On September 14, 2022, Pope Francis spoke at the opening of the 7th Congress of Leaders of the World and Traditional Religions in Kazakhstan. During this international ecumenical event, the Pope spoke about a fraternity that unites us all as the “children of the same Heaven.” In a speech to political and religious figures, Pope Francis declared that it was time to “consign to the history books” the fundamentalist ideas that “defile and corrupt every creed.” Fundamentalism basically refers to a strict adherence to a set of unchanging beliefs. The Pope declared that it was time to eradicate fundamentalism and remove its corrupting influence in favor of ecumenical fraternity. The Pope said:
“Dear brothers and sisters! Let me address you in this direct and familiar way, as brothers and sisters. For that is how I would like to greet all of you – religious leaders and authorities, members of the diplomatic corps and of international organizations, representatives of academic and cultural institutions of civil society and various nongovernmental organizations – in the name of the fraternity that unites us as children of the same Heaven.” [1]
“The religions remind us that we are creatures; we are not omnipotent, but men and women journeying towards the same heavenly goal. Our shared nature as creatures thus gives rise to a common bond, an authentic fraternity. It makes us realize that the meaning of life cannot be reduced to our own individual interests, but is deeply linked to the fraternity that is part of our identity. We mature only with others and thanks to others. It is time to realize that the fundamentalism defiles and corrupts every creed; time for open and compassionate hearts. It is also time to consign to the history books the kind of talk that for all too long, here and elsewhere, has led to distrust and contempt for religion, as if it were a destabilizing force in modern society.” [1]
According to Pope Francis, fundamentalism must be eliminated because it is a destabilizing force in society. The Pope says that fundamentalism breeds distrust and contempt for religion. Pope Francis didn’t just travel to Kazakhstan to speak about climate change, unity, and peace. He is actively urging religious and political authorities to eradicate fundamentalism and replace it with “authentic fraternity” (ecumenism). Pope Francis is a religious authority who is speaking like a dragon.
He has the appearance of gentleness about him, but his voice betrays him because he is possessed by a dragon-like spirit within him. This is the voice of terror that will one day, very soon, call for the persecution and killing of the true followers of Jesus. Professing to be the representative of Christ, the Pope calls for us to abandon the unchanging, fundamental teachings of Christ and embrace his universal fraternity.
Pope Francis is calling for a brotherhood that unites all the religions. All the different religions—Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, Shinto, and every other belief system—have value, according to the Pope. The only ones that must be eliminated are those fundamental, non-conforming, non-ecumenical ones that won’t embrace the Pope’s universal order. But the Pope is confused because the phrase “brotherhood” cannot be used with those who are not baptized and who have not embraced the teaching of Christ (Matthew 28:19, 20). This is part of the Great Gospel Commission given to the Christian Church. But the Pope rejects this. In the closing words of his speech, he says that we must all “firmly maintain our own identities, open to the courage of otherness and to fraternal encounter. Only in this way, along this path, in these dark times in which we live, will we be able to radiate the light of our Creator.” [1]
This means that all other religions must remain in error and in darkness. Therefore, we should refrain from attempting to persuade Catholics, Buddhists, or Pagans to accept God’s final warning found in Revelation 14. The Pope’s lengthy speech does not even contain the names Jesus or Christ. How can Pope Francis claim to be the Vicar of Christ and not mention Christ even once? If this is not apostasy, I don’t know what is. This is what the devil’s ecumenical movement causes you to do: abandon the faith and embrace the doctrines of devils (1 Timothy 4:1). As you can see, Pope Francis thinks that the troublemakers of today are the evil Christian fundamentalists who are attempting to proselytize and convert the whole world. Instead, the Pope wants us to all come together to learn from Muhammad, Buddha, Krishna, and Mother Earth.
Where are the true and faithful Seventh-day Adventist watchmen who will denounce this disastrous universal fraternity? Where are the voices in the church warning that joining this movement will ruin people’s souls? Where are the pastors and other religious leaders who can correct the Pope by showing him his error? The Pope is redefining the Gospel and carrying out the work of the Antichrist. Will every Christian blindly follow the Pope? Will they embrace his words and compromise the true faith? True, faithful, Bible-believing Christians can never accept the errors of Pope Francis.
As we look at the conditions of the world and as we study the pages of God’s Word regarding the signs of the times, we can see clearly that Jesus is coming soon and time is about to run out! On one side, the world is in chaos. Daily, we see calamities; both natural and man-made disasters are flooding our world. On the other hand, the world religions are on the road to Rome – uniting with the great “Mystery of Iniquity.” Yes, time is running out and Jesus is coming soon. It is during this time, specifically, that God’s people are to work even more earnestly for Him.
