the power of God. Men can know the truth only by being themselves partakers of the divine nature. We have need now for more than human wisdom in reading and searching the Scriptures; and if we come to God’s Word with humble hearts, He will raise up a standard for us against the lawless element” (Selected Messages, Book, 2, pp. 367, 368).
Какая мерзость творится в адвентистских церквях, которые опустились до уровня идолопоклонства! Вот ссылка – это результат отступления от Истинного Бога – Творца всей вселенной.
Bonjour,mais où allons nous il faut se rappeler quand les Philistins ont ramener l’arche de Dieu dans leur temple en face de Dagon leur faux dieu,il se passa que le lendemain toutes les statues étaient brisés au sol,le divin ne peux s’accorder avec le profane,il faut se rendre à l’évidence que l’esprit de Dieu se retire de la terre inexorablement,et on verra des choses qui dépassent notre entendement.
Adventists started by celebrating Christmas, which they continue to do, so celebrating Diwali is just a natural progression. Until we wean ourselves off Christmas and stop justifying ourselves that we’re celebrating Christ’s birth, it’s not going to improve.
We have SDA institutions that celebrate lgbtqia, and join movements in protest against law enforcement doing their job; so this comes as no surprise at all! Pretty soon our institutions will be celebrating the newest letter in the lgbtqia lineup…’p’. I will leave this letter ‘p’ for you to investigate as to what it means. Disgusting!
As the Bible states: as in the days of Noah and as in the days of Lot…read the story of Lot and look up the words; men young old in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance. You too will see that ‘p’ is next in the lgbtqia agenda for normalization and acceptance.
My wife used to work there 1991 till 2002, they celebrated Christmas, Chinese New Year but she is not sure they celebrated Diwali but they are know to try to include everyone and appeal to everybody, nothing new it’s expected just as they no longer use the name Adventist on some schools and other health care. Jesus is coming soon and the some not all if leaders are blind or reject the SOP, this just shows us more Jesus is coming sooner than we think. Praise God for his soon coming.
My apologies for my avatar. I not not how to delete it or change it.
Our hospitals for the most part are a huge disappointment now, not entirely surprised by them celebrating the counterfeit Christ krishna & Hinduism
which is where vaccine science originated,
Guess they were already injecting people with bovine matter,
Hinduism really disturbs me. Having worked with hindus (they did very little whatsoever)
Their 5 tenets are like the complete opposite of Christianity….
St Thomas was cowardly attacked from behind, by one of their priests when he knelt down for morning worship.
Cannot think of anything pleasant to say about their religion except that some maybe vegetarian.
I am perpetually thought about this, appreciate it for posting.