Emmanuel Nougaise, from Amazing Word Ministry, has put out a video falsely claiming that he is the subject of a YouTube lawsuit. Attached at the end of this notice is the very first contact that I had with Emmanuel Nougaise from Amazing Word Ministries back on September 13, 2018. In this email, I requested that he give credit and attribution for the work that appears on AdventMessenger.org as a “Christian courtesy.” For his part, Emmanuel stated that he would and did so for a period of time. Regrettably, Emmanuel Nougaise has once again started taking our original work, sources, Bible citations, and references (entire postings) and is passing them off as his own work in his videos.
This is called plagiarism. Plagiarism is when you take someone’s work and pass it off as your own. When you take someone’s literary work and use it without permission and don’t give attribution or credit to the author, that is copyright infringement and theft of intellectual property, a violation of Caesar’s law. As Christians, we abide by Caesar’s law, especially when it doesn’t conflict with God’s law. And God’s law says, “Thou shalt not steal.” Plagiarism also violates YouTube’s policies, policies that Emmanuel Nougaise agreed to follow when he started the Amazing Word Ministry YouTube channel.
Emmanuel Nougaise agreed to YouTube’s “Terms of Service” but failed to follow them. That is the issue. Emmanuel isn’t the subject of any legal action, as he claims. That is false and deceptive. You can’t sue people on Youtube, that’s impossible. You can only ask YouTube to review whether their policies and “Terms of Service” are being violated or not. I did talk to Emmanuel as far back as 2018 about this situation, as you will see in the email below. Because this situation has been on-going, on and off, for about 4 years, here is what I did. I didn’t appeal to Caesar. No, not at all, even though Paul did do so in the book of Acts. When Paul was being mistreated by the Jews, he told the Roman Governor Festus, “I appeal to Caesar!” (Acts 25:11).
What I did was “appeal to Emmanuel,” as you will see in the email. But this situation wasn’t resolved between us, and because Emmanuel is in a contractual obligation with YouTube, I appealed to Emmanuel’s partner, YouTube. Emmanuel has partnered with YouTube and has pledged to obey their “Terms of Service”. You can’t have it both ways. In this instance, YouTube, looked into this matter and determined that Emmanuel wasn’t living up to his agreement to abide by their Terms of Service.
YouTube is not persecuting Emmanuel. They are asking him to take a class about plagiarism because YouTube confirmed that Amazing Word Ministry was plagiarizing our work and they “only” removed the videos that were in violation of their policies, policies that Emmanuel agreed to follow but failed to do so. So let’s be clear: Emmanuel’s failure to abide by YouTube’s Terms of Service, namely, plagiarism, is the issue. That’s the story, but he refuses to accept responsibility for any of his actions. Regrettably, he has fabricated a false narrative and is spreading misinformation.
No lawsuit has been filed against Emmanuel. He is not a victim. No one is persecuting him. No one is trying to stop him from sharing his message. That is a distraction to deflect attention from his own wrong choices. Plagiarism is the issue here; nothing else. We cannot engage in this kind of behavior and then claim that we are being persecuted for the truth. Let’s not make ourselves martyrs and call ourselves the victims of a lawsuit. Emmanuel simply needed to own up to his actions, take responsibility, do the right thing and move on. YouTube is still allowing him to continue to publish videos, as long as he doesn’t plagiarize. So there is no need for all his drama.
You know, it is very easy to take someone else’s work and, in 5 or 10 minutes, pass it off as your own in a video. What isn’t easy is actually taking the time to research a topic, verify the references, develop the story, look for sources, find all the documentation, and add biblical and Spirit of Prophecy statements. That isn’t easy. It would be wonderful if the content we publish suddenly appeared out of nowhere, allowing me to save all of the time and work that goes into developing some of the articles we post on AdventMessenger.org. But it doesn’t work that way. We have to put in the work; there are no shortcuts for us, and never will be.
Below is the email that I sent to Emmanuel back in 2018. And by the way, there are avenues to corroborate the authenticity of this email, which we are willing to submit to:
Sunday, September 23, 2018 at 11:35 PM
Dear Pastor Lagneau (Emmanuel) Nougaisse,
I pray all is well when receiving this message. My name is Elder Andy Roman and I work for New Life Mission in Okeene, OK as a staff writer. I also run my own web blog, AdventMessenger.org
I am writing this short message to inform you that someone forwarded a link to your website, Amazingwordministries.com and your YouTube and Facebook pages. We are not opposed to people using our copyrighted materials as long as they give us credit. I noticed that in your videos you extend Christian courtesy to the blogs Spectrum Magazine and Adventist Today by quoting them as sources in your presentations, but you fail to extend to us the same fair use.
To take the research someone else did and modify it a little and pass it off as your own work without giving proper credit is not ethical, Christian, or even legal.
I appeal to you in Christian courtesy that you either give New Life Mission, for whom I work, the same credit you give to others, Spectrum and Adventist Today, or remove the copyrighted information from all your web platforms.
I also appeal to your Christian conscience that you either give AdventMessenger.org credit for our copyrighted work on all your platforms, just like you provide screenshots of other blogs and quote them as sources, or cease to use our copyrighted materials.
As the author of those materials you are using, I believe that this simple request is fair, reasonable, and consistent with Christian courtesy.
