So is there a Santa Claus? According to a movie called “The Polar Express,” a doubting boy along with other non-believing children embark on a “magical adventure” [1] towards the North Pole to meet Santa Claus. By the end of the movie, your child will embrace the Christmas spirit and become a believer.[0]=AZU4QgDqnd4Ux_37MzTR7eMSbdqEMFS0zIxcyvr67EKA7zbFQ5cGlXChXUb3ME3zpd1rhk7EkWpMUC4aJnfIXBfH-Gxwq-MuKWg1jRYVQow_1NPmVldUDUrsAfgQxaOTNZ4nV18jGb4U41TbSZVGWCTq&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
This is the same film that will be sponsored by WholeLife Church, formerly Florida Hospital Church, a Seventh-day Adventist Church located in Orlando, Florida. [2] The church posted the following public invitation on their WholeLife Kids/Family Facebook page:
“Begin the Christmas Season enjoying a holiday movie night with your family and friends at WholeLife Church on December 5 from 6:30-8:30pm. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets and masks! Do not miss the ice cream truck that coming to town!” [3]
We tell our children to always tell the truth. “Don’t lie to me or you’ll get in trouble,” is the warning that parents give their children. But now Seventh-day Adventist Churches are instilling in children a belief in Santa Claus. Santa Claus is a myth and a fable. Would we dare call him a lie? Some say that Santa Claus is just entertainment. He is a magical, happy and fun character. But nonetheless, he’s a lie.
Is Santa true? No. What’s the opposite of the truth? A lie. Is lying a sin? Yes. Is that breaking God’s commandment? Absolutely. Are we the commandment-keeping people? We’re supposed to be. So what should we call an attempt by some to convince others of a falsehood? Do we call that fun and entertainment?
No, it’s still a lie. Santa Claus doesn’t know if you’ve been naughty or nice. He doesn’t float down the chimneys of peoples’ houses. And he certainly doesn’t have reindeer pulling his sleigh across the sky. Those are deliberate misrepresentations made to deceive children.
Why do we have to feed a bunch of lies to kids when we have Jesus? Jesus doesn’t need reindeer. He created them. Jesus can fly without the help of anyone. Jesus doesn’t visit you only one night a year. He is present with all those who love Him 24-hours a day, every day. Jesus doesn’t give us cheap toys that break down; He offers us everlasting life.
Jesus is so much better than Santa Claus because not only is He real, but He has all the power in the universe at His disposal. He was conceived in the womb of a woman. He healed the sick, performed miracles and raised the dead. He was murdered, but came back to life and is now in heaven defending our case before His Heavenly Father. And the best part is that Jesus will come again in glory to destroy sin and evil and take us home to heaven.
Jesus is Lord, Messiah, Creator, Judge, King, High Priest and Prophet. But most of all, He is our best Friend. We don’t need to perpetuate a lie on our children when we have Someone who is greater than Abraham, greater than King Solomon and, yes, greater than the mythical lie of Santa Claus.