In the video below you will see the excessive police force used to arrest one woman who was walking down the street minding her own business. What crime did she commit while in Sydney, Australia? She was guilty of not wearing a face mask. To deal with these new criminals in Australia, 15 or more police officers will be deployed in full force to combat these dangerous non-mask-wearing women.
This should never happen to a human being. It’s completely dehumanizing. It’s time to stop. It’s past time for mask mandates to be repealed. The United Kingdom has just done so, removing the requirement to wear a mask in public places, including schools. They’ve accepted the fact that they’ll have to live with covid in the same way that we do with any other flu. [1]
The story about masks has changed over time. First we were told “masks work.” Then “masks don’t work.” The message was changed again to “wearing two masks works.” Later, it was “masks may work.” The narrative about masks has switched yet again to “cloth masks don’t work, but the N95 masks work, but only for about a week.”
The Joe Biden administration has recently ordered 400 million surgical N95 masks to be distributed for free across the United States. [2] The problem is that according to “health experts,” these face masks are only effective if used for a duration of 8 to 40 hours. [3] Will we have to pay for the next order of 400,000,000 masks if the first ones are free? Nothing, after all, is truly free. As we enter the new mask buying scheme, it is our tax dollars that continue to enrich the health conglomerates.
What is going to ultimately happen to the 400 million disposable masks after one week? And what will happen to the next batch of used masks? And the next? Will they end up in a landfill? Or will they end up being discarded in the shopping carts at your local grocery store. You wouldn’t believe how many face masks get dumped into shopping carts, which is creating another health crisis. Who is going to pick up filthy, contaminated discarded masks from the grocery carts? Then you have to sanitize the carts because they become contaminated as well. Joe Biden will have to deploy full biohazard suits with oxygen masks to every grocery store in order to deal with the discarded contaminated mask crisis that is coming.
The mask-wearing hysteria is being created by the same health experts, politicians, and media figures who were dead wrong about covid for the past two years. And they are speaking with absolute certainty today, just as they did when they told us in 2020 that we only needed two weeks of isolation to flatten the curve.
Humans were created to breathe oxygen, not waste products like carbon dioxide, which we exhale. Masks restrict the flow of oxygen to your body, forcing you to inhale germs that have accumulated within the mask. This is especially true for students in schools and colleges, who are subjected to the impacts of having to wear masks for lengthy periods of time each day while having a very low risk of covid. We must reject the absurd, ever-shifting narratives that say that masks are an effective tool that impedes the transmission of covid infections.
Enough with the masks, the arrests, the dehumanizing of people, the lockdowns, and the oppressive health mandates. If people want to wear masks, that’s their personal choice. But when the strong arm of the state begins to arrest people on the streets over these mask mandates, this takes us down the path of government tyranny and control. Give the people back their freedoms. The United Kingdom got it right. On January 27, 2022 the requirement to wear face masks in public indoor settings will be dropped. Let’s hope that other nations will follow suit.
The video doesn’t show…. But how do we know she was arrested for not wearing a mask? There is no context to this video…. She could have been shoplifting…
Footage of Victoria Police arresting a woman for not wearing a face-covering on a Melbourne Street has gone viral on social media. Credit: Facebook/ Youtube “Police made the decision to arrest the woman after she failed to provide her name and address,” Victoria Police said in a statement.
The problem with australians is not that so many of them have descended from convicts
That so many are descended from prison officers.
Clive James
The beast [ The coming N.W.O. ] told them to build an image in honor of the beast that had been wounded by the sword and yet lived. SEE [ The Third Reich in Power examines how it was possible for a group of ideological obsessive to remould a society famous for its sophistication and complexity into a one-party state directed at war and race hate]
Rev 13:15 The second beast [ U.S.A.] was allowed to breathe life into the image of the first beast, so that the image could talk and put to death all those who would not worship it.
WE HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT THIS IS COMING Mat 24:21 for then shall be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world to this time; no, nor ever shall be. Mat 24:22 And unless those days should be shortened, no flesh would be saved. But for the elect’s sake, those days shall be shortened.
SEE The definitive account of Germany’s malign transformation under Hitler’s total rule and the implacable march to war.
By the middle of 1933, the democracy of the Weimar Republic had been transformed into the police state of the Third Reich, mobilized around the cult of the leader, Adolf Hitler. If this could happen in less than a year, what would the future hold? Only the most fervent Nazi party loyalists would have predicted how radical the transformation ahead would be.
aca en mexico la semana pasada en la localidad de ECATEPEC MEXICO pusieron por ley en codigo constitucional segun ellos que cualquier persona que camine en la calle sin cubrebocas pagara una multa e ira a la carcel, ya hay muchos arrestados, hay lugares de mexico que esto es real , a mi en lo personal me paso cuando caminaba por las calles de una ciudad pequeña estaban hechando gel y cuidando que todo mundo llevara cubrebocas, yo pase y una señora me grito hey tu cubrebocