Why would we align ourselves with unbiblical movements? One would think that Seventh-day Adventists would resist the social upheaval of ungodly secular campaigns that are determined to destroy our faith. Rather than resist those who are diametrically opposed to our biblical values, we prefer to join the anti-religious revolution and promote its secular causes instead of the Three Angels’ Message.
The world is coordinating an effort to celebrate certain days and events in order to foster unity and create solidarity within the global community. The United Nations celebrated what they call World Refugee Day by calling for “greater inclusion of refugees in health systems, schools and sports.” [1] The Vatican also commemorated World Refugee Day by echoing the words of Pope Francis “to protect, promote, welcome and integrate migrants.” [2] Seventh-day Adventists across Europe also joined the World Refugee Day celebration by commemorating a “Refugee Sabbath” and pledged to work to “assist and integrate refugees.” [3]
Christians have always been at the forefront in uplifting the oppressed. We are called to help and comfort those who suffer. But this global coordination to help refugees is more about building an alliance of international organizations for the universal brotherhood that Rome is creating. What we are witnessing is a strategic partnership that is coordinating the new Covid-19 recovery for the Great Reset. There is an insatiable appetite for more unity, solidarity and brotherhood as the Antichrist consolidates his forces for the final crisis.
The refugee crisis is just one component of the Great Reset. We see the same coordination between the international community when it comes to labor, the economy, vaccination campaigns and the climate crisis. The foundations of the world-wide “brotherhood” will be based on interfaith unity and cooperation. With the full support of the secular, religious, political and financial powers, Rome is finally achieving its ultimate goal of reigning over the entire world (Revelation 17:7, 8).
Not only do we collaborate together with the Vatican and the United Nations to promote World Refugee Day, but there is a perpetual effort to align our mission with the world on all the other social issues. Many of our church institutions also commemorate Earth Day, also known as Mother Earth Day, a day also honored by Rome and the United Nations. [4] But it’s not just Earth Day. Seventh-day Adventists also celebrate the following events and announce them in our own media:
- World Refugee Sabbath [5]
- Friends of Hope Day [5]
- Global Youth Day [5]
- World Orphan Day [5]
- HIV/Aids Awareness Day [5]
- Drug Awareness Month [5]
- The International Day to End Gender-based violence [6]
- Earth Day Summits [7] [8]
The irony is that the United Nations also celebrate all these days and even more. [9] Sadly, our list of special days and events that we are commemorating seems indistinguishable from what secular humanists have been celebrating for quite some time. Why has this happened? Are we getting our theology from the New York Times instead of the Bible? Has “sin” now been reduced to the level of social economics rather than rebellion against God and His law? Does salvation now consist of overthrowing capitalism instead of the kingdom of the Antichrist? Has Greta Thunberg become the new prophetess, essentially replacing Ellen White? Are we giving lip-service to Jesus while idolizing Marx, Lenin, Che Guevara and Mao?
Friends, the Seventh-day Adventist faith as revealed in the Three Angels’ Message, is God’s final and complete revelation to this generation. We cannot run with the world or seek to associate our mission with theirs. Instead of celebrating these “secular” days that the world holds dear, why don’t we organize the following events?
- Three Angels’ Message Day
- Come Out of Babylon Day
- The Seal of God Day
- Avoid the Mark of the Beast Day
- Avoid the Healing of the Wound Day
- Avoid Spiritualism and Pantheism Day
- Violence Against the Unborn Day (Abortion)
- Biblical Family Day
- Euthanasia Free Day
- Anti-feminist Day
- Evolution is a Hoax Day
- Sex is not a Social Construct Day
- Ordination is not a Social Experiment Day
- Saturday is the Day of Rest to Commemorate God’s Creation Day
Globalists would never support any of the biblical mandates listed above. So instead we are seeing a deliberate plan being formulated to demonstrate how we have embraced the world’s message. It is no coincidence that Adventists, along with Rome and the United Nations, are publishing the news that they are working together on the same agenda, World Refugee Day. It shows that we are more in tune with this culture than with the God of heaven.
We live in a generation in which God’s people are being bombarded with secular ideas that are taking us away from the word of God. The goal may be to demonstrate that Adventism is a pro-science, awakened, culturally relevant movement concerned with social justice. This may appeal to some audiences and may increase our standing in the world; however, this is exactly how the true prophet of God said our religion would be changed:
“Rome never changes. She claims infallibility. It is Protestantism that will change. The adoption of liberal ideas on its part will bring it where it can clasp the hand of Catholicism” (Last Day Events, p. 130).
“The church cannot measure herself by the world nor by the opinion of men nor by what she once was … The church will be weighed in the balances of the sanctuary. If her moral character and spiritual state do not correspond with the benefits and blessings God has conferred upon her, she will be found wanting.” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 83).
[1] https://www.un.org/en/observances/refugee-day
[4] http://adventmessenger.org/united-nations-april-22-is-the-international-day-for-mother-earth/
[5] https://gc.adventist.org/events/special-days/
[6] https://enditnow.org/international-day-to-end-gender-based-violence/
[7] https://web.archive.org/web/20190104115443/https://www.adventistontario.org/EarthDay.aspx
[8] https://web.archive.org/web/20190204092156/https://www.adventistontario.org/EarthDay.aspx
[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minor_secular_observances
Thankyou Brother, for having the intestinal fortitude required to stand up for Truth. Especially in these dramatically, & rapidly changing times. I greatly appreciate the information You convey, to “Further Remind” we Adventists, just “Where We Are In Time”…. May God Continue To Richly Bless You, Your Family, & Those Assisting, In Bringing This Much Needed Information To A Rapidly Dying World.