On October 24, 2024, the Vatican published Pope Francis’ latest encyclical Dilexit Nos which explores the concept of love, both human and divine, through the symbolism of the Heart of Jesus. The Pope’s latest encyclical appears to urge the world toward unity by emphasizing a superficial form of love that overlooks the foundational truths of the Christian faith. While promoting values like fraternity, solidarity, peace, tolerance, and social harmony, the document prioritizes emotional and collective togetherness over the deeper, biblical principles that define genuine love—principles rooted in truth and obedience to God.
By downplaying essential Christian truths, this encyclical encourages a fast-tracked, surface-level global unity that aligns more with Catholic traditions than the transformative power of authentic Christian love grounded in biblical truth. At first glance, the encyclical seems to be a new subject, but in reality it is only an affirmation of Fratelli Tutti and Laudato Si’. Pope Francis says that Dilexit Nos is a continuation of his previous encyclicals:
• “217. The present document can help us see that the teaching of the social EncyclicalsLaudato Si’ and Fratelli Tuttiis not unrelated to our encounter with the love of Jesus Christ. For it is by drinking of that same love that we become capable of forging bonds of fraternity, of recognizing the dignity of each human being, and of working together to care for our common home.” [1]
The Holy Eucharist
Delixit Nos also seeks to deepen people’s devotions to traditional Catholic doctrines such as the Holy Eucharist. The new encyclical emphasizes the love of Christ through the symbolism of His sacred heart, which, according to Pope Francis, can only be found in the Sunday Eucharist.
• “26. It was in the Eucharist that Newman encountered the living heart of Jesus, capable of setting us free, giving meaning to each moment of our lives, and bestowing true peace: O most Sacred, most loving Heart of Jesus, Thou art concealed in the Holy Eucharist.” [1]
• “57. Whereas the Eucharist is a real presence to be worshiped, sacred images, albeit blessed, point beyond themselves, inviting us to lift up our hearts and to unite them to the heart of the living Christ.” [1]
• 63. The Stations of the Cross, devotion to Christ’s wounds, his Precious Blood and his Sacred Heart, and a variety of Eucharist devotions… all bridged the gaps in theology by nourishing our hearts and imagination, our tender love for Christ, our hope and memory, our desires and feelings.” [1]
• “84. in the Eucharist the merciful and ever-present love of the heart of Christ invites us to union with him.” [1]
• “84. Amid the frenetic pace of today’s world and our obsession with free time, consumption and diversion, cell phones and social media, we forget to nourish our lives with the strength of the Eucharist.” [1]
• 85. While no one should feel obliged to spend an hour in adoration each Thursday, the practice ought surely to be recommended. When we carry it out with devotion, in union with many of our brothers and sisters and discover in the Eucharist the immense love of the heart of Christ, we “adore, together with the Church, the sign and manifestation of the divine love that went so far as to love, through the heart of the incarnate Word, the human race”. [1]
Love is Above Law and Scriptures
Pope Francis is seeking to shape the world by embracing a type of “love” that supersedes God’s law and the Holy Scriptures. This is how you get people to abandon their faith by only focusing on a superficial form of love that is devoid of truth and substance.
• “21. Everything finds its unity in the heart, which can be the dwelling-place of love in all its spiritual, psychic and even physical dimensions. In a word, if love reigns in our heart, we become, in a complete and luminous way, the persons we are meant to be, for every human being is created above all else for love. In the deepest fibre of our being, we were made to love and to be loved.” [1]
• “43. Although the Scriptures preserve Jesus’ words, ever alive and timely, there are moments when he speaks to us inwardly, calls us and leads us to a better place. That better place is his heart.” [1]
• “177. Saint Bernard, in exhorting us to union with the heart of Christ, draws upon the richness of this devotion to call for a conversion grounded in love. Bernard believed that our affections, enslaved by pleasures, may nonetheless be transformed and set free, not by blind obedience to a commandment but rather in response to the delectable love of Christ.” [1]
The Pope’s new encyclical, “Dilexit Nos,” is a fulfillment of prophecy, which warns us that a false “love” would be pushed on society that will neutralize the truth of God’s word:
“Love is dwelt upon as the chief attribute of God, but it is degraded to a weak sentimentalism making little distinction between good and evil. God’s justice, his denunciations of sin, the requirements of his holy law, are all kept out of sight. The people are taught to regard the decalogue as a dead letter. Pleasing, bewitching fables captivate the senses, and lead men to reject the Bible as the foundation of their faith. Christ is as verily denied as before; but Satan has so blinded the eyes of the people that the deception is not discerned” (Great Controversy, p. 558).
