At least 217 people have already lost their lives in one of the deadliest flash floods in Spain’s modern history, and many more remain unaccounted for. Rescue workers are searching in homes, apartment buildings, shopping centers, and parking garages for more victims of the floods that came after four consecutive days of torrential rain hit the eastern region of Valencia, Spain. [1]
Catholics were quick to blame the natural disaster on climate change and are urging the European nation to adhere to Pope Francis’ climate encyclicals Laudate Deum and Laudato Si’. ARCORES, the International Solidarity Network of the Augustinian Recollect Family and a religious order of the Catholic Church, published the following on October 31, 2024, which connects the recent environmental tragedy to the Pope’s climate message:
• “The catastrophic floods that claimed more than 90 lives (now 217 and counting) and left dozens missing in Valencia, Spain, highlight the seriousness of the climate crisis.” [2]
• “With each additional increase in global warming, the changes in extremes continue to increase.” [2]
• “The climate impacts are already at the doorsteps of European cities. We have been overconfident, thinking that these effects only affect island nations, but we are completely wrong.” [2]
• “The extreme consequences of climate change threaten lives and livelihoods everywhere.” [2]
• “Despite this, many people are still reluctant and confused when it comes to accepting the reality of the climate crisis.” [2]
• “As Pope Francis states, ‘despite all attempts to deny, hide, gloss over or relativize the issue, the signs of climate change are here and are ever more evident.’ (Laudato Deum, 5).” [2]
• “We encourage communities and institutions to make calls for solidarity and to act in favor of the victims, as Pope Francis reminds us in Laudato Si’ with a sense of solidarity that is at the same time an awareness of living in a common home that God has lent us.” [2]
• “These community actions, when they express self-giving love, can also become intense spiritual experiences (Laudato Si’, 232).” [2]
Here we see how Rome’s faith-driven climate agenda is being pushed upon Europe as the solution to the natural calamities taking place in our world. Catholics are actually lobbying political leaders to adopt Laudate Deum and Laudato Si’ as the solutions for the environment.
Here is the real problem with the Pope’s climate message, which will have a part in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Laduato Si’ section 237 reads:
• “On Sunday, our participation in the Eucharist has special importance. Sunday, like the Jewish Sabbath, is meant to be a day which heals our relationships with God, with ourselves, with others and with the world. Sunday is the day of the Resurrection, the “first day” of the new creation, whose first fruits are the Lord’s risen humanity, the pledge of the final transfiguration of all created reality. It also proclaims “man’s eternal rest in God” (Laudato Si’ #237).
Rome is working tirelessly to spread her wine throughout the world. Their climate agenda is linked to Sunday sacredness, and, when embraced by political and religious leaders, this will aid in bringing Sunday rest to the forefront. With the climate agenda hitting a fever pitch in society and as globalists are making their proposals to save the world from the climate apocalypse at COP29 and the World Economic Forum, the climate crusade is not slowing down but actually aligning all parties together on the Sunday question.
There will be two clear voices being heard as we enter the final crisis. Apostate Christianity’s call that Sunday is the solution to saving the planet and the warning message found in the Third Angel’s Message against the mark of the beast. God will always have a people who will step up in every crisis to meet the challenge. Praise God!
Amen . Truly all will be fulfilled and Jesus come to pick us