Vatican News released a statement from Pope Francis on February 13, 2024. The statement was written in the introduction to a book that Roman Catholic author and journalist Austen Ivereigh had written. In it, the Pope outlined what he called the two most pressing issues facing the world. The first, according to the Pope, has to do with our common home. This highlights the need for an ecological conversion and the connection between humans and the environment, and it is related to Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’. The second has to do with the Catholicization of America through a well-planned invasion of Roman Catholics through mass migration.
The Pope’s statement that Vatican News published is as follows:
• “As Pope, I have wanted to encourage our belonging ‘first’ to God, and then to creation and to our fellow human beings, especially to those who cry out to us. This is why I have wanted to keep in view the two great crises of our age: the deterioration of our common home and the mass migration and displacement of people. Both are symptoms of the ‘crisis of non-belonging’ described in these pages. For the same reason I have wanted to encourage the Church to rediscover the gift of its own tradition of synodality, for when it opens to the Spirit that speaks in the People of God, the whole Church gets up and walks ahead, praising God and helping to bring about his Kingdom.” [1]
Pope Francis has called on people to welcome and stand in solidarity with migrants and refugees in a number of speeches over the years. He has also called on governments and communities to break down the barriers and remove the restrictions on the movement of people between borders. This has prophetic implications because the Bible states:
“And the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.” Daniel 11:40.
This passage speaks of invasion, of overflow, and of passing over into the territories of another country. Many Seventh-day Adventists interpret the King of the North as applying to the papacy. If true, then her armies will be invading certain key nations during the last days in an effort to help set the stage for Rome’s final conquest.
Record numbers of people are coming into the United States through the southern border. It is a Catholic procession coming from heavily Roman Catholic countries in Latin America. Most importantly, and quite possibly prophetically, this migrant invasion has the support and sympathy of Pope Francis.
Pope Francis also claims that the deterioration of our “common home” is the other greatest crisis of our time. What, then, is his solution for the common home? Well, the Pope wrote an entire encyclical titled “Laudato Si’ of the Holy Father On Care for Our Common Home.” [2] The words “common home” are part of the official title of the Laudato Si’ document, indicating that his encyclical is the answer.
Furthermore, Pope Francis’ climate encyclical does not just show concern for the environment; it is a call to take concrete steps and urge the world to undergo a “global ecological conversion” (Laudato Si’ #5). Along with calling for the adoption of Sunday as the day of rest (Laudato Si’ #237), Laudato Si’ also calls for the establishment of a single “world political authority” with the power to impose changes (Laudato Si’ #175).
The truth is that Pope Francis is gravely misinformed. The biggest crisis facing our world is not immigration or sustainability. He is the biggest problem. The union of church and state will bring about the greatest crisis. Our greatest threats are papal supremacy and the globalism of the New World Order that the Pope is trying to establish. This is what inspiration reveals to be the “most dangerous foe” in the world today:
“Men are closing their eyes to the real character of Romanism, and the dangers to be apprehended from her supremacy. The people need to be aroused to resist the advances of this most dangerous foe to civil and religious liberty” (Great Controversy, p. 566).
We know that for every truth found in Scripture, Satan has fabricated a counterfeit to counter it. We also know that Satan introduces his counterfeits just prior to, and along side of, the genuine article. With that in mind, consider the Three Angel’s Messages.
The first angel’s message is a call to fear God, give glory to Him and worship the Creator because the time of His judgment has come.
Laudato Si is a call to fear the wrath of Mother Earth, give glory to the church and worship creation because the time of her judgment has come. This language is all in the document. It is a form of Pantheism. Specifically, the idea we worship God through his creation. It is a counterfeit of the First Angel’s Message.
The second angel’s message is a declaration that Babylon is fallen, is fallen.
Laudate Deum, the Pope’s second encyclical, is in entirety an assertion that human institutions have fallen. Again, that is the language used. This is a counterfeit of the Second Angel’s message.