Human Fraternity
According to the Pope’s message, if we possess this “love,” we will be linked to Christ and His heart, and in the end, we will be united with Rome through fraternity and solidarity.
• “163. In the fruits of service, fraternity and mission that the heart of Christ inspires in our lives, the will of the Father is fulfilled.” [1]
• “190. A heart capable of compunction will grow in fraternity and solidarity. Otherwise, we regress and grow old within, whereas when our prayer becomes simpler and deeper, grounded in adoration and wonder in the presence of God, we grow and mature.” [1]
• “206. Through the witness of Christians, love will be poured into human hearts, to build up the body of Christ which is the Church, and to build a society of justice, peace and fraternity.” [1]
• “17. At the same time, the heart makes all authentic bonding possible, since a relationship not shaped by the heart is incapable of overcoming the fragmentation caused by individualism … A society dominated by narcissism and self-centredness will increasingly become “heartless”. This will lead in turn to the “loss of desire”, since as other persons disappear from the horizon we find ourselves trapped within walls of our own making, no longer capable of healthy relationships. As a result, we also become incapable of openness to God.” [1]
• “18. We see, then, that in the heart of each person there is a mysterious connection between self-knowledge and openness to others, between the encounter with one’s personal uniqueness and the willingness to give oneself to others. We become ourselves only to the extent that we acquire the ability to acknowledge others, while only those who can acknowledge and accept themselves are then able to encounter others.” [1]
• “28. It is only by starting from the heart that our communities will succeed in uniting and reconciling differing minds and wills, so that the Spirit can guide us in unity as brothers and sisters. Reconciliation and peace are also born of the heart.” [1]
A so-called love that leads us into error, heresy, and Rome is a dangerous counterfeit and a deceptive imitation of God’s true love. While it may appear compassionate, this false love distorts and corrupts all of God’s truth. True love, as defined by Scripture, is inseparable from truth and righteousness—it seeks what is holy, just, and in line with God’s commands.
“If ye love me, keep my commandments.” John 14:15.
“For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.” 1 John 5:3.
“If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.” John 15:10.
“And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.” 2 John 1:6.
“Therefore thou shalt love the Lord thy God, and keep his charge, and his statutes, and his judgments, and his commandments, alway.” Deuteronomy 11:1.
Satan’s counterfeit love, however, prioritizes feelings over truth and embraces beliefs or behaviors that contradict the Word of God, such as the Sunday Eucharist, idol worship, papal supremacy, and the role of tradition. Focusing solely on love and the heart in a religious experience while ignoring biblical truth is spiritually dangerous because it leads to a distorted understanding of God’s will.
While love is a central theme in Christianity, Bible truth provides the framework for understanding what love truly means. Ignoring divine revelation will result in an understanding of “love” that contradicts Scripture, leading people away from core repentance, obedience, holiness, and the acknowledgment of sin. Only when we have a balanced view of “love” can we prevent emotionalism from overshadowing the full counsel of God as revealed in the Bible.
[1] https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2024/10/24/241024b.html
I have seen the results of these fanciful views of God in apostasy, spiritualism, free-lovism. The free-love tendencies of these teachings were so concealed that it was difficult to present them in their real character. Until the Lord presented it to me I knew not what to call it, but I was instructed to call it unholy spiritual love. 21MR 172.3 I am warned that we are not to talk of God as He is spoken of in Living Temple. The sentiments there expressed are a dishonor to His greatness and His majesty. God forbid that our ministers should entertain these ideas. For myself, I take my stand firmly against them. And I entreat you to accept the message that I bear to you. I ask you to arouse to your danger. Who by searching can find out God? 21MR 172.4 The theory that He is an essence, pervading everything, is one of Satan’s most subtle devices. I warn you to beware of being led to accept theories leading to any such view. I tell you, my brother, that the most spiritual-minded Christians are liable to be deceived by these beautiful, seducing, flattering theories. But in the place of honoring God, these theories, in the minds of those who receive them, bring Him down to a low level, where He is nothingness. 21MR 172.5 We have a compassionate God, but He will not be trifled with. He will not be dishonored, and make no sign. May the danger into which some of our teachers have fallen lead them to guard their feet carefully, that they shall not wander again upon Satan’s ground. Let them walk humbly with God. 21MR 172.6 It is those who have had the most light that Satan seeks the most assiduously to ensnare. He knows that if he can deceive them, they can, under his control, clothe sin with the garments of righteousness, and lead many astray. God grant that our teachers may see and understand this, their great danger, and that they may recover themselves from the snare of Satan, and put forth redoubled efforts to save others who are exposed. 