On Monday, January 24, 2022, a Finnish Christian MP and former Minister of the Interior pleaded not guilty to three charges. Paivi Rasanen appeared in court in Helsinki to face criminal charges for allegedly quoting from the Bible. She was only pointing out what the Bible says about homosexuality, prompting Finland’s Prosecutor General to seek criminal charges against her under the sections of “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity.” [1]
The prosecution is arguing that the views shared by Rasanen are “discriminatory towards minorities.” [1] According to the criminal charges filed against Paivi Rasanen, her statements were “likely to cause intolerance, contempt, and hatred towards homosexuals.” [1]
The goal of the radical LGBT+ militants was never about achieving equality. They want to put anyone who quotes or preaches from the Bible in prison. Their plan is to silence Christians and close down their churches. You could go to jail if you use certain Bible verses on social media. This is coming from a historically Protestant county where 67.8% of the population belongs to the Lutheran Church. Why is it that the majority of people in a “Protestant” nation are so hostile to the Bible and to Christian worldviews?
This demonstrates that simply attending church does not guarantee that people will uphold sound biblical doctrines and teachings. We are living at a time when having a biblical view on marriage and family has become a crime against humanity. Unfortunately, many “Christians” simply do not understand what the Word of God actually says. They have abandoned the truth in favor of our culture’s popular view of sexuality.
Right now, conservative biblical values are under attack. Even church leaders are attempting to tread a politically acceptable path in order to avoid offending anyone. This issue began in the public school systems. For over a generation, our public schools have been diminishing the moral education of our children by indoctrinating them on issues of biology and sexuality from an LGBT+ perspective, which is in direct opposition to the clear teachings of the Holy Scriptures. Either the textbooks in our public schools are correct or the Bible is correct. But it’s not just the public schools that have bowed to the LGBT+ agenda; many churches have also sold their souls in order to enjoy a temporary peace from all the chaos.
This is an important criminal case that is now being tried in Finland, and the verdict will have global ramifications. Please remember Paivi Rasanen in your prayers. We need more courageous Christians like Paivi Rasanen. We need Christians who will refuse to bend to a culture that has turned against those who speak the complete truth of God’s Word, which includes both the law and the gospel. The more we remain silent on these difficult and contentious issues, the more our freedom of speech and religious liberty will be eroded.
This same persecution will be coming to the rest of the world. It’s the culture of Sodom that will dominate society and a sign that Jesus is coming soon.
Thank you for sharing this. I certainly enjoy this site. Thanks!
We need to pray for this person because we could be next.
I have been keeping her in prayer. May Angels of glory form a circle of defense around her…the angel of the Lord encamps round about them and delivers them!
The protestant reformation was based on one principle only in English plainly stating that as Christians we live by The Bible and The Bible only. Such a stance is now unpopular for many Christians I am not sure of the term conservative Christians, just plain Christians will do for me, a Christian is more than a member of a body of believers or a certain bible believing group or denomination, Paul makes it very plain that if anyone does not have The Spirit of Christ they do not belong to Him (Romans 8: 9) Therefore is one is not under the spiritual leadership of Christ no matter how highly educated be one with their doctorate, or a member of the clergy or as a laity in the local church that sits in the church pew, baptised and of good and regular standing, if one is without The Spirit of Christ, they are no better than those who follow the LGBT agenda and could be even worse.
Our problem is the church is not as brave as it was when Jesus sent the church into all the world, back then the church was a movement and most of the preaching was done outside of the community of believers therefore many from outside of the faith become Christians to which even Paul writing in disapproval to certain behaviour among the church of Corinth stated the, ” those who do certain things cannot enter the kingdom of God…and such were some of you ” (see 1 Corinthians 6: 9 – 11 ) Sadly the church has lost its mission and it takes a politician to to what the church should be doing by bringing the gospel to the world instead of preaching to church members as if we need their sermons and we are a group of unconverted people who needs to repent, if we only had the same attitude as Paul who said…how can they believe unless they are sent a preacher…(Roams 10: 13 – 15)
To conclude, let there be a heaven sent revival and it will not be politicians being brought before the court because of their views on LGBT, it will be the christian preacher carrying the gospel which shall point out all the sins of the world and call to repentance be the situation favourable or not. Sadly I do not see that happening to the majority of those who preach from our pulpits be one conservative or not, we are so professional and theologically trained that we know how to preach and court the popularity of the church members and we keep the vast majority of the laity away from the mission filed and the homes of each other be the centralising of the preaching in our public places of worship our comfort zones where those who have their masters with may holding doctorates preaching Sabbath after Sabbath and the vast majority of the mission field is left largely unworked and greatly neglected by the majority of the laity and the clergy and what we should be doing in the world sadly some of the politicians are doing and making the news headlines. May our God restore His church according to the divine purpose and His expectation, Amen & Amen.