If you really want to destroy a culture, this is the way to do it. Seventy year-old Caitlyn Jenner, formerly Bruce Jenner, and twenty-two year-old Sophia Hutchins, formerly Scott Hutchins, are both trans women. They both were men before they transitioned into women, but apparently they both still like women because they are “girlfriends” and in a committed relationship.
Try not to get lost with this gender-bender madness. These two former men were in previous relationships with women. They transitioned over to become “women,” yet they continued dating “women.” So technically they are trans lesbians because instead of being attracted to women while they were still men they are attracted to trans women after transitioning into women.
It gets even more confusing. Now these two individuals want to start a family in order to become “mommy’s.” [1] But since they are men, or were men, they are biologically unable to bear any children. So they will need to obtain an egg from a real woman (third person) and possibly rent the uterus of another woman (fourth person) in order to have a baby.
Sounds confusing? Well, what kind of confusion will this poor child live in? Tragically, this child won’t have any mommy or a daddy because the parents of the soon-to-be family aren’t real women and they aren’t real men. This is what the typical American family is starting to look like – complete confusion and dysfunction.
This is the destructive agenda being unleashed upon our generation by the transgender society. The transgender lobby is reshaping the definition of the family and they are trying to turn their lifestyle into the new standard and norm. Caitlyn (Bruce) and Sophia (Scott) are also 48 years apart in age difference! This kind of new “family” goes against sanity, reality, biology, gender, reason, logic, common sense and the Bible.
A recent poll says that the transgender population stands at around .06% here in the United States. [2] But if you watch what is coming out of Hollywood and if you have seen any recent television shows you would think that the transgender community makes up around 60% of our population. How can a tiny minority of sexually misguided people have the power to continually force their propaganda upon the public at every turn?
We have come to the place where gender and family is whatever you want it be. Why are we being forced to accept myths, hoaxes, fraud and lies as some kind of scientific fact without any evidence? The gender confusion is getting worse every day, but you better accept it because if not you will be prosecuted. [3] It is becoming a crime against humanity to not accept the transgender lifestyle as equal to traditional, biblical marriage.
So just how many genders are there and how many different types of transitions can people have? So far there over 321 and counting. [4] But remember, if you buy into the transgender propaganda, this list of gender identities is not limited to this number because the LGBT+ movement believes that gender is always evolving. Sexual identity and the family is no longer something that the Lord has made, but instead it is now being defined as something of our own choosing. We are witnessing the moral and mental breakdown of the traditional, American family.
“Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves,” Romans 1:24.
[1] https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/caitlyn-jenner-mum-70-girlfriend-18799085
[4] https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?191479-Complete-List-of-Tumblr-Genders-