The Catholic Church’s Jubilee 2025 and Project 2025 are both major initiatives set for the same year, but they are designed to target different areas of our lives. However, they share a common theme of renewal—one political and the other spiritual. Despite the differences in their approaches, both stress the necessity of adopting an apostate form of Christianity.
Jubilee 2025 promotes a return to spiritual renewal, repentance, and a recommitment to Catholic teachings, echoing the biblical concept of restoration, “Sabbath rest,” and divine mercy. Project 2025, a policy blueprint developed by the Heritage Foundation and other Evangelical groups, seeks to reshape the U.S. government, emphasizing a return to conservative Christian values. Both initiatives reflect a desire to reset society according to the teachings of the church—including the promotion of Sunday rest—to dominate society and governance.
The Pope’s Jubilee 2025, officially called the Jubilee Year of Hope, is a special so-called “holy year” declared by the Catholic Church, during which people are invited to seek spiritual renewal, rest, and indulgences. It is a time that is associated with “Sabbath rest,” encouraging believers to embrace a spiritual pause, or Sabbath, in order to experience divine mercy.
On January 29, 2025, The Conversation, an independent academic news organization, published an article titled “Rest, Reorientation, and Hope—The Pillars of the Catholic Jubilee Year 2025,” which basically designated the “Sabbath” as the heart or pillar of Rome’s Jubilee 2025.
The Conversation published the following:
• “Pope Francis has proclaimed a Jubilee year in the Catholic Church, which began on Dec. 24, 2024, and will continue through Jan. 6, 2026.” [1]
• “The Jubilee has roots in the Jewish practice of Sabbath rest every seven days, connected to the creation story in which God created the world in six days and rested on the next.” [1]
• “This rest is not merely about taking a break, but orienting life to what is most important. The prohibition of work on the Sabbath prompts people to look beyond productive work, helping them to see all activity in light of the eternal.” [1]
• “The Jubilee extends this logic. Held every 50 years, the Holy Year follows a Sabbath of Sabbaths, ‘seven times seven years.’ During the Jubilee, the Book of Leviticus instructs, ‘you shall proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants.’ Again, even the land must be freed.” [1]
• “Like all the other forms of Sabbath rest, the overriding emphasis is that everyone and everything belongs to God.” [1]
When the Catholic Church refers to the “Sabbath,” they are actually speaking about Sunday, rather than the biblical seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday). Both Protestants and Catholics are actively working to promote Sunday as a day of rest and worship. While Catholics emphasize Sunday rest as part of a broader spiritual and social renewal—especially in connection with Jubilee 2025—Protestant groups, mainly Evangelicals, frame Sunday as a moral and civil necessity through initiatives like Project 2025.
Together, these movements are influencing political and religious discussions, reinforcing the idea of Sunday as a sacred time for both rest and worship. This is the common ground that Pope Francis frequently discusses and which will lead to the formation of the image of the beast.
“When the leading churches of the United States, uniting upon such points of doctrine as are held by them in common, shall influence the State to enforce their decrees and to sustain their institutions, then Protestant America will have formed an image of the Roman hierarchy, and the infliction of civil penalties upon dissenters will inevitably result.” (Great Controversy, p. 445).
Pope Francis golden jubilee scheduled to be launched this year, it’s coincidence these events are going to take place with project 2025. All these events pinpoint to the accuracy of bible prophecy of Revelation 13:2. The ecumenical movement is becoming stronger much more than any time ever.The sunday sacredness is gaining traction much more than ever before. We are living in the very endtimes.
Very subtle
“Every seven days” not every seventh-day. Which means we can choose the sabbath we want.
At first, it will be a choice but then when the major disaster takes out large cities NY LA SF, etc. they will make it specific for Sunday as this will calm the gods. They used to sacrifice a virgin when they needed rain or when a volcano was erupting.