The above video was made by Rusangu University. The first part is President Ted Wilson’s 2012 dedication at Rusangu University, and the second part is the 2018 Rusangu University Youth Day “Cultural (sensual) Performance.”
Rusangu University is an institution of higher learning owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is located in Zambia, Africa and is listed in the Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook as an official institution established to promote the church’s beliefs, values and mission.

President Ted Wilson at the dedication of Rusangu University
In fact, President Ted Wilson visited Rusangu University in 2012 and led a ribbon-cutting ceremony as their new administrative building was dedicated. During the dedication ceremony President Wilson lifted up the Bible in one hand while he spoke to the administration, faculty and students.

President Ted Wilson speaks at Rusangu University
Ted Wilson said: “I want to say with certainty that Seventh-day Adventists believe what this precious word (Bible) teaches, and Rusangu University will be foremost in proclaiming it – that God created human beings in His image…Brothers and sisters, students of Rusangu University, do not just take your religion classes and your Bible classes as if they were just interesting stories to help you prepare culturally for your work in the future. Take this word of God and make it the foundation of all that you will believe and do in the future.”

Rusangu University’s Cultural Dance Group
Sadly, these words are not being heeded by those at Rusangu University. During the Rusangu University’s Youth Day 2018, the school’s “Cultural Dance Group” has been traveling the country conducting a “Cultural Heritage Tour.”

The Drummers and Dancers are on their way to Perform
The dance group is made up by students from the university who travel around in the school’s official tour bus educating the community on the importance of culture and education.
Some students play the drums and rhythms while other students dance. Is this the new evangelization? What happened to the old-time missionaries, literature distribution and street preaching?

Students in the Back are Getting too Close
It is unthinkable that school administrators would support and condone young Seventh-day Adventist females wiggling and shaking their waists in a sensual way on the lower abdomens of young Seventh-day Adventist males – and during an official school function!
The dancing being exhibited by the students is openly sensual and seductive. This is supposed to be “educating” the community. Such dancing is corrupting the minds of the youth and this has to stop.
These sensually appealing tribal dances were anciently designed to arouse the lower passions of people. Read Numbers Chapter 25. This was how the children of Israel were seduced into sin and disobedience.
This kind of ancient, “cultural” (pagan) tribal dancing with the loud drums should have nothing to do with Christianity or any Seventh-day Adventist institution. You cannot mix tribal dancing with Seventh-day Adventism and call it “cultural education.”
Rusangu University administrators need to critically examine if this kind of school-sponsored event is consistent with our Christian values, morals and standards. These kinds of movements are more consistent with what happens in the night clubs of this world.
“The Holy Spirit never reveals itself in such methods, in such a bedlam of noise. This is an invention of Satan to cover up his ingenious methods for making of none effect the pure, sincere, elevating, ennobling, sanctifying truth for this time” (Selected Messages, Vol. 2, p, 36).
Yes, there is a time to pray; but there is also a time to act. The issue on seductive dancing was brought to the attention of the Zambian Union Conference last year and nothing has since changed. The students at Rusangu University are still uploading these and other videos on social media. Contact the leadership at Rusangu University and briefly share your concerns and ask them to immediately ban this tribal dancing being promoted by their institution. Ironically, the two top leaders at Rusangu University are also the two conference presidents in Zambia. Maybe that’s part of the problem.
Samuel Sinyangwe is Chancellor of Rusangu University and President of the Northern Zambia Union Conference and can be reached here:
Harrington S. Akombwa is Chairman of the Board at Rusangu University and President of the Southern Zambia Union Conference and can be reached here:
Ted Wilson is the General Conference President of the SDA Church who participated in the dedication ceremony at Rusangu University and he can be reached here: