“The Word of God teaches that these scenes are to be repeated as papists and Protestants shall unite for the exaltation of the Sunday” (Great Controversy, p. 578).
News and commentary from a Biblical world view on current events, top stories, social trends and political and religious events.
This video is a tidy summary, a good choice for sharing among brethren who maybe are not watching, or are resistant to watching, the signs of the times.
In my churches locally, I’m seeing two groups emerge. There are those who are watching and see what is coming. They are studying the prophecies and are moved with a marked sense of urgency to make preparation. They are putting their faith into action by adjusting their practical and spiritual priorities.
And then there’s the business as usual group, who show increasing intolerance to any message of urgency. Of these I am reminded that it is not left to human wisdom to determine who are wheat, and who are tares. I am reminded that we are told there will be many who join the work late. I am reminded that Christ bears long with us, and if we will be like Him, then we will also bear long with others. Here is the patience of the saints.
Amen, we see it our neck of the woods as well. Most of the ones most venoment on those repenting and searching ,seeing the urgency are being beat up by those that preach the love, love. But very rarely is it, it is written or SOP, just their love of God and His love to them. Yet the first few churches of Revelation speak of such, the rise of Babylon and beast system with the false love the compromise of truth with paganism, deception, and the occult… the blessing is for those that have ears and eyes to see, the other do not receive the blessing because
They don’t in heart really love the truth. God will leave non without the blessing of understanding and the repentant overcomer, if they search and wrestle, long for it in the blood of the lamb. We need to be open for the Holy Spirit to purge self from our hearts . He can’t do it if we love ourselves and lies and feelings our ways and this world more then God.