On Thursday, July 21, 2022, the Vatican released Pope Francis’ message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, scheduled for September 1. The theme chosen this year is “Listen to the voice of creation.” All signs indicate that Pope Francis has clearly established his own religion, one that is centered on promoting the climate change agenda. The head of the Catholic church has become the Pope of climate change. They no longer conceal it. Pope Francis is calling on people all across the world to “repent” and have an ecological conversion. This amounts to a total rejection of the message of the gospel of Christ.
The following statements highlight the entire communication from the Pope:
• In the first place, it is our sister, mother earth, who cries out. Prey to our consumerist excesses, she weeps and implores us to put an end to our abuses and to her destruction. [1]
• Listening to these anguished cries, we must repent and modify our lifestyles and destructive systems. From its very first pages, the Gospel calls us to “repent, because the kingdom of heaven has come near” (Mt 3:2); it summons us to a new relationship with God, and also entails a different relationship with others and with creation. [1]
• As persons of faith, we feel ourselves even more responsible for acting each day in accordance with the summons to conversion. [1]
• Nor is that summons simply individual: “the ecological conversion needed to bring about lasting change is also a community conversion”. In this regard, commitment and action, in a spirit of maximum cooperation, is likewise demanded of the community of nations, especially in the meetings of the United Nations devoted to the environmental question. [1]
• This means “converting” models of consumption and production, as well as lifestyles, in a way more respectful of creation and the integral human development of all peoples, present and future, a development grounded in responsibility, prudence/precaution, solidarity, concern for the poor and for future generations. [1]
• Let me repeat: “In the name of God, I ask the great extractive industries – mining, oil, forestry, real estate, agribusiness – to stop destroying forests, wetlands, and mountains, to stop polluting rivers and seas, to stop poisoning food and people”. [1]
The world is becoming a victim of the Pope’s ideology regarding climate change. He is invoking God’s name while promoting a new repentance and conversion that is not found in the Holy Scriptures. He is doing this by using his position of authority and influence. He is praying for the ecological conversion of the world. We need to pray for the Pope’s repentance and for the salvation of his soul, which is in grave danger of eternal damnation due to his rejection of Christ’s mission.
Pope Francis has become the head of the climate religion, and instead of preaching the gospel of Christ, he is promoting a globalist secular view that seeks to redefine biblical Christianity. He has altered the meaning of biblical repentance and is urging us to hear the cry of Mother Earth. As our world has turned into a hotbed of iniquity, the real cry we hear these days is that of people’s broken lives. The Pope’s new approach to life, sin, spiritual warfare, and every other biblical theme has been modified. Putting the environment at the center and as the most important issue facing humanity instead of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ so that souls can be saved is extraordinary!
The utter silence of today’s religious leaders on the issues of sin, God’s law, morality, iniquity, abortion, euthanasia, gender confusion, lawlessness, crime and true biblical repentance is clearly evident that this generation of pastors are not being guided by God and certainly not by divine revelation. There must be a call to repent of the spiritual damage they have brought to the world by abandoning the gospel of Christ. Let them hasten and be converted quickly because of the terrible evil they are causing. And may they hurry before the Day of Judgment comes upon this world, when they will not escape.
And what is quite remarkable is that after Pope Francis, in the name of God, called on the energy industries to “stop polluting,” the Pope is preparing to board his luxurious Airbus jet and fly across the ocean while polluting the air and water on his way to Canada. Pope Francis is one of many global elitists who enjoy lecturing the rest of us on how to live our lives while they travel in gas-guzzling super jets and motorcades.
Why aren’t the rich and powerful changing their lives or diminishing their lavish lifestyles? Why don’t they repent? Why don’t they live up to the suggestions and decisions that they want to impose on everyone else? The elites can do whatever they want, but they expect ordinary people to live by their rules. Do they not see their hypocrisy, or do they think we’re all ignorant? Globalists love to travel the world in their private jets, leaving a giant carbon footprint wherever they go, while telling ordinary people that they can’t even drive their cars down the street or go anywhere.
Until the climate alarmists start to give up their cell phones, laptops, electricity, refrigeration, air conditioners, heaters, private jets, mansions, expensive cars, expensive clothes, jewelry, expensive toys and lavish lifestyles, they are nothing more than pretentious hypocrites. The global elite generate more carbon emissions in one day than most people do in a year, and they don’t realize how empty their lectures on saving the planet become.
The reality is that people like Pope Francis and other globalists are not going to make changes in their lifestyle or behavior. It will be the ordinary people who have to face restrictions. It is the poor and the middle class who will be taxed into oblivion. It is the working class that will be forced to use a personal carbon credit system to keep track of their annual allowance. The climate message is NOT about saving the planet; it is about controlling all aspects of our lives. When will people wake up?
You will see how climate alarmists will tell us that every heat wave, hurricane, tornado, and thunderstorm is a direct result of climate change and that this crisis is being caused by our modern lifestyles. They will propose rules and solutions that will only apply to the peasants, while the masters are free to continue their activities as they have been doing. And they expect people to take their narcissism seriously? While claiming that the world is about to end, they change nothing in their privileged lives. But they have the nerve to lecture us about what we need to do. It’s hard to listen to their activism and preaching on climate change when they engage in such deceit.
[1] https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2022/07/21/220721c.html
John Kerry was asked about his jetting all over the globe. His answer was that he HAS TO use a jet plane, because it would take too long to go by car, or boat, etc. He is an important man, so these rules don’t apply to him! Their day is coming, and our day is coming. God will show up when they least expect it, and it will be an overwhelming surprise. That is when they will turn on the pope and the vatican!
I am so looking forward to that day!!! Come, Lord Jesus………………
In accidents and calamities by sea and by land, in great conflagrations, in fierce tornadoes and terrific hailstorms, in tempests, floods, cyclones, tidal waves, and earthquakes, in every place and in a thousand forms, Satan is exercising his power. He sweeps away the ripening harvest, and famine and distress follow. He imparts to the air a deadly taint, and thousands perish by the pestilence. These visitations are to become more and more frequent and disastrous. Destruction will be upon both man and beast. “The earth mourneth and fadeth away,” “The haughty people … do languish. The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.” Isaiah 24:4, 5. { CH 461.1}
Calling like sick person