We are on the threshold of eternity. Each day brings us closer to the second coming of Jesus and even closer to the great crisis that will test every soul on earth. Only those who have been spiritually awakened and are missionary-minded will be able to face that tremendous hour. We have been warned that “a storm is arising that will wrench and test the spiritual foundation of everyone to the utmost. Therefore, avoid the sand bed; hunt for the rock. Dig deep; lay your foundation sure. Build, oh, build for eternity! Build with tears, with heartfelt prayers” (Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 129).
Pope Francis is scheduled to visit Indonesia from September 3–6, 2024, to push for greater unity with his Muslim brothers. Islam is Indonesia’s largest religion, with 87% of the population identifying as Muslim. The Pope has made it clear that his mission is universal, which means that he will promote his vision of unity to all people around the world. According to Bible prophecy, Rome will have significant political influence over the kings of the earth.
Antara, Indonesia’s news agency, reported the following on July 24, 2024:
• “Pope Francis considers Indonesia an example of nurturing brotherhood; hence, he decided to visit the country next September, according to Indonesian Ambassador to the Holy See, Michael Trias Kuncahyono.” [1]
• “During an online interfaith dialogue on Tuesday, Kuncahyono said that Pope Francis emphasizes and upholds brotherhood and sees Indonesia as exemplary.” [1]
• “We are all brothers no matter our background … the Pope comes to Indonesia to meet his brothers,’ the ambassador remarked.” [1]
• “Pope Francis will visit Indonesia from September 3 to 6. Indonesia will be the first stop in his Southeast Asian tour, during which he is also scheduled to visit Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, and Singapore.” [1]
Rome has had a significant and far-reaching impact on religion, politics, culture, science, and education, often in ways that most people do not realize. The scene in Revelation 17:3 with the woman riding the beast represents a religion carrying political power. According to Revelation 17:2, the “kings of the earth have committed fornication” with her. Revelation 17:18 says: “And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.” This religious power will be intimately connected to the affairs of kings and empires, and it will possess considerable power in international relations.
Make no mistake: All of these kings, or kingdoms, including Islam, are inspired and led by the woman of Revelation 17. Today we are seeing Muslims yielding and surrendering to ecumenical Babylon. Prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes in ways never seen before. During the rule of Papal Rome (538 AD to 1798), her influence was not global. Rome only ruled over parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Today, her influence is much more extensive, reaching Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, Central America, South America, Australia, the South Pacific, and now the Arab nations.
Truly, the whole world is wondering after the beast! With the conquest of Islam and Protestantism, who will stand in the way of Rome’s global ambitions? What about the Seventh-day Adventists? We must stand firm against Rome’s calls for a one-world, universal brotherhood. This great ecumenical family described in Revelation Chapters 13, 17, and 18 is currently being formed, and this alone should make us aware of the signs of the times.
The end is near. Prophecy warns us that when the great religious bodies come together, it will precede the final conflict in the great controversy. We encourage all of our brothers and sisters to take a special and personal interest in bringing about genuine revival and reformation in preparation for the mighty infilling of the Holy Spirit. Let us pray for Spirit-filled workers who will take the gospel to the world. Many of these doors will soon close. Now is our opportunity. Recognizing that this is the hour of our destiny, let us make every effort to participate in the greatest spiritual blessing that God has in store for his people.
Papal pretending to be for unity whilst causing disharmony in ever sector of society globally.
As this man fulfills his mission, may God’s people accomplish theirs.