Today at the Vatican, a man interrupted Pope Francis during a general audience and shouted at him, “God rejects you” and “You are not a king.” The Vatican police and the Swiss Guard escorted the man out of the Paul VI auditorium as the man continued shouting at Pope Francis, saying, “The Church is not the way God wants it.” [1] Pope Francis, clearly disturbed by the man’s yelling, paused in his prepared speech and responded to the situation by saying:
“We heard, a few minutes ago, a person who was yelling, scolding, who had a problem — I don’t know if it’s physical, psychic or spiritual, but it’s one of our brothers, in difficulty … I would like to conclude by praying for him, our brother who suffers. Poor man, he’s shouting because he’s suffering.” [1]
What a shameful and despicable answer for Pope Francis to publicly declare that this person “had a problem” that was “physical, psychic, or spiritual.” We can’t just assume that the person who is protesting is the one who has a problem. According to this logic, anyone who does not agree with the Pope has a psychological condition.
Mientras el Papa hablaba, un hombre de repente ha gritado increpadole en italiano: "Basta mascherine nella chiesa, questa non è la chiesa di Jesucristo…La chiesa è una santa, cattolica e apostolica…Tu non sei il re”. El Papa ha invitado a los presentes a rezar por él.
— Daniel Ibáñez (@dibanezgut) February 2, 2022
According to the Tweet above, Daniel Ibánez, a photographer who covers Vatican events, reported that the man also shouted the following:
“While the Pope was speaking, a man suddenly yelled at him in Italian: ‘No more masks in the church, this is not the Church of Jesus Christ. The church is holy, catholic and apostolic. You are not the king.’ The Pope has invited those present to pray for him.” (Twitter Post).
Here is one man who has the fortitude to tell the Pope what our church leaders will never say. Praise the Lord that there are still true, brave Christians that exist today. Another truth-teller is silenced and shut down. This man wasn’t wrong. What he said is true. Yes, Pope Francis does try to act like a king by constantly reinterpreting the word of God. The Pope has desecrated God’s true teaching countless of times. When this man told Pope Francis that “God rejects you,” he was basically expressing what the word of God says:
“For thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, and the LORD hath rejected thee.” 1 Samuel 15:26.
This man wasn’t invited to have a private audience with the Pope to work out their differences. No ecumenical spirit was extended to him. No, he was taken away by the police as he was being told by Pope Francis that he had a mental problem. Yes, this is what happens to the true and faithful who refute the errors of Francis’ pontificate.
Those who speak out and stand up for the truth will be rejected as mentally ill people who need to be reeducated or maybe sedated in a reeducation program. The communists and Nazis both did this. Rather than condemning this individual, we should applaud that brave soul who stood up and protested against Pope Francis with nerves of steel. We must raise our voices against sin and error, not just in Rome, but everywhere “damnable errors” are being embraced:
“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.” 2 Peter 2:1.
Notice how the man of sin said he would prayer to our lady for him….
Not to Christ who lives forevermore
but to a dead person…
If this incident was not a set up to demonize protest, perhaps the Holy Spirit caused this man to interrupt the man of sin to get people to think about how he is infact rejected by God!
The General conference sure isn’t doing it…
Ms Jane you are thinking the way I am thinking. These random acts of interruption may not be so random after all. And this calm exterior portrayed by this evil and wretched man, may just be to deceived others in thinking he has a heart of Christ when in reality, He is the man of sin
Where did I read that even the stones would cry out? Oh yeah, it is in the Bible! We are so close to the second coming, I can hear the horses hoofs pounding the ground.
Right you Linda..I can hear not only hose`s hooves, but even their neeeeighing..
Thought just occurred to me about pope..Does he realize that biblical references about ”the man of sin”, “son of perdition”, “Antichrist”, “666”, and others, are referring to him – The Pope?..And if he believes they do, because they fit to his Papal position like ‘hand in glove’, doesn`t he know what end awaits him?..- the lake of fire?…If he knows all that, and he should, since he should know what bible says, isn`t he terrified of such an end?..doesn`t he want to save his life/soul from such an horrible fate?..Or is he so blinded by Devil, that he can`t add 2 + 2 = 4?. Or is he too proud – as Satan himself is – to repent of his sins submit to God and ask forgiveness and His mercy?..
Well said.