“Rome is aiming to re-establish her power, to recover her lost supremacy” (Great Controversy, p. 581).
Pope Francis arrived in Hungary on April 28, 2023, for an apostolic visit to the nation. During a welcome ceremony, the Pope met with the president, the prime minister, and other political authorities at the Sándor Palace. In his official address to the nation, Pope Francis urged Hungarians and the European community to come together as one, to use Christianity as a “bridge builder,” and to end divisions. The Vatican’s Holy Press Office reported the following:
“At this historical juncture, Europe is crucial, for thanks to its history, it represents the memory of humanity; in this sense, it is called to take up its proper role, which is to unite those far apart.” [1]
“It is vital, then, to recover the European spirit: the excitement and vision of its founders, who were statesmen able to look beyond their own times, beyond national boundaries and immediate needs, and to generate forms of diplomacy capable of pursuing unity, not aggravating divisions.” [1]
“The most famous bridge in Budapest, the chain bridge, helps us to envision that kind of Europe, since it is composed of many great and diverse links that derive their solidity and strength from being joined together. In this regard, the Christian faith can be a resource, and Hungary can act as a “bridge builder” by drawing upon its specific ecumenical character.” [1]
“Naturally, we think of Saint Stephen, the first King of Hungary, who lived at a time when Europe’s Christians were in full communion.” [1]
“Those who profess themselves Christian, in the company of the witnesses of faith, are called to bear witness to and to join forces with everyone in cultivating a humanism inspired by the Gospel and moving along two fundamental tracks: acknowledging ourselves to be beloved children of the Father and loving one another as brothers and sisters.” [1]
“It is urgent then, as Europe, to work for secure and legal corridors and established processes for meeting an epochal challenge that is ineluctable and needs to be acknowledged, in order to prepare a future that, unless it is shared, will not exist.” [1]
"Europe is crucial because it represents the memory of humanity, and it must take up its proper role to unite those far apart."
Pope Francis offers a call for Europe to return to its roots, as he speaks to the civil authorities of Hungary on Friday.#PopeInHungary
— Vatican News (@VaticanNews) April 28, 2023
Pope Francis was seen here asserting his authority and calling for the creation of “legal corridors” to “establish processes” that will unify European society, including governments. The Pope offered Saint Stephen, a Catholic King who was in full communion with Rome, as an example of his desire to see Europe return to its Christian roots. Francis is attempting to advance a religious agenda through political channels. He wants to see the nations of Europe align themselves with his beliefs.
It is so obvious what we are seeing here. Pope Francis is urging church and state to collaborate in order to impact and change our societies. This is a dangerous course that will lead to disastrous results such as the loss of religious freedoms, the corruption of the church, and the undermining of our civil rights. The Pope is once again inserting himself into political matters, seeking political power, and causing the world to become intoxicated with the wine of Babylon.
In medieval Europe, for example, the Pope had significant authority over the monarchs and rulers of various countries, and the Church played a central role in dictating political and religious policies. This led to persecution for those who refused to obey Rome’s doctrines. During the Middle Ages, there was a close relationship between the church and the state, with the Pope often acting as a political as well as a spiritual leader. Is this what Pope Francis is seeking to restore once more? Are these the roots that the Pope is calling Europe to embrace?
One thing is certain: When the deadly wound is fully healed, Revelation 13 describes the revival of the church-state model once again. Satan will use a corrupt church-state power to deceive the masses. Prophecy describes two powers, church and state, being used in the final attempt to destroy God’s truth and His faithful people.
“And all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” Revelation 13:3, 4.
Here is the false worship that will exist in the last days. The world and its leaders are “wondering” after a false system of religion. The world is being Romanized. The views of Rome are being sought out by the world for implementation. The moment is ripe for the establishment of the Papal New World Order after the ancient Holy Roman Empire.
[1] https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2023/04/28/230428d.html
This is what many Protestants are calling for in the US. They want us to return to our Christian roots.
“Romanism in the Old World and apostate Protestantism in the New will pursue a similar course toward those who honor all the divine precepts.” {GC 615.2}
“These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.“ Revelation 17:13.
We live in a time when society is so willing and eager to comply with Rome’s requests. This means prophecy will be fulfilled.
We are living in momentous and endtimes period of fulfillment of bible prophecy and Rome is determined to take control of the world by having leaders of political and religious realm under her banner the deadly wound is now being completely healed.