Spiritualism is sweeping the globe, and it isn’t just affecting Roman Catholics as the whole world will be united with “Mary.” In a special 2022 Easter Blessing Magazine published by Centennial Presents, Pope Francis has just been named the “Peoples Pope.” According to this publication, he is also described as a “global leader” who has blessed millions of people during his “apostolic” visits across the world. He has also been called “the most unique and relatable leader ever in the Catholic Church.”
Now we learn that Pope Benedict XVI will join Pope Francis, the People’s Pope, and every bishop and priest in the world in praying for Russia and Ukraine’s consecration on March 25, 2022. [1] The consecration ceremony will be performed by two popes. They’re probably trying to avoid making any mistakes.
The only question is who will be held responsible if the consecration ceremony fails to bring world peace and end the war? Will they point the finger at Pope Francis, Pope Benedict, or Mary? Or will they blame Bible-believers who keep the seventh-day Sabbath? We’re told that because God’s people refuse to join the world in their transgression, they’ll be held responsible for everything that goes wrong:
“And then the great deceiver will persuade men that those who serve God are causing these evils. The class that have provoked the displeasure of Heaven will charge all their troubles upon those whose obedience to God’s commandments is a perpetual reproof to transgressors (Great Controversy, p. 590).
Nearly all of Christianity is now either united in idolatry with Rome’s plans to consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Virgin Mary, or they are false shepherds who refuse to address this great sin, which will occur on March 25, 2022, when Christianity and spiritualism will unite. The entire world will be embracing “those with familiar spirits” (Isaiah 8:19) while accepting “strong delusions and lies” (2 Thessalonians 2:10, 11).
“Spiritualism is about to take the world captive … Superhuman power is working in a variety of ways, and few have any idea as to what will be the manifestations of spiritualism in the future … The signs and wonders of spiritualism will become more and more pronounced as the professed Christian world rejects the plainly revealed truth of the Word of God, and refuse to be guided by a plain ‘Thus saith the Lord,’ accepting instead the doctrines and the commandments of men.” (Manuscript, 92, 1894).
There was a time when Protestants used to take a strong stand for Bible truth, but those days are gone. There was a time when preachers had no hesitation in preaching the truth as it is found in God’s word. Now we only seem to have peace and safety preachers who are afraid of hurting people’s feelings. They are fearful of being accused of not being courteous and loving. So today, the Protestant churches have lowered the standard of truth and are hiding the peculiarities of the faith.
The church is in danger, not because of the worldly influences by a godless society—No! God’s people are in danger because the watchmen and the pastors are failing to do their job by remaining silent when they ought to be crying out! They are not willing to call sin by its right name. Notice the current state of the watchmen:
“Sins exist in the church that God hates, but they are scarcely touched for fear of making enemies. Opposition has risen in the church to the plain testimony. Some will not bear it. They wish smooth things spoken unto them. And if the wrongs of individuals are touched, they complain of severity, and sympathize with those in the wrong” (Spiritual Gift, Vol. 2, p. 283).
Make no mistake; we are in a war. While a flood of anti-biblical sentiment is sweeping both our world and the church, God is calling for His watchmen to stand up and boldly declare, “Thus saith the Lord” to this generation. As God tells us, there is “a time to keep silent and a time to speak” (Ecclesiastes 3:7). This is not the time to be silent.
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It is so interesting that the pope is praying for peace, when he is the one that is causing all the wars and bloodshed!!! He is truly of the devil and is doing his bidding. We will probably be in WWIII before the end of the year. Biden is pushing for it. All the world wondered after the beast…………….
Shameless article spreading division between Adventist and Catholics and leading believers astray. Please just pray for peace and be peaceful.
There will be no real peace until the Prince of Peace returns. These shameful events are leading us ever closer. Let us play our part in the closing events of this sinful world.
Wow!. If all your spiritual beliefs are reflected by that statement, you have chosen a perfectly suited user name for yourself.
It’s not surprising at all that they wanna make it real. The Bible put it clear that before the second coming of the son of man all these must come to past. Be awake those who are sleeping. Read your bible and lean not own your understanding, let the bible interprets its self.
“Pope Frances who was just named ‘peoples` pope’..”..Not my ”holy Father”, not my Pope. Matthew 23:9 Jesus says, “And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven.”
If he is “people’s pope” I am brother of Bruce Lee, Brocco Li. lol.
The comment by Stumbling Block is right. This is a shameless article that is causing division between Catholics and Adventists. I was evangelical for a long time and chose to become Catholic about nine years ago. I encourage Adventists who write articles like this to practice greater humility by avoiding being so certain in your own interpretation of the Bible as to make outlandish claims that the Pope is devoted to the devil and the Catholic Church is flat out evil. I know it feels good to feel superior and feel like you’re right, and that most other people are wrong. But there’s a reason why pride is the deadliest of the deadly sins.
Also, adventists that want to bash Catholicism should tune into the radio program Catholic Answers on Eternal Word Television Network, visit the Catholic Answers website and read some of their books because most of them are former evangelical protestants (many of them pastors) who converted to be Catholics, and will pretty easily rebut all of your claims, and will do so using Bible verses. I’m not saying they’re 100% right about 100% of things, but the Bible doesn’t actually back up the majority of the anti-Catholic claims that many Adventists and evangelicals make. And the Bible often says the opposite of the anti-Catholic claims.
Furthermore, if you go to a Catholic Mass, it is generally much more focused on the Bible than most Adventist services I’ve been to, and most other evangelical services I’ve gone to. At every Mass there are 3 readings from the Bible, the sermon/homily is focused on those readings and most of the prayers come from the Bible. The songs at a Mass are at least as focused on the Bible as evangelical songs, which tend to be more modern and influenced by our modern world.
The majority of Catholic sermons are more focused on the Bible and less on the priest’s own views and thinking, while in my experience, Adventist and evangelical ministers/preachers in their sermons tend to spend more time on their own views, thinking, theories and ideas than Catholic priests do. I will say the evangelical sermons tend to be more engaging, gripping and passionate … but those 3 things are DIFFERENT than being more oriented towards the Bible. That said, a Catholic Mass is much less focused on and dependent on the abilities of the priest compared to how much evangelical services tend to focus on and depend on the preacher. So it doesn’t matter as much if a priest isn’t able to be give a gripping sermon.