If we believe in the Bible, creating our own Sabbath would contradict the clear authority of God’s word, as it is not within human power to change what God has already established. The biblical mandate over holy time would be disregarded if we tried to select a different day for rest and worship. Yet too often, this is the very thing that people think they can somehow do.
Emily Lowe is a former political operative who worked 25 years promoting Democratic candidates, and now she is a certified stress-management coach. She uses what she calls “science-backed strategies to combat burnout and long-term health risks.” [1]
On January 5, 2025, Elimy Lowe published the following:
• “Creating your own Sabbath—Creating space for intention and pause in your week can take any form that works for you. It doesn’t have to be a Sunday. Maybe you prefer a Pizza and Movie night on Friday or a Family Game Night on Saturday. You might spend your day signed out of email, turning off your cell phone, or putting it on Do Not Disturb for 24 hours. Spending time in nature or in meditation, journaling, reading, creating, going for a long walk or run, doing a puzzle, or listening to a Sabbath-specific playlist could all be in your rotation.” [2]
• “The Sabbath you design should a) revolve around activities that foster connection with those you love and b) offer time to reflect on your life’s meaning. It doesn’t have to look the same from week to week and can be observed wherever you choose to perform it … I created and observed a Sabbath without realizing it.” [2]
It is virtually impossible for people to create their own Sabbath day because the Sabbath, as outlined in Scripture, is not a human invention but a divine institution established by God Himself. In Genesis 2:2-3, God rested on the seventh day, blessed it, and set it apart as holy, and in Exodus 20:8-11, He explicitly commands His people to observe it.
The authority to define holy time belongs solely to the Creator, who determined the rhythm of work and rest for all of us. Any attempt by humans to designate an alternative Sabbath disregards God’s authority and wisdom, elevating human tradition above divine commandment. Such efforts cannot achieve true spiritual rest, blessing, or sanctification because only God can determine what constitutes true worship. It is not just an act of rebellion but also foolish to ignore the eternal significance and purpose of God’s holy rest day—the seventh-day Sabbath.
If we elevate man-made reasoning above the word of God, we set ourselves to be bitterly disappointed during the final crisis. What do you think will happen if a law is passed requiring us to observe Sunday as a holy day if it is true that the Sabbath is irrelevant and that you are free to choose when to rest? If it doesn’t matter, then we will surely embrace the mark of the beast when it is imposed in order to avoid the unfavorable consequences that will follow.
Biblical truth matters because it is the foundation of our faith and reveals God’s will for our lives. As the Creator, God has established His commandments as unchanging standards of righteousness, guiding us in how to live in relationship with Him and others. Scripture makes it clear that we cannot make up our own rules or alter what God has decreed. Proverbs 30:5-6 warns us not to add to His words. God expects us to be faithful to His commandments, which serves as a reflection of our love and devotion to Him (John 14:15).
[1] https://emilylowe.substack.com/
[2] https://emilylowe.substack.com/p/if-its-sunday-its?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Whenever man sets up his standards & directly oppose God’s standards, then a big conflict occurs which automatically lack God’s blessings but rather blessings from the evil one(Satan) whom from the beginning opposed God’s ideas and was thrown out from heaven.
Only God can give you rest.