Both encyclicals have been reported by Vatican and other international news sources as being the Pope’s “loud call” and “loud shout” to “all peoples” of “the entire world”. This is a counterfeit of the “loud voice” of the Three Angel’s Messages given to “every nation, kindred, tongue and people”.
My friends, the next encyclical will be a counterfeit third angel’s message. The mark of the beast is next.
And if that blows your mind, you should know that the “Image of the Beast” aka America, has ALSO released its worldwide counterfeit 1st and 2nd angel’s message through Speaker Mike Johnson via a video call on the World Prayer Network. “This Nation is entering a time of God’s judgment” “we need to turn to Him, we need a revival” “The faith in our institutions is as low as it’s ever been in the history of our nation”. And then he identifies “declining national church attendance” as the problem. Yeah this is happening. Mark of the Beast is next.
The Union of Church and State has been the greatest foe of the true church of christ since the days of Emperor Constatine converted paganism into false christianity and embraced traditions in contrast to the plain truth of the word of God . The Vulnerable day of the Sun (Natalis Solis Invictis) was celebrated throught the Roman Empire as the day of Sun Worship which started in Persia as worship of Mithraism. On March 7, 321 A.D Constatine passed into the law the day of vulnerable of the Sun to be worshipped by all christians and Pagans thorought the empire he collaborated with Pope Sylevester I and thus Sunday became the official day of worship . The true sabbath of the Lord (Seventh day saturday ) was trampled down . From that moment the Son of perdition (THE MAN OF SIN) was manifested as the Apostle Paul had predicted in the book of 2 Thessalonians 2:4. On the year 364 A.D Roman Catholic Church officially declared that the solemnity of the seventh day sabbath has been transffered from Saturday to the first day of the week Sunday. This act of changing the fourth commandment of decalogue fulfilled what God had prophesied through his servant Daniel the Prophet in the book of Daniel 7 ;25 and he shall think to change times and the law. Today , the whole christian world worships Sunday in reverance to the Holy Roman Catholic Church instead of True Creator of heavens and earth who created the world and rested on the seventh day and he gave his sabbaths as his sign between him and his people . Now the current Roman pontiff is making big efforts to convert the whole world to embrace ecological conversion of mother earth and later to coarce all the world governments to embrace the Laudato si agenda inorder to have SUNDAY as the day of Worship. In the last days as we approach to the closing scenes of the earth’s history the whole world will be diviided into two camps . The true sabbath keepers and the sabbath breakers who will worship on the first day of the week. Now this is the biggest test that will come very soon to the world . ”Which side shall we choose ? May God help us to make the right decision , and God forbid us not to chose the wrong side of history AMEN.
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matthew 7:15
He has summed up Catholicism and there is nothing biblical in his message.
The following quote is from the book FACTS OF FAITH by Christian Edwardson, Southern Publishing Association 1942
Pg. 205
We shall here refer to one other similar denial. In the Roman Catholic paper, Shepherd of the Valley, there appeared an article by the editor, in which he stated: “If Catholics ever attain, which they surely will, though at a distant day, the immense numerical majority in the United States, religious liberty, as at present understood, will be at an end.” A Protestant lecturer, who made use of this quotation, was bitterly arraigned in a double-column front-page article in the Catholic Standard and Times for his false statements regarding Catholics; for, it pointed out, if he had finished the quotation with the words which followed, “so say our enemies,” it would have reversed its meaning. The incident would have passed off at the expense of the Protestant lecturer, had not the Western Watchman of July 24, 1913, continued the quotation still further, declaring:
“The whole quotation should read: ‘If Catholics ever attain, which they surely will, though at a distant day, the immense numerical majority in the United States, religious liberty, as at present understood, will be at an end. So say our enemies; so say we.’ “- Quoted in “Protestant Magazine,” October, 1913, p. 474. Why those who tried to deny their former statements should leave out the words, “so say we,” is very evident. But what can we think of those who publicly deny facts to screen their church from unfavorable public opinions, unless they act from the motive that “the end justifies the means,” and that “heretics” have no moral right to facts which they would misuse.