When world leaders begin praising and celebrating the Pope of Rome as the world’s greatest ally for shortening workdays and giving employees more time off, you know exactly where all of this is headed. When politicians and other policymakers turn to Rome for moral direction and advice, this is a warning sign that religious liberty is hanging in the balance.
Spain: Pope Francis is the World’s Greatest Ambassador for Fewer Workdays and More Time for Rest #sda #adventist #adventista pic.twitter.com/fIQs5MlI3y
— Advent Messenger (@Advent1844) February 2, 2024
On February 2, 2024, Yolanda Díaz, the Minister of Labor and Second Vice President of Spain, was received by Pope Francis at the Vatican. Following their meeting, Diaz informed the press that the Pope is the greatest defender of giving workers more time off for rest. She added that Francis is in favor of fewer working hours for employees. [1]
In the video above, Yolanda Diaz gave the following remarks after her meeting with Pope Francis:
• “This visit was made with the understanding that Pope Francis is the best ambassador of decent work in the world. The reduction of workdays, as you know, concerns him, and Pope Francis defends it, and we had a long conversation about the need for time to live, time to rest and time to work” (Twitter Video).
We don’t even need to guess about what the Pope’s intentions are when it comes to his attempts to push for shorter workdays and more time for rest because he has consistently advocated for Sundays to be the day of rest for workers. Back in 2014, Pope Francis stated that working on Sundays creates a negative effect on families and society. The Associated Press reported:
• “Pope Francis has lamented the abandoning of the traditionally Christian practice of not working on Sundays, saying it has a negative impact on families and friendships.” [2]
• “While he said poor people need jobs to have dignity, he indicated that opening stores and other businesses on Sundays as a way to create jobs wasn’t beneficial for society. Francis said the priority should be ‘not economic but human,’ and that the stress should be on families and friendships, not commercial relationships. He added: ‘Maybe it’s time to ask ourselves if working on Sundays is true freedom’.” [2]
Pope Francis is the world’s greatest ambassador for advocating that Sunday be designated as the universal day of rest for all. The efforts to reestablish this day by law will soon come true. It’s just a matter of time. Time is ticking, and before we know it, the world will soon receive the seal of the living God or the mark of papal apostasy.
[1] https://www.elperiodico.com/es/internacional/20240202/yolanda-diaz-papa-francisco-reunion-97661433
[2] https://apnews.com/international-news-general-news-8b45e43816a443adb55a24ade2120da9#
Pope is out of touch with the common person we need more work not less
Every soul must look to God with contrition and humility, that He may guide and lead and bless. We must not trust to others to search the Scriptures for us. Some of our leading brethren have frequently taken their position on the wrong side; and if God would send a message and wait for these older brethren to open the way for its advancement, it would never reach the people. These brethren will be found in this position until they become partakers of the divine nature to a greater extent than ever they have been in the past. GW 303.3