21MR 172.7 My brother, do not try to reason in regard to the errors that the enemy presents. If you will receive the testimony of the Lord, reading His Word with a teachable heart, and refusing to put Scripture on the side of error to maintain falsehood, you will believe that I speak the truth, as a messenger of God. But if you allow the author of error to get between you and the Word, your mind will bear his impress. 21MR 173.1 If you will believe the message that I bear you, you will see your danger. You can then put on the gospel shoes and walk in the pathway of truth, following the true Shepherd, who knows His sheep by name and calls them to follow Him. 21MR 173.2 There is a strain of spiritualism coming in among our people, and it will undermine the faith of those who give place to it, leading them to give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. I have seen the arch-deceiver tempting several of our ministers, teachers, and medical workers, presenting fanciful theories to them in a most subtle and charming manner, to wean their affection from those whom they should love and cherish. He shows them charming pictures of women whom they have found congenial, suggesting that in the future life they will be united to the one who is so congenial and whom they will ever love throughout the ages of eternity. 21MR 173.3 My message to our teachers is, If you hold such views you need to be taught the first principles of the truth. You need to stand where you know that you are not departing from the faith and giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. When you break the spell that is upon you, and become teachable, you will escape from Satan’s snare. Through humility and reconversion you will again be adopted into the family of God. 21MR 173.4 To all who are thus tempted I would say, I want to see you standing free before God. I want to see you sound in the faith, holding the beginning of your confidence firm unto the end. Leave every false issue alone. We cannot do our seed-sowing too carefully, for we are sowing for eternity.—Letter 230, 1903. 21MR 173.5 Ellen G. White Estate Silver Spring, Maryland, December 13, 1990. Entire Letter. MR No. 1535—Warning Against J. H. Kellogg and His Book, The Living Temple 21MR 174 (Written August 1, 1904, from Takoma Park, Washington, D.C., to Brethren Paulson, Sadler, Jones, and Waggoner. Portions of this manuscript appear in Through Crisis to Victory, Selected Messages, book 2, and various Manuscript Releases.) In the night season I seemed to be in a large company, speaking plainly and decidedly under the inspiration of the Spirit of God. I presented the true outcome of the present controversy over the medical work. I told those present that had they heeded the testimonies sent them, the many young people now in Battle Creek would not have come under the subtle influence of the education they have there received. 21MR 174.1 One not known to those present stepped forward, and in a clear, distinct voice said, “Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is” [Ephesians 5:14-17]. 21MR 174.2 Many other words were spoken. Before us were Dr. Paulson and Brother Sadler. The Speaker took the hand first of one and then of another, and said, “You are beloved of God, but you have not been making straight paths for your feet. Follow Me. The one to whom you have yielded respect has refused to accept and follow the counsel of God, and has allowed himself to be influenced by seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. The end you cannot possibly imagine. 21MR 174.3 “Heed the words given to the apostle for the benefit of the church: [Colossians 2:6-10, quoted]. You have given honor to a finite man. Once and again God has honored this man, but he will not heed My word. He has despised Me in the person of My saints. 21MR 174.4 “You are not to honor any man unless his works testify that God honors him, and that he is under the Lord’s keeping power. You have unmistakable evidence that one amongst you, whom in the past I have greatly honored, has greatly dishonored Me, and has made decided efforts to glorify himself. With legal bonds he has bound up the interests of My cause. These bonds must be broken, and you must use your influence to see that they are broken. My work is not to be manipulated by men. It must not be subjected to any ambitious devisings. The medical missionary work has been deteriorating, because the spirit that has controlled in it is not a pure, holy spirit, but a spirit that for years has been seeking to exalt itself against My messengers. [1 Timothy 4:1, 2; 2 Timothy 4:1-5, quoted.] 21MR 174.5 “You are at this time passing through a trying experience. Stand strongly linked with My appointed messengers, and let not any evil words prejudice your minds or be as seed sown in your hearts. Your strength now is not in keeping silent and allowing fables to be brought in and taught as truth. My word will go forth as a lamp that burneth. I will work through messengers who will not yoke up with Dr. Kellogg, who will not endorse his methods and plans, but who will reprove them. He has refused to wear My yoke, and unless he is converted I will separate from him and from those who sustain him in his self-exaltation. 