In the book of Revelation, it states: “And power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations (Revelation 13:7),” which foretells the coming together of all religious forces in the last days. This is the scenario that is unfolding before our eyes as the Vatican seeks to restore its supremacy.
On January 25, 2024, Pope Francis joined Protestants and Orthodox in celebrating the 2024 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity at Rome’s Basilica of St. Paul. He urged Christians who were divided to come closer together, to put the past behind them, to disregard institutional structures, and to just concentrate on love so that they could all bear witness to the unity that is needed in the church. The pope declared:
• “Only a love that becomes gratuitous service, only the love that Jesus taught and embodied, will bring separated Christians closer to one another. Only that love, which does not appeal to the past in order to remain aloof or to point a finger, only that love which in God’s name puts our brothers and sisters before the ironclad defense of our own religious structures, only that love will unite us. First our brothers and sisters, then the structures.” [1]
• “Brothers and sisters, among ourselves, we should never have to ask: “Who is my neighbour?” For each baptized person is a member of the one Body of Christ; what is more, everyone in this world is my brother or my sister, and all together we compose that “symphony of humanity” of which Christ is the Firstborn and Redeemer. As Saint Irenaeus, whom I had the joy of proclaiming the “Doctor of Unity”, observed: “One who seeks the truth should not concentrate on the differences between one note and another, thinking as if each was created separately and apart from the others; instead, he should realize that one and the same person composed the entire melody” (Adv. Haer., II, 25, 2). In other words, not “Who is my neighbour?” but “Do I act like a neighbour? Do I, and then my community, my Church, my spirituality, act like a neighbour? Or are they barricaded in defense of their own interests, jealous of their autonomy, caught up in calculating what is in their own interest, building relationships with others only in order to gain something for themselves? If that were the case, it would not only be a matter of mistaken strategies, but of infidelity to the Gospel. [1]
Pope Francis is essentially saying that we are being disloyal to the Gospel if we want to preserve a distinct uniqueness in our Christian witness. The Pope claims that instead, we should put aside our differences and accept everyone as a fellow member of the body of Christ, regardless of their personal beliefs. The new ecumenical/Jesuit emphasis teaches us to ignore apostasy, sin, evil, and truth and to concentrate only on our common points of interest. This deception is transforming all religions into a worldwide fraternity (Fratelli Tutti), where we all act as if we are part of the same brotherhood, no matter what you believe.
Today we are on the path to full communion and unity with the Catholic Church, a church that has not changed any of its doctrines nor repudiated any of its errors. It is Protestantism that is making all the concessions! We should be calling for full communion and unity with the word of God because the Pope still claims universal authority over the entire Christian world. He still claims infallibility. He claims to be the final authority on religious matters, thus placing himself above the Word of God.
The Pope still claims to be the Vicar (representative) of Christ. According to the Bible (John 14:16), the Holy Spirit is Christ’s representative, not a mere man. Rome still claims to forgive sins, and they still believe they have the authority to change God’s law. They still command their members to worship and pray to idols, Mary, and all the dead saints. They still believe in purgatory, indulgences, and tradition.
The only problem is that God is not going to ignore the past and overlook apostasy, for He said in His word regarding Babylon, the political-religious kingdom of Antichrist:
“For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.” Revelation 18:5.
“Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen … Come our her my people.” Revelation 18:2, 4.
“If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation.” Revelation 14:9, 10.
Far from forgetting, God wants the world to know what the issues in the last day of the Great Controversy are about and who we should avoid. One cannot help but recall the prophetic description of the last days in which God depicts, on the one hand, a revival of the Roman apostasy under the symbol of the healing of the deadly wound (Rev. 13:3, 4). At the same time, apostate Protestantism emerges as a parallel ecclesiastical organization, forming an “image to the beast” (Revelation 13:14). The churches are moving rapidly to play their fatal part in the development of the final rebellion against the “commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” (Revelation 14:12).
Indeed we live in troublesome periods of time. Men are choosing an earthly arm to hold than holding firmly the strong arm of the LORD God Almighty. The Pope has acted as a Priest of the earth and now he is almost universally acknowledged as a leader of Christendom. This is indeed apostasy. A revival is needed like that of John Wycliffe to point people who is the mammoth of deceptions in this last days indeed. God bless you brother hand Roman.
We can see the signs we are truly in the end and the time of trouble is soon apon us.🙏🙏
I obtain so much cutting edge news on prophesy fulfilling from Advent Messenger — honestly don’t know where I’d receive these valuable updates otherwise. Much appreciated!
Without the belt of truth surrounding us and loving that truth with heart and soul, these platitudes from Pope Francis sound wonderful!! Artful deception at it’s finest
Thank you for for constantly bringing out the news. It’s appreciated and helps me to navigate in the streams of time we live in.
You are very welcome! Blessings.