On September 8, 2022, Pope Francis had a meeting with his Papal Nuncios at the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace. These are the Vatican ambassadors who represent the Pope in the various nations of the world. During the meeting, Pope Francis warned them that they were witnessing World War III. The Pope said:
“The tempest of the Covid-19 pandemic has imposed various limitations on our daily lives and our pastoral activities. Now it seems that the worst is over, and thanks be to God, we can meet again. But unfortunately, Europe and the entire world are convulsed by a war of particular gravity, in terms of the violation of international law, the risks of nuclear escalation, and the grave economic and social consequences. It is a ‘piecemeal’ third world war, to which you bear witness in the places where you carry out your mission. Thank you for everything that the Pontifical Representatives have done and are doing in these situations of suffering. You have brought the proximity of the Pope to peoples and Churches; you have been points of reference in the moments of greatest disorientation and turbulence.” [1]
Pope Francis only refers to Covid-19 and the ongoing Ukrainian-Russian conflict in this “third world war.” While it is true that the globalists and the New World Order are putting restrictions on our ability to live as freely as possible while raising the cost of food and energy, they are also the ones who carry out all of these assaults on the population. The only World War III that is on the horizon is the one that globalists want to start in order to carry out their UN 2030 Agenda.
Instead, the Pope ought to urge everyone to oppose the dangerous steps being taken to establish a world government with the power to rule over and dominate every country. But instead, he promotes a culture of silence on the spiritual war that has already destroyed the moral foundation of our society, specifically abortion, radical gender ideology, persecution of Christians on a global scale, and the elimination of biblical values. This is the war that has already been declared, a war that has been going on for a long time and that will intensify in the coming months.
If the church succumbs to these influences and does nothing, evil will triumph over good in this world. What Pope Francis should have said at this meeting is that they were actually witnessing the total collapse of the world and the church. Secularism, progressive ideologies, political ineptitude, and a godless immorality have accelerated the demise of an already weakening and dying society and Christianity. Instead of teaching the truth, we are indoctrinating people with heretical propaganda.
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10.
True education is a knowledge of God, but this is being replaced with a secular agenda that is teaching social justice, gender neutrality, environmentalism, sexual inclusiveness, LGBT+ rights, on-demand abortion, a welfare state, entitlements, rewriting Christian history, and other leftist ideologies—all of which are unsustainable.
The biblical truths that were once the foundation for justice and peace have been abandoned. The institution of the family, which was the very cornerstone of society, has also been destroyed as a result of this rejection of God’s word. Traditional families and marriage as a social institution are no longer important. Today, gender neutrality, same-sex marriage, men becoming women, women becoming men, boys becoming girls, and girls becoming boys are what really matter. And the list goes on and on. This is destroying the traditional definition of the home. Why? Because in today’s culture, truth no longer exists.
The only solution for our world or for any society is for its leaders to acknowledge that society is in decay. Then and only then will they be able to fight against the existing evils and fulfill their obligations. We will never be able to solve these issues unless we understand that the political and social upheavals we are currently experiencing are only a result of our spiritual decline.
“God keeps a reckoning with the nations. Through every century of this world’s history evil workers have been treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath; and when the time fully comes that iniquity shall have reached the stated boundary of God’s mercy, His forbearance will cease. When the accumulated figures in heaven’s record books shall mark the sum of transgression complete, wrath will come, unmixed with mercy, and then it will be seen what a tremendous thing it is to have worn out the divine patience. This crisis will be reached when the nations shall unite in making void God’s law” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 523).
[1] https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2022/09/08/220908a.html
Thanks to Pope for the prophetic and revelational message from God. God is telling the World that we are dwelling in the critical World War III, We have to pray harder and harder.