Pope Francis received the International Consortium of Catholic Media, often described as a “Catholic fact-checking” group, at the Vatican on January 28, 2022. [1] The Pope stressed at this gathering that distributing misinformation and fake news regarding Covid and vaccines is a violation of human rights. This type of rhetoric implies that those who disseminate information that contradicts the popular narrative on the Covid vaccines are infringing on people’s human rights and must be stopped by law.
The Pope met with the Catholic communicators to tell them how they should deal with issues related to the Covid-19 pandemic. He told the Catholic fact-checking media the following:
- “Communicators must observe facts carefully, check their accuracy, make a critical evaluation of the sources of their information, and finally, pass on their findings.”
- “You yourselves have set as a goal the unmasking of fake news and partial or misleading information about Covid-19 vaccines, and have begun to do so by networking different Catholic media and involving various experts.”
- “Accordingly, to be properly informed, to be helped to understand situations based on scientific data and not fake news, is a human right.”
- “Fake news has to be refuted, but individual persons must always be respected, for they believe it often without full awareness or responsibility.”
- “May we never tire of verifying data, presenting them in a suitable way, pursuing our own search for truth.” [1]
Pope Francis is up to his old tricks again. He is asking that people check and verify the facts about Covid. But he does not do this because his plan has been to impose his views about Covid on the entire world. Regrettably, Pope Francis is failing to address the misinformation that he and his associates have been disseminating? [2].
Also, what Pope Francis fails to realize is that individuals who oppose the vaccine mandates have wanted to examine all the facts for the past two years. People are attempting to confirm and investigate the truth about the pandemic. There is a lot of data and, without a doubt, a lot of hysteria. However, one side is exercising force to suppress the other, and they are doing this through the various “fact-checking” organizations.
Who will fact-check the news from Rome, such as Laudato Si’ and the green Sunday law that they claim is necessary to save the environment? Who will fact-check his universal fraternity, which claims that the plurality of religions is the will of God? What about Pope Francis’ declaration that taking the vaccines is an act of love? Or his ever-changing opinions on the LGBT+ movement?
It’s ironic that those who are part of the lie and friends with the father of all lies (John 8:44) are questioning those who are sincerely seeking to understand the truth. Isaiah describes how this very situation will exist in the end times. What will be the state of our civilization when Jesus returns?
“In transgressing and lying against the Lord, and departing away from our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood. And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.” Isaiah 59:13, 14.
[1] https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2022/01/28/220128c.html
[2] http://adventmessenger.org/why-did-they-lie-and-continue-to-do-so/
Aloha from the Island of Maui, SMK!
Mahalo/Thank you! Pastor Andy! You nailed it! My thoughts exactly, on the Pope’s hypocrisy!
“What will be the state of our [?] civilization when Jesus returns?”
Is this “our” civilization? God forbid! We are of the “civilization” described in Daniel chapter 2, particularly verses 34-35, and 44-45 – also known as – the Stone Mountain Kingdom of God, His Remnant Ecclesia of Living Stones, that will fulfill it’s prophetic destiny as revealed in the above mentioned chapter! All Glory to our God and coming King!
Aloha, your brother in Christ,
Maka’ala Stone
“Pope Francis”? You claim that the sect of “Vatican 2” is the Catholic Church? You never heard of “sedevacantism”?