Pope Francis promoted his universal fraternal mission in the Vatican on July 3, 2022. The Pope stated that our task is to collaborate, make decisions together, and respect those around us by considering their point of view. He then reminds us that it is the Virgin Mary who prepares the way for our “fraternal witness.” Pope Francis stated:
“Perfect pastoral plans can be drawn up, and well-designed projects implemented, organized down to the last detail; one can summon crowds and have many means; but if there is no willingness to fraternity, the mission cannot advance … So, we might wonder: how do we take the good news of the Gospel to others? Do we do so with a fraternal spirit and style, or in the manner of the world, with self-promotion, competitiveness and efficiency. Let us ask ourselves whether we have the capacity to collaborate, whether we know how to take decisions together, sincerely respecting those who are alongside us and taking into account their point of view, whether we do so in community, not by ourselves. Indeed, it is above all in this way that the life of the disciple allows that of the Master to shine through, truly announcing it to others. May the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, teach us how to prepare the way for the Lord with the witness of fraternity.” [1]
The fraternal mission of Pope Francis is based on his encyclical Fratelli Tutti, which calls for a universal brotherhood to build a better, more just, and peaceful world. The goal, however, is to transcend our differences by affirming that all religions, including atheism and pantheism, are holy and contain truth.
The Pope’s encyclical on the universal brotherhood promotes the following:
- “Common commitment” – Fratelli Tutti #5
- “Common home” – Fratelli Tutti #8
- “Common good” – Fratelli Tutti #12
- “Common horizons” – Fratelli Tutti #26
- “Common life” – Fratelli Tutti #31
- “Common Father” – Fratelli Tutti #46
- “Common rights” – Fratelli Tutti #58
- “Common humanity” – Fratelli Tutti #68
- “Common destiny” – Fratelli Tutti #96
- “Common future” – Fratelli Tutti #115
- “Common effort” – Fratelli Tutti #132
- “Common project” – Fratelli Tutti #150
- “Common endeavor” – Fratelli Tutti #157
- “Common goal” – Fratelli Tutti #197
- “Common ground” – Fratelli Tutti #198
- “Common purpose” – Fratelli Tutti #230
- “Common witness” – Fratelli Tutti #280 [2]
What will come next, a common day of rest? That is actually part of the Pope’s social agenda for our world. According to Pope Francis, we cannot progress unless we embrace this fraternal mission. The Pope is talking about using ecumenism as the means of bringing the churches together to adopt his common witness. How do we know this? Well, look at what else he says in his encyclical Fratelli Tutti:
Paragraph #254. “I ask God to prepare our hearts to encounter our brothers and sisters, so that we may overcome our differences rooted in political thinking, language, culture and religion. Let us ask him to anoint our whole being with the balm of his mercy, which heals the injuries caused by mistakes, misunderstandings and disputes. And let us ask him for the grace to send us forth, in humility and meekness, seeking peace.”
Paragraph #277. “The Church esteems the ways in which God works in other religions, and “rejects nothing of what is true and holy in these religions. She has a high regard for their manner of life and conduct, their precepts and doctrines which… often reflect a ray of that truth which enlightens all men and women.”
Paragraph #281. “A journey of peace is possible between religions. Its point of departure must be God’s way of seeing things. God does not see with his eyes, God sees with his heart. And God’s love is the same for everyone, regardless of religion. Even if they are atheists, his love is the same. When the last day comes, and there is sufficient light to see things as they really are, we are going to find ourselves quite surprised.”
According to the Pope’s teachings, all religions, including atheism, are worthy of praise. He is calling us to come together here on earth since we will all be united in heaven anyway. The goal is to bridge our religious divisions because, according to Pope Francis, God works in all belief systems. Every religion, according to Pope Francis, has something sacred. To hold and advocate this viewpoint is to essentially abandon the true Christian faith. Tragically, more and more churches are adopting these beliefs.
“There is as great a difference in our faith and that of nominal professors, as the heavens are higher than the earth” (Spiritual Gifts, Book 2, p. 299).
[1] https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2022/07/03/220703c.html
Thank you for all you do for us, Andy.
Cain built a city as did nimrod in this spirit of unity. They tried building a tower and now a world society in like manner saying they know how to build back better. Simply cast off your identity, your religion, and your hope in Christ so we can all sit around the campfire together roasting marshmallows. Devoid of righteousness and self sufficient, we’re rewarded by socialism.
In this new age of enlightenment and technology gone are the old mythical ways of supernatural and God. So to eternity
I believe that we are seeing the onset of implementing the Catholic agenda of enforced worship, known to us as The Sunday Law. Thank you for this information. The return of our saviour is close at hand. This will show who will receive the Seal of God or the mark of the beast. Will we accept God’s Sabbath. Or the Catholic substitution of Sunday keeping? Our decision makes clear our destiny.
The Pope stated that our task is to collaborate, make decisions together, and respect those around us by considering their point of view.
The proud arrogance of this satanic church always comes through their words if you are paying attention. Obviously the GC and D. Giop have been deceived and see not the evil in words that are structured to give an appearance she is repentant and docile. We are told that Rome never changes and takes on the hue of colors to adapt to any situation.
The Religious Liberty GC leader is deceived .
Ephesians 5:11 KJV
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.”
Amos 3:3 KJV
“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?’
It’s interesting that The Pope invoked the gospel message as the FULL Gospel message must include the exposing of The Man of Sin,
2 Thessalonians 2:3 KJV
“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;”