21MR 175.1 Those who are carrying on the work of our sanitariums are not to shun responsibility and neglect their duty in order to give Dr. Kellogg the right of way. He has drawn many of our youth to Battle Creek, and they have become fastened where they will be brought under influences opposed to God. They are not to be kept under this training. Cut loose, cut loose, is my message. Souls are being deceived; sentiments are being received which originate with satanic agencies. Cut loose, cut loose. 21MR 175.2 Fields were pointed out which, though kept open for years, have been left unworked, while there has been devising and planning, and the Lord has been reproving these plans. Instruction has been given me that if so many young people had not been gathered to Battle Creek, a great and efficient work might have been done. Places that are unworked might have been entered, and souls might have been reached by the truth. Small companies of workers, under the wise generalship of consecrated teachers, should be going forth into needy fields. Whenever this work is taken up in earnest, careful movements will need to be made. There should be no wild, fanatical flights. A wise program should be made by men under the control and guidance of the Lord, built up in the most holy faith. 21MR 175.3 The students in our various colleges and training schools are to have wise medical teachers. The students are to be given wise religious instruction. Their teachers are to be men who love and fear the Lord, men of self-control, whose lives give evidence that they have learned to obey and reverence God. If a teacher does not fear God and keep His commandments, cling not to him however high his capabilities, for he will sow seeds of unbelief in the minds of the youth. No man should be allowed to carry out doubtful, forbidden projects. 21MR 175.4 [Ephesians 5:1-4, 6a, quoted.] Oh, how many eyes have been dimmed and clouded by vain words. How many have so disregarded the pure principles that are to be maintained in God’s work that they have become servants of the enemy, not placing half as much value upon the truth as upon the projects and devisings of man. [Ephesians 5:6-8, 10-13, quoted.] 21MR 176.1 The work that is to be done must not be cloaked. The wrongs that exist in our sanitariums must be criticized and purged away. The one who stands at the head, with his associate physicians, will mislead the students unless he is converted. These brethren may be greatly disturbed because they are opposed in their plans, and they may create great confusion. They do not realize that if their plans were carried out it would mean ruin to them and to those connected with them. 21MR 176.2 Our Counsellor then laid His hands on the shoulders of Elders A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner, and said, “You are confused. You are in the mist and fog. You have need of the heavenly anointing.” 21MR 176.3 To Brother Jones He said, “Why have you permitted your mind to be worked as it has been? I warned you not to permit this.” He said to Brother Waggoner, “Leave the place where you now are, and walk in the path I have pointed out. Living Temple is full of seductive sentiments which, if received, will tear down the foundations of your faith and weaken your perceptions of truth and righteousness.” 21MR 176.4 Addressing them both He said, “There is a work for both of you to do. Your minds need to be thoroughly renewed. Your faith is to rest on a high, holy, substantial foundation. God has a work for you to do in sounding the last message of warning to the world. Turn away from scientific theories. What is the chaff to the wheat?” 21MR 176.5 The Speaker was represented to me as standing on a high platform. To this platform He raised both men, and placed one at His right hand and the other at His left. Then He said: “The sentiments that you have received in harmony with the special theories presented in the book Living Temple, are not pure truth. There is a commingling of truth and error, and it will be difficult for you to single out the true from the false, to distinguish between the threads of truth and the threads of error. My Word is spirit and life. [John 6:35, 47, 51, 53, 54, quoted.] 21MR 176.6 “Cast out of your minds the sophistries that you have been receiving. God would have your minds cleansed from these theories. Hold fast the beginning of your confidence firm unto the end. Warn others to let spiritualistic sophistries alone. Preach the Word as you have done in the past, and My Spirit will be with you. Holy angels will accompany you if you will follow in the way that God has marked out. 21MR 176.7 “Separate entirely from the bewitching, misleading sentiments that run through Living Temple. You are to be My witnesses. You are to declare My word. [John 6:57, 63, quoted.] There is a work for you to do, but you must empty your minds of all fanciful presentations, and give the warning message. In the place of froth and nothingness you may have the living water that Christ promises to give to all who come to Him.” 21MR 177.1 My brethren, I am so glad, so thankful, for this message that the Lord has given me for you. He said, “I will make you both free if you will take hold of My strength. You each have a work to do in proclaiming the message that Christ came to give to John, telling him to write it in a book, and send it to the churches.” 