Ignoring this request will not resolve this situation. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Elder Andy Roman
This is not good publicity for God’s remnant church. It’s bad enough that it is going on in the GC, but now among the independent ministries. God has given us a truth, one that is to be shared, not claimed as our own. It’s should be a privilege to share the truth to the credit of God who has revealed it. Remember our reward is in heaven.
100% agree
Mel, you are confusing two different and unrelated things. Giving publicity to the TRUTH of the 3 Angels’ Messages and 7th Day Sabbath and 10 Commandments, and the very words of JESUS CHRIST in the New Testament, IS ALL WONDERFUL and everyone should. Emmanuel by contrast, steals NEWS clippings, current events as reported by other people, ministries, and businesses, or NGO’S, etc and claiming it is HIS OWN is dishonest, and theft and misrepresentation. I totally agree with brother Andy Roman and associates.
I agree to your query my brother, am from Adventist Angels Watchman Radio, it’s better to give references for us to know who are the watchmen on the walls and standing for the Truth. We do use some materials from Advent Messenger but ensure linked to where full information is found. Do not stop working. As the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ compels us, let us write the vision and make it plain.
Ev. King Osiemo
Thank you. I just want the gospel be spread throughout the world. It’s so sad to see what is happening though, but then again Jesus is soon to return so the devil is extra busy. Continue spreading the gospel because time is short. Let God be the judge of man. You do you part and spread his word. Forget about what others do. Each of us will have to answer for out deeds. If you know you did no wrong, leave him be. He will have to answer to God. You just continue preaching the gospel to ensure it gets spread throughout the world
I hope you get this resolved.
I do like to watch to Bro. Nougaise, and believe he`s trying to do God`s work, best to his abilities…But lately have learned on a site which shall remain nameless, that he Emanuel has 2 wives..O_O . Is that true? 0_o..
I cannot verify that Emmanuel Nougaisse “has two wives at the same time” right now, but it is a totally TRUE statement that he has had a number of different wives and has switched from one to another without Biblical grounds. That is true. My source for that are videos on Pastor David House’s YT Chan: “SavingHealthMinistries” and I believe David.
Been watching Amazing Word on and off for awhile now this isn’t the first Controversy he’s had with other private present truth ministries,
(t’s becoming something of a habit)
Probably the best thing to do is just ignore it and he will eventually make an apology video,
That fact that He has copyed materials without crediting Advent Messenger is sad,
but it’s also highly complimentary,
The nature of the internet makes copy and pasting others work and passing it off as one’s own especially easy if what the person has written mirrors their own mindsets,
The work that Advent Messenger does is terrific and I’ve seen multiple times other ministries say look what Brother Roman had posted on Advent Messenger (ex Truth Triumphant & Saved To Serve)
I’m sure he could do similarly too,
Looking forward to this being over and a return to form of exposing The man of sin power and its many deceptions.
Excuse me sister but I have been listening to Pastor Emanuel and I am surprised that they say this because I did not know so help me by saying something. Is he a pastor? Why do some say it can’t be? And maybe it will be the first time you do this?
Sorry I’m not against it I just want to learn because I don’t want to follow fake people so help me with information please
Some of the comments here is missing something rather important as if to say just spread the gospel, no matter how you do it. For anyone who claims to represent present truth, the 3 Angel’s Messages, and violates over and over the Law of God, by lying, stealing, deceit, manipulation and other grievous sins, that person should at once get out of ministry. God does not use what Satan is the father of, to proclaim the Gospel. God uses men and women who are like Him in character, who “are” keeping His Commandments, not just mentioning them. Yet this man makes a ministry of exposing the sins and wrongs in the General Conference. Hypocrisy to the tenth power. When you dwell on filth, that’s taking place in the lives of others, that’s what you become. We clearly see Emmanuel’s actions reveal he is an unconverted man. Now some fans of his will say stop attacking him (which is not the case here), or words along those lines, but when he and others are giving what’s deemed “the strait testimony” exposing the sins of others, especially in the Organization, it’s OK. But the greatest want of the world is men who in their inmost souls are TRUE AND HONEST, men who DO NOT FEAR TO CALL SIN BY ITS RIGHT NAME, men whose CONSCIENCES ARE AS TRUE TO DUTY as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for THE RIGHT though the Heavens fall. Remember that statement in Education page 57? A constant liar and deceiver is an agent of Satan. To call yourself “Pastor” and you are outright sinning, this makes you nothing more than an agent of Satan, attempting to do God’s holy work. God isn’t so desperate for workers, that He chooses workers who has “GUILE IN THEIR MOUTHS.” Have we really lost sight of things?
I hear you, brother, and I appreciate your plain dealing with hypocrisy. After all, IT IS the straight testimony OF JESUS – HIS WORDS – that have been so slighted and rejected but contain the HOPE for us:
” Where the shepherds are not faithful, God will take charge of the flock, Himself.” —
Brother Andy, I am sorry you have had this to deal with this” nightmare.” Thank you for your explanation. It is very clear.
Thank you Teresa Hurd, I agree with you, 100% that Brother Andy Roman has done a good job, in the Spirit of JESUS, to try to rectify this rediculous wrong that Emmanuel Nougaisse has done him. I believe that if our LORD JESUS Himself were in the position of Andy Roman, he would be saying the exact same thing that Andy did.
He does take other peoples work without giving credit.