On June 15, 2024, Pope Francis met with the CEOs of major banks and corporations at the Vatican during a papal audience. The Pope met with these leaders because he believes they possess significant power and influence over “international public policies.” The Pope expressed to the CEOs that governments are moving too slowly in passing laws to safeguard the environment; consequently, he urged the big businesses and financial institutions to “place the environment and the earth at the center of your attention and responsibility” and to push for advancements and innovations aimed at protecting our “common home.”
Pope Francis addressed the following to the heads of the major banks and corporations:
• “It is with pleasure that I welcome you, the CEOs and employees of major corporations and banks.” [1]
• “Large companies are players in the dynamics of international relations. You therefore find yourselves making decisions that have an impact on thousands and thousands of workers and investors, and increasingly on a global scale. Economic power is intertwined with political power. Large corporations, in fact, in addition to consumption, savings and production choices, also condition the fate of governments, national and international public policies, and the sustainability of development.” [1]
• “I invite you to place the environment and the earth at the center of your attention and responsibility. We are in a time of serious environmental crisis, which depends on many actors and factors, including the economic and business choices of yesterday and today. It is no longer enough to comply with the laws of states, which proceed too slowly: we need to innovate by anticipating the future, with courageous and far-sighted choices that can be imitated. The innovation of the entrepreneur today must first and foremost be innovation in caring for the common home.” [1]
Pope Francis is not waiting for legislatures to enact the laws that he believes should be passed. The Pope is making an appeal to people who he thinks have the ability to assist in bringing about the changes he wishes to see in the world. The Pope will move forward regardless of whether political leaders hesitate to act. It is clear that Pope Francis is fighting to transform the world to reflect the principles of his climate message, as found in Laudato Si’ and Laudate Deum.
The Pope of Rome is fully engaged in his mission to interconnect the world with his moral imperative to protect the environment. He is completely focused on inspiring global action, appealing to faith communities, political powers, banks, and corporations to foster a collective response by transforming our entire world systems. This is a call to all people in positions of power to rethink and reshape the global economy in a way that is more sustainable, inclusive, and consistent with Roman Catholic social teaching.
“The agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones” (Testimonies, Vol. 9 p. 11).
“The scenes to be enacted in our world are not yet even dreamed of. Satan is at work through human agencies. Those who are making an effort to change the Constitution and secure a law enforcing Sunday observance little realize what will be the result. A crisis is just upon us” (Testimonies, Vol. 5 p. 753).
[1] https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2024/06/15/240615a.html
We are so near. Lord we need more power to finish the work in these final minutes of prophetic time.
In this article we learn that according to the Pope, international organizations determine the fate of nations, so our votes are meaningless.
The Papacy is flexing its muscles. The politicians will come into line because prophecy tells us in Revelation 13:4, “And they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?”
Yes, the nations are moving slowly, allowing God’s people to complete their work. The following advice is especially relevant to us today.
“You who claim to believe the truth, to be waiting for the appearing of our Lord in the clouds of heaven, waiting to be translated to the mansions Christ has given his life to purchase, how much, I ask, do you love his appearing? How much do you value eternal above temporal things?—Just as much as your works show, and no more. Brethren and sisters, “the night is far spent, the day is at hand.” I call upon you to awake out of sleep. Let every church arouse and put away their pride and vanity and worldliness …. To us as a people God has committed great and solemn truths, not merely to be enjoyed by ourselves, but to be given to others. The banner of truth must be unfurled in every nation. The message of warning must be proclaimed to every tongue and people.” RH December 7, 1886.