On November 1, 2023, President Ted Wilson arrived in Nigeria, Africa, as leaders from the West-Central African Division and many more from the local unions welcomed him. [1] Ted Wilson was given a welcome fit for royalty as church leaders from Africa rolled out the scarlet-colored carpet, a treatment often associated with kings, heads of state, and the Pope. In the video below, Ted Wilson and Pope Francis are shown receiving the red carpet treatment.
President Ted Wilson and the Scarlet-colored Carpet #sda #adventist #adventista pic.twitter.com/XRQ4yXYmLu
— Advent Messenger (@Advent1844) November 13, 2023
Because the red carpet treatment represents glamour and high-profile events, our entertainment industries host annual red carpet events such as the Grammys and Oscars. These award ceremonies feature red carpets, in which famous movie and music idols (celebrities) walk along a red carpet, taking pictures and doing interviews. Rolling out the red carpet is meant to add excitement, prestige, and grandeur.
In the church, the scarlet-colored carpet is mimicking the scarlet-colored beast, Rome, who incorporated the doctrine of papal supremacy. This taught that the Pope should be revered, obeyed, and acknowledged as God on earth. The Bible describes this exaltation and adoration of the clergy as one of the identifying marks of the “man of sin … the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God” (2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4).
It is to the Pope that the heads of state roll out the red carpet. It was the Popes who wore the triple crowns and were carried by men while sitting on thrones. Seventh-day Adventists never adopted any of these Roman Catholic traditions. Although both James White and J. N. Andrews served as General Conference presidents, our Adventist pioneers did not roll out the red carpet for them to walk on. True biblical Christianity remains unaffected by what is going on in the world or by the Papacy right now.
“For one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.” Matthew 23:8.
If we are all brothers and sisters, and if there is only one Lord, Jesus, then we can dispense with giving church leaders the red-carpet treatment. The moment we start treating some differently than others, we are no longer all brothers, as Jesus declared we ought to be. Yes, we can show respect and love to our fellow-brethren without adopting the world’s policies, because the president of the church is not the king of the world.
Greatness, grandeur, praising men, celebrity status, and exalting the clergy are what the red carpet represents. Some will say that Ted Wilson didn’t ask for the red-carpet treatment. Well, the problem is that Ted Wilson, as a leader, is supposed to be correcting these deviations from God’s word. He is supposed to be rebuking these displays of pomp and aggrandizement. It is part of his duty to remove apostasy from the church. But when have our leaders actually done anything to correct the grave errors that are openly being flaunted in the church today?
When men tried to make Jesus king, our Lord withdrew himself from these demonstrations. Our problem today is that we have accepted the scarlet-colored carpet because we have been spending too much time wondering after the scarlet-colored beast. We have embraced the same dance music for our youth events that Rome uses at theirs. Many today are following Pope Francis’ climate agenda. And unfortunately, we have somehow joined the same ecumenical fraternity. Yes, some have embraced the policies of the scarlet-colored beast and are wondering after her:
“I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy … And they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.” Revelation 17:3, 8.
“And all the world wondered after the beast.” Revelation 13:3.
I do not know the local culture and meaning of this; but surely, they are aware of the international meaning. Indeed, this does not reflect our lowly Savior! I certainly hope Elder Wilson took this opportunity to correct or reiterate and prevent a recurrence. His staff should also have understood this, and it should be in written form. But anyone who has attended past General Conference world sessions is aware of the propensity for show and glorification of man, even paganism, that has occurred there.
“The Lord would have His people divested of everything unscriptural in regard to the ministry. The men called to the ministry should not be made idols of; they should not be looked upon with superstitious reverence; and because of the power vested in them through their office, sin in them should not lose its offensiveness. Their very office makes sin in them more exceedingly sinful, for in committing sin they make themselves the ministers of sin, the agents of Satan, through whom he can work with success to perpetuate sin.” TM 404.1
They should have used the red carpet for his coronation ceremony at the GC Sessions.
The reason for red carpets is the desire to feel like a star. That’s why the world does it, and certainly the pope. Personally, I don’t believe we need red carpet pastors.