“It is our duty, as we see the signs of approaching peril, to arouse to action. Let none sit in calm expectation of the evil, comforting themselves … We are not doing the will of God if we sit in quietude doing nothing” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 713).
We are to be stirred into action when we recognize the signs of the times in God’s prophetic word. The final warning must always be given by God’s people. By the grace and power of God, let the faithful continue to spread the Three Angels’ Messages throughout the world before it is too late. As you think about what you can do in this solemn period of earth’s history to advance the cause of present truth, may the Lord bless and help each of you.
Dear Andy Roman, didn’t Ellen White mention about the hierarchy of the GCSDA becoming dust in the wind? Something like that? With Dr. Diop leading the way.
Every since B.B. Beach gave Pope Paul VI a medallion in the 70s the GCSDA has earned a ticket to ride aboard The Ecumenical Train to Rome. There are watchmen out on the wall, but they don’t have a warning platforms like you do. I know that E. G. White also said that at the end of time every institution that God has established will be restored. The 1863 Church did not restore all of them, she said so! Well, what are we missing? I’ve heard over and over again regarding The Third Elijah Message.
Quoted many times is Malachi 4:5. And almost every time the speaker leaves out Malachi 4:4. I have quoted two in my up coming book. Why have they done that? You speak to one of them often. This fellow said Elijah may still be in a cave! And if you leave out Malachi 4:4, Elijah may still be in a cave! After all, its a red letter text. Oh, by the way, the text begins with the word REMEMBER! There is another text that God said REMEMBER, and Christendom has forgotten. Has the SDA forgotten the Malachi 4:4 REMEMBER?
Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. That Remnant is not the SDA GC. Below are the ones that the dragon makes war against.
God has a church. It is not the great cathedral, neither is it the national establishment, neither is it the various denominations; it is the people who love God and keep His commandments. “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). Where Christ is even among the humble few, this is Christ’s church, for the presence of the High and Holy One who inhabiteth eternity can alone constitute a church.
I would be curious to know if we as a church sent someone to this meeting???
So would I. But faithful members of God’s true church would never attend such a gathering. It is a backsliding church that lessens the distance between itself and the Papacy. { ST February 19, 1894, par. 4 }
So far what I’ve found
A.Gusmanova, the head of the “Local Church of Seventh-day Adventist Christians of the city of Uralsk attended the planning meeting On June 3 this year in Uralsk, the N.Nazarbayev Center for the Development of Interfaith and Intercivilizational Dialogue jointly with the Department for Religious Affairs of the West Kazakhstan region held a meeting of the regional club of leaders of religious associations, dedicated to the upcoming VII Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, which will be held in September this year. https://religions-congress searched seventh-day adventist and he came up as an attendee..
Come out of her my people, that specifically relating to the fallen corporate SDA church. Did you not know the pioneers taught the 3 babylons with the SDA church being the third?! Start researching this. In the 1884 GC (not the1888 one), she speaks specifically of the SDA church at the end being as the Jewish church at the time of Christ in Jerusalem. The Jews and Romans had an alliance in Christ’s day and so will the SDA church with Rome – a repeat. They already have! Persecution will come from the SDA church structure, that is why it will be swept away. Only the true followers of Christ will be left standing. Not the corporate organisation that everyone believes is the ship going through – an indoctrination into believing that – taken out of context. “Come out of her my people, and be not partaker of her sins.”
Amen! and AMEN!!!! This is the truth as it is in Jesus!
#1. Babylon Rev. 17 -Rome -The MOTHER of Harlots. (4SP 233);
#2. Babylon Rev. 14:8 -Apostate Protestant Churches 1844. (4SP 232);
#3. Babylon Rev. 18 – Apostate Protestantism Led by Adventism. (4SP 426, 424)
RH February 26, 1895, par. 4
“The world must not be introduced into the church and married to the church. Through union with the world the church will become corrupt,—“a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.” The customs of the world must not have a place; for they will be open doors through which the prince of darkness will find access, and the line of demarkation will become indistinguishable between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.”
Get out before it is forever too late! Stayed together means slayed together Ez. 9!
Persecution is coming for all those be believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God.
So far what I’ve found
A.Gusmanova, the head of the “Local Church of Seventh-day Adventist Christians of the city of Uralsk attended the planning meeting On June 3 this year in Uralsk, the N.Nazarbayev Center for the Development of Interfaith and Intercivilizational Dialogue jointly with the Department for Religious Affairs of the West Kazakhstan region held a meeting of the regional club of leaders of religious associations, dedicated to the upcoming VII Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, which will be held in September this year. https://religions-congress searched seventh-day adventist and he came up as an attendee..
It’s time to realize that we shouldn’t be listening to this man.