21MR 177.2 Proclaim this message, for it is your life. God will give you the power of His grace. He will give you the treasures of truth, and the Holy Spirit will make them shine in their original luster. Give to the world the message the Lord has given you. Remove not a pin or a pillar from the foundation of our faith. Preach the truth as it has been given by the Lord. This truth is powerful in the conviction of sinners. 21MR 177.3 There is a higher order of enjoyment and power than man can create, derived from a source above humanity. But in order to fulfill Christ’s purpose for you, you must study the truths He has given you. Eat and drink the Word. Put away all fanciful theories. Let the truth stand out in its original power. God’s great purposes are to be worked out, after the pattern of things in the heavens. Let God give you your message. Weigh every proposition coming from human beings, for fanciful theories will be brought in. 21MR 177.4 Light from the throne of God is waiting for you. Empty your hearts, and let this light shine in. Show to the world an image of heavenly certainty. Lift up your eyes and see the fields that are ripe for the harvest. The light of heaven will shine all around you, repelling presumptuous sophistries. Let the truth shine forth with its own glory and in its own defense. Feed the flock of God with the manna that His own hand supplies. Your capabilities will increase as the indwelling life expands. Trust to God’s guardianship. His church is to be taught. Enfeebled and defective though it is, it is the object of His supreme regard. 21MR 177.5 My brethren, the Lord will help you mightily if you will be guided by Him, and I am confident that you will be. May He help you now, just now, to receive and believe the testimony that comes to you.—Letter 279, 1904. 21MR 177.6 Ellen G. White Estate Silver Spring, Maryland, December 13, 1990. Entire Letter. MR No. 1536—How a Christian Should Treat Others 21MR 178 (Written February 8, 1895, from “Norfolk Villa,” Prospect Street, Granville, N.S.W., to an unknown church member.) I received your letter, and I thank you for writing me the particulars that you did. The only way for you to meet the difficulties which seem to be hedging up your way to usefulness is to walk humbly with God. When self is hid in Jesus, we are shielded from the darts of the enemy. Consistency of life alone can command respect, and sincerity of counsel alone be effectual to persuade. 21MR 178.1 The Lord has given great light to His people as to how they should treat the erring. They should aid those who need help, who are struggling with all their power to overcome in the name and strength of Jesus. Every true agent of Christ will be a doer of His words, will wear His yoke, and be [a] laborer together with Him. Those who are followers of Christ will not exhibit characteristics that are cheap and selfish, but in word, spirit, and action they will reveal the tenderness of Christ. 21MR 178.2 Some will even sacrifice the claims of friendship to carry out their own ideas, thinking that their wonderful zeal is zeal for the Lord, but their inspiration is not from above. We have need constantly to be watchful and to guard self, lest we press upon others principles which we do not practice ourselves. A domineering, overbearing spirit is not of God, and should not be exercised toward believers or unbelievers, however lowly may be their station. Christians are required to represent Christ in all their dealings with those for whom He has given His precious life. 21MR 178.3 However high may be our position, as children of God it becomes us to be meek and lowly of heart. The heavier the responsibilities we venture to bear, the more diligent students we should be in the school of Christ, ever learning of Him the manner of His speech, the kindness, the merciful forbearance, the tender, pitying love, the yearning compassion of His Spirit. 21MR 178.4 Christ manifests compassion toward those who most need His help and strength, toward those who have most difficult battles to fight. In this regard those who have accepted holy office of trust should learn a most thorough lesson. Unless they learn of Christ they will fail to reveal tenderness, sympathy, and compassion. 21MR 178.5 The atmosphere that surrounds the soul must be vitalized by heavenly principle, for naturally our influence is but evil. When all feel that it is a positive duty to see what atmosphere surrounds their soul, and by viewing Christ with the eye of faith to keep above the fogs and the clouds and look upon Him who is invisible, then our influence will exert a continual power, no matter what may be our calling or position. 21MR 178.6
I have seen the results of these fanciful views of God in apostasy, spiritualism, free-lovism. The free-love tendencies of these teachings were so concealed that it was difficult to present them in their real character. Until the Lord presented it to me I knew not what to call it, but I was instructed to call it unholy spiritual love. 21MR 172.3 I am warned that we are not to talk of God as He is spoken of in Living Temple. The sentiments there expressed are a dishonor to His greatness and His majesty. God forbid that our ministers should entertain these ideas. For myself, I take my stand firmly against them. And I entreat you to accept the message that I bear to you. I ask you to arouse to your danger. Who by searching can find out God 21MR 172.4