By Anthony Wheeler
On July 12, 2022, Dr. Richard Hart, President of Loma Linda University Health, circulated his monthly letter entitled “Notes from the President” (See Fulcrum7). In this letter, he presented a mnemonic that reflects the core values he has attempted to instill in Loma Linda. “C WITH Jesus Eyes:” Compassion, Wholeness, Integrity, Teamwork, Humility, Justice, and Excellence. Laudable goals, all of them. Two of them, though, are of particular interest in the context of this letter. Justice and Humility. Humility is of interest, as this letter is a justification of Loma Linda celebrating “Pride Month”. Justice is of interest as well.
What about Loma Linda and justice? Justice is a virtue embodied in Christ. He is the law giver. He is the judge. He is the executioner. No serious Christian can be opposed to justice. Justice is coming to this world. Yet is the term “justice” used in this letter in this manner? The world’s definition of justice is different. Justice has come to be the new Golden Rule. Today’s Golden Rule of justice is to “treat others the way the world tells you to treat them,” or to “require others to treat you as you wish to be treated.”
From the outset, Dr. Hart writes a fine letter that every Christian can agree with, with perhaps minor caveats aforementioned. But then he takes a turn that the Christian cannot condone. I’ll quote fully the concluding paragraphs of Dr. Hart’s letter where he appeals to the reader to treat the sexually immoral with compassion and according to his dictates of justice:
“Or can we follow Jesus’s example and seek to restore dignity to all, regardless of causation?
We have just ended the month of June, designated as “Pride Month.” This is a societal attempt to recognize the lives of those who identify as LGBTQI. The purpose of the commemorative month is to recognize the impact LGBTQI individuals have had on history and to acknowledge the prejudice and hate many have experienced. In addition, it is an opportunity for those who do not identify in this way to connect and support.
When Loma Linda University Health participates in months of recognition, we are working to heal and restore relationships, as I believe Christ calls us to do. May each of us open our hearts to all those around us who are deserving and in need of this love and acceptance.” [1]
While we must not follow Loma Linda’s example of how to treat the sexually immoral, we can follow Jesus’ example of seeking to restore dignity to all. We may or may not be able to heal physical disease, but we can lead people to Jesus, who always heals the contrite sinner from the blight of sin, always giving dignity. Jesus’ methods have not changed. To restore dignity, Jesus always called those he healed to forsake the greatest mocker of all, always saying, “Go and sin no more.”
Christ’s simple formula, “go and sin no more,” captures the essence of repentance. Repentance requires a setting aside of self, otherwise known as humility, and surrendering one’s will to the law of God. Only by humbling oneself can one let go of the sins that so easily beset us all. It is only through humility that one can turn away from one’s own selfish, sinful desires.
The precise opposite of humility is pride. Nothing stands in the way of repentance more than pride and a haughty spirit. When the sexually immoral celebrate their pride, they celebrate their opposition to the law of God. They celebrate their sins. Jesus never commended sin. He never celebrated immorality, though He certainly had the opportunity. Whenever He confronted unrepentant pride, he condemned the sinner, as seen in his words against the Pharisees and the leaders of Israel.
There is an acronym that used to be very commonly displayed on bumper stickers: “WWJD”. Whenever I would see it, I always thought of two interpretations: the common meaning, “What Would Jesus Do?” and a private interpretation of my own, “World Wide Judgment Day.” We are coming very close to Jesus’ return, and the world-wide judgment day will be upon us. With that in mind, what would Jesus actually do? Would He do the same as He did before? Would He call people out of sin and show them a better, more holy way?
WWJD is coming. WWJD? May each of us open our hearts to those around us who are open to the moving of the Holy Spirit. May we bear witness to this sin-sick world that there is a better way. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, the free gift of salvation is available to all sinners, sexually immoral or otherwise. May we be the eyes, the ears, the hands, and the mouth of Christ to lead all those who are willing to follow on a path out of sin and into true human dignity. May the world hear the call of Jesus, “Your sins have been forgiven you. Go and sin no more.”
What an upside-down world it is where Loma Linda, whose core values include humility, can celebrate pride! Where Loma Linda can encourage the sexually immoral to incur the wrath of God by continuing down their road to judgment in the name of “justice!”
It is with the spirit of Jesus that all Seventh-day Adventist Christians must call out to Loma Linda University, its president, and its board. “Repent from your deceitful mischief! Are the rainbows that glisten in the sunlight, adorning the eastern façade of your new hospital, a symbol of immorality? Cover them! Repent of all the lost opportunities you have squandered, seeking after worldly things! Use your knowledge of the law of God, both written in the Bible and written on the laws of nature, to heal others from sin. Show the sexually immoral the truth, show them their sin, show them love, but never encourage their pride. Encourage their humility and repentance, that they may know the Lord and escape justice.“
Ezekiel 33 sets forth the Christian’s duty to warn others. When we fail to warn others, their sins are upon our heads. When we warn them, and they do not respond, their sins are upon their own heads. But best of all, when we warn them with the love of Jesus, and they repent, God hides their sins, and they shall live. God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn away from their sins and live. We are the watchmen. We have a duty to warn the world. What will you do?
Anthony Wheeler can be reached through email at
Every day, our institutions become more woke. As a result, our moral teachings—which are in conflict with our culture—are minimized. It disappoints me that being politically correct is valued more highly than being biblically accurate.
What blasphemy! “Whatever contradicts God’s word, we may be sure proceeds from Satan.” PP 55.
God has never and will never condone sin. That is why Jesus suffered and died so that sinners can be set free.