“The time was when Protestants placed a high value upon the liberty of conscience which had been so dearly purchased. They taught their children to abhor popery and held that to seek harmony with Rome would be disloyalty to God. But how widely different are the sentiments now expressed!” (Great Controversy, p. 563).
On March 8, 2023, Luis Amigó Catholic University, a Roman Catholic institution of higher learning located in Medellin, Colombia, published photos of Seventh-day Adventist Academy students touring the grounds of their campus. The Catholic university was sharing “learning spaces” with 11th grade students who came from the Adventist Academy located in the city of Apartadó, Antioquia, Colombia.
The following is written in the Facebook post from Luis Amigó Catholic University:
“This year we continue with open doors, receiving visits from the different educational institutions of the Urabá sub-region. Yesterday we had the pleasure of receiving the 11th grade students of the Apartadó Adventist College 2022. The Luis Amigó Catholic University hopes to continue contributing and sharing spaces for learning, recreation and providing useful tools for the professional training of young people in the Apartadó sub-region through the activity #LetsGoToTheU #ULuisFriends #Apartadó” (Facebook Post).
This is typically called a “university visit” for high school students. The purpose of these visits is for the high school students to explore the facilities, learn about the academic programs, tour the campus, attend informational sessions, meet with current students and professors, get an overall feel for the university, ask questions, learn more about the university, and get an “orientation” to help them decide if they may be interested in attending this university after graduation.
Here we are seeing Seventh-day Adventist students being brought to a Roman Catholic university for the sole purpose of helping them make an informed decision about whether or not to apply. They were introduced to and given a taste of Catholic education by the Adventist Academy so that they could assess whether this university would be a good match for their interests, academic goals, and overall lifestyle.
None of this can be sanctioned by the Bible or the Spirit of Prophecy. These so-called Adventist educators from this academy have lost their minds. They are leading the youth astray. There used to be a time in Adventism when we would never allow for the indoctrination of our youth at the hands of Roman Catholic mystical philosophers. Everything has since changed. Today, thanks to 60 years of ecumenism, we take our youth by the busload into the arms of Rome to embrace the pope’s representatives.
Who would allow this to happen? Who authorized this? Who would leave our most vulnerable and impressionable minds unprotected within Rome’s institutions for “orientation” and for potential future indoctrination. This is not something that our kids need. It is not time to embrace the papal power of prophecy, which claims to have the authority to change God’s 10 Commandment moral law. This is not the time to embrace a system that teaches heresy and at the same time claims infallibility in spiritual matters.
While the trend continues and as more and more of our people embark down the dangerous path towards Rome, God is calling us to have a completely different experience. He is calling us to an experience of unity in the Three Angels’ Messages—and not into a unity of sin, transgression, or an unbiblical belief system. May God have mercy on us all and on our kids. May He help us stay on the course He has given us.
“Our work is to proclaim to the world the first, second and third angels’ messages. In the discharge of our duties we are neither to despise nor to fear our enemies … We are to treat with kindness and courtesy those who refuse to be loyal to God, but we are never, never to unite with them” (Testimonies, Vol. 7, pp. 107, 108).
Why I am not shocked…
Apostasy, Apostasy and more apostasy.
We are going deeper and deeper into the quagmire of rebellion. If this is not spiritual treason then I dont know what spiritual treason is.
Treachery of the highest degree.
God help those who love Him not to be discouraged but soldier on as the end is before our own eyes.
What part of “Come out of her my people” don’t we understand?
This all seems like a bad dream, and Rome is very pleased.
This reminds me of Dr Darius from NAD Andrews University,
He was taking his students to observe a Catholic Mass & asking them to spend an hour talking to a Catholic priest about their “faith”:
The church that holds to the word of God is irreconcilably separated from Rome. Protestants were once thus apart from this great church of apostasy, but they have approached more nearly to her, and are still in the path of reconciliation to the Church of Rome. Rome never changes. Her principles have not altered in the least. She has not lessened the breach between herself and Protestants; they have done all the advancing. But what does this argue for the Protestantism of this day? It is the rejection of Bible truth which makes men approach to infidelity. It is a backsliding church that lessens the distance between itself and the Papacy. – ST February 19, 1894
Este es la página que se dedica a encontrar lo que quiere, menos al Dios que presumen defender. Este es la página que pone en ridículo ante el mundo a un pueblo creyente, esta es la página que acusa a los hermanos. Altamente críticos de lo que descontextualizados pero muy fariseicamente se comportan, por lo general no pueden llevar la carga que llevan y tratan de desahogarse criticando y acusando. Su evangelio es la crítica. Si tu quieres encontrar algo lo buscas y lo encuentras, son unos buzos espirituales que van a lo profundo del mar a sacar pecados. No tienen a Dios en el corazón sino siko el dedo acosador. No le.predican a nadie acerca de lo que hizo Dios para sal var a la humanidad. Solo les gusta contar los tiempos, son amant3s de profecías y de emocionalismo por los eventos del diario vivir pero de relación con Dios nada. Están llenos de rabia y de antojos de poder, me recuerdan a un personaje bíblico qu3 salió del cielo y no por bueno.