One of the most amazing phenomena of this generation is the increasing influence of the Vatican. In the United States and throughout the world, Rome’s influence is becoming more and more obvious. Politicians are driven to recognize the ever-widening voting power that Roman Catholics hold. Protestants from all around the world are traveling to the Vatican to sit with the Pope. Even the secular media feels the necessity of giving prominence to the Catholic Church by promoting its teachings.
Pope Francis met on Monday, December 16, 2024, with members of the World Methodist Council, which represents 80 million members worldwide. The Pope thanked God that Catholics and Methodists have “overcome our estrangement” in “reciprocal knowledge, understanding, and love” during the past 60 years. He also believes that it is his mission to unite the different religions on the path of visible unity. The Pope also repeated his usual sayings when meeting with Protestants, emphasizing his desire to “walk together, pray together, do charity together, and move forward together in dialogue.”
The Holy See Press Office published the following:
• “For a long period of time Methodists and Catholics were estranged and also wary of each other. Today, however, we can thank God that, for almost sixty years, we have been progressing together in reciprocal knowledge, understanding and, above all, love. This helps to deepen our mutual communion.” [1]
• “This is how our communities will be able to unite their differing minds and wills in order to let themselves be guided by the Spirit as brothers and sisters. This is a journey that takes time, but we must continue along that path.” [1]
• “Next year, Christians around the world will celebrate the 1700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council: Nicaea. This occasion reminds us that we profess the same faith … Indeed, this is a summons to all Churches and Ecclesial Communities to persevere on the path to visible unity and in the quest of finding ways to respond fully to the prayer of Jesus that they may all be one.” [1]
• “We must journey together, as brothers and sisters, pray together, do charitable works together, and move forward together in dialogue.” [1]
What does all of this signify, and what is the motivation behind it? It means that the supreme leader of the greatest religious-political organization in the world, Rome, is seeking to obtain unparalleled power and influence by bringing the entire Christian world together under his head. This strange development finds its explanation in Bible prophecy.
In Revelation 13, you see the rise of the Papacy coming out from the ruins of the pagan Roman Empire. This power is represented symbolically as the beast with seven heads who was going to experience a deadly wound followed by a worldwide healing:
“I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.” Revelation 13:3.
The wounded beast has been gradually growing in power and prestige and will continue to do so until all the governments, all political parties, all religions, and all people recognize and submit to its authority. These are significant and prophetic events that will have far-reaching implications. However, we cannot afford to ignore the serious risks associated with the rise of a one-world religion that gains dominance and exercises power over the state.
Instead of promoting peace and unity, this alliance—which will essentially be the union of religion and state on a global scale—will result in the loss of our civil liberties and religious freedoms. This false religious partnership is leading people to worship the Beast and will soon create an image and impose the mark. Revelation’s depiction of this union of church and state serves as a warning against the dangers of tyranny and false worship, where the power of the state is used to enforce a singular religious ideology, undermining the everlasting gospel of Revelation 14:6-12.
Oh, how sweet. They’re all smiles now. But… watch out, Methodists – it’s a trap. You’ve been warned.
This Bob Trefz video from 1992:
was showing how much of the Unity being spoken of in Adventism today comes directly from Vatican 2.
{“If unity could be secured only by the compromise of truth and righteousness, then let there be difference, and even war.”}
Amos 3:3 “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”