My new comment for everything is we are “Romeward bound”
The reason why our church leader can accept the red carpet treatment is because he’s one of those king’s mentioned in Revelation chapter 17, This would not be the first time He acted in ways more aligned with the kings of the earth then as a General conference president,
When I saw a great many neon vests one Sabbath morning outside of Wahroonga church my family thought there’d been some police incident or accident,
but it was just a large security detail spilling onto the streets to protect Elder Wilson from little old ladies who might have asked for a refund for the great hope project,
Think his comment in regards to the brethren lack of job security thanks to the Unlawful mandates revealed a side of Elder Ted that many didn’t notice before.
”The abomination of desolation is taking place and it has been there long for a long time ? ”What is abomination of desolation spoken by Prophet Daniel standing in the holy place?” The word abomination means idol worship, during the Israelites time the Baal worship was the sun worship and it started during the babylonian empire and the cannanites ,this is why God commanded the Israelites to exterminate the cannanites because of this false worship. In the book of Ezekiel 8:16, we read that the prophet saw 25 men turning their backs in the temple worshipping the sun facing towards the east. The 25 men represents General Conference of SDA Leadership leading the members towards worshipping the sun facing the east. In the recent General conference session we saw the leadership convening June 2022 to elect the new leaders. Sixth month of the year, six days of the week, sixth day of the week. 666 the dreaded mark predicted in the book of Revelation 13 was used in the GC session by the leadership and also the Vatican flag was featuring in the parade of nations, this is the direction the leadership is taking the SDA Membership. During the times of Jesus forewarned about the destruction of Jerusalem and in the year 66 A.D. general Cestius came and put the idolatrous standards in the temple of Jerusalem , the christians who listened to christ’s prophecy they ran out of the city and sought refuge elsewhere , but on the Year 70 A.D the time of desolation (destruction ) had come general Titus came and surrounded the temple city with large legions of Roman armies and the Jews had gathered inside the city to celebrate the passover , finally the God’s mercy was already withdrawn from the Jewish nation and 1,100,000 million Jews were killed and others taken into captivity. This is the lesson for us to learn as the end time christians about the apostacy by the Jewish nation. The same fate is going to befall upon us if we do not heed to the wise counsel of the Lord and come into repentance. The current SDA Leadership led by GC president Ted Wilson is collaborating with Rome to prepare the for the coming mark of the beast , many Adventists are asleep and they will be caught napping. They are misleading the SDA members that they are preaching the three angels messages but in the real sense they are promoting ecumenism. Three angels meesenges was cast aside by the leaders and they embraced Rome. Like the Jerusalem of the old which represents SDA Church today , we are in great danger of meeting the same fate like the Jews as a result of engaging in apostacy. The leadeship has changed the Original 3 Angels messages logo with 3 wavy lines and green bible with circular globe a jesuit logo, Unbiblical doctrines like Trinity, Ordination of Women,Use of Church Manual which was rejected by the pioneers of our faith. SDA church has apostacized therefore it’s no longer the Remnant church of bible prophecy. Let’s come out of her?
Don’t forget a huge ofering for Nigeria this 13th sabbath. They are in need of red carpets to spred the “got-spell”.
This is not the first time they roll out the red carpet for him.
I respect your work and support what you’re doing. We truly need your ministry to continue in these changing times for the world and our church. This post is bordering on aggrandizement more than than anything. My wife and I are nobody, but we worked in South Africa for over 6 months as missionaries building churches with a ministry. We were given the same treatment Ted Wilson got here. Could this be a culture difference to which we in the West don’t understand? Regardless, please continue your excellent work. Your brother in Christ.
I had the same feelings when I was a guest with friends in an african country. We were young man there from a Eastern Europian country, and they treated us with exceptional respect and treats.
I do not think, that Pr. Wilson was asking for the red carpet. When he was in our country, there was no red carpet:-)
There are things, actions, when we need to raise our voice. Yes, there are things in the church that harm the message we represent. Yes, there are leaders whose actions must be publicize, events or happenings to report on objectively – so everyone can draw a concluson.
So as far as this concern I also respect the work you do.
However I am not sure that this article is doing any good for the advent message, for the people, whom were visited there, and tried to give their best, to show their respect for our leaders.
Sorry, but it reminded me of when Judas talked about the precious anointing at the house of Simon the Pharisee
I wish to verify something please. Did they actually play the Hallelujah chorus while Wilson and his wife walked the red carpet? It is bad enough he accepted red carpet treatment but did they play that song while he did or was the song added as a part of the video compilation? Please advise. Thank you for reporting.