While the Supreme Court of the United States is about to decide whether or not businesses can force people to work on Sundays, Poland is asking its highest court to order businesses to remain closed on Sunday. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Roman Catholic Church and trade unions, Poland passed a Sunday trading ban back in 2018, but certain businesses have found creative ways to remain open. Now the Supreme Court has been asked to force all shops to comply with the Sunday law. On April 19, 2023, the news media reported the following:
“Poland’s justice minister Zbigniew Ziobro has turned to the Supreme Court in an effort to prevent shops from evading a ban on Sunday trading by offering reading clubs, travel services or equipment rental to exploit exemptions in the law. The trading ban, which was introduced in 2018 by the government after being advocated by the Solidarity trade union and Catholic church, obliges shops to close on all but seven Sundays a year. However, it included a number of exemptions allowing certain types of businesses to remain open. That has led many shops to find creative ways to stay open on Sundays.” [1]
Rome is backing these Sunday laws worldwide. Protestants, trade unions, community organizations, governments, and environmental groups are following Rome’s lead to secure Sunday as a day of rest. Laws to preserve the sacredness of Sunday are being debated as we speak. These measures will compel all men and women to close everything down on the first day of the week, even though God’s commandments say “the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God” (Exodus 20:10). Those aware of the long history of Sunday laws, starting in 321 A.D., know that these movements happening across the world today are bringing us one step closer toward enforcing Rome’s religion.
This Sunday movement will only continue to grow as more and more nations adopt these radical Sunday measures. The Biblical predictions found in Revelation 13 and 17 are coming to life before our very eyes. Rome is busy fulfilling her role by compelling all classes to observe her institutions. And what are the secular governments doing? They are lining up behind her. Let also the commandment-keeping people rise up to the challenge and accomplish their divinely appointed duty:
“The people of our land need to be aroused to resist the advances of this most dangerous foe to civil and religious liberty.” (Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. 4, p. 382).
“It is our duty to do all in our power to avert the threatened danger” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 452).
As is well known the fall of communism in the Easter Europe started in Poland and extended to Balkan regions.
Could it be that the enforcing of
Sunday Law in Poland, supported by both Biblical
Beasts, become a warning sign for the rest of the world?
Regardless, we should be alert to current signs, yet firm in our hope and salvation.
The prophetic pendulum is moving from East to West and all the European governments are church state union in the EU MODEL of government. Inorder for Sunday law to be legistlated in the US Congress constitution must be changed inorder for the state to have a say in church affairs. Croatia , Poland, and other Eastern European countries are hastening their moves to enforce Sunday as the day of rest.But the spirit of prophecy clearly indicates that United States of America will be the nation to enforce the mark of the beast and the rest of the world will follow suit.It’s the U.S government that has only the separation of church and state unlike the European governments which are mostly catholic dominated governments ..U.S Government is a protestant nation since the founding fathers (pilgrims) landed on the shores of America to establish a nation without a king or church without a pope ,but these foundation cornerstones have changed very rapidly for the last 200 years the Jesuits have infiltrated every sector in the government even REPUBLICAN and DEMOCRATIC parties are funded by the Jesuits, this event of passing sunday as the day of worship in the United states and finally the whole world will catapult the end of world affairs and hasten the second coming of Jesus Christ and final destiny will be decided whether to eternity or being lost forever.
The prophetic pendulum is moving from East to West and all the European governments are church state union in the EU MODEL of government. Inorder for Sunday law to be legistlated in the US Congress constitution must be changed inorder for the state to have a say in church affairs. Croatia , Poland, and other Eastern European countries are hastening their moves to enforce Sunday as the day of rest.But the spirit of prophecy clearly indicates that United States of America will be the nation to enforce the mark of the beast and the rest of the world will follow suit.It’s the U.S government that has only the separation of church and state unlike the European governments which are mostly catholic dominated governments ..U.S Government is a protestant nation since the founding fathers (pilgrims) landed on the shores of America to establish a nation without a king or church without a pope ,but these foundation cornerstones of these principles have changed very rapidly for the last 200 years the Jesuits have infiltrated every sector in the government even REPUBLICAN and DEMOCRATIC parties are funded by the Jesuits, this event of passing sunday as the day of worship in the United states and finally the whole world will catapult the end of world affairs and hasten the second coming of Jesus Christ and final destiny will be decided whether to eternity or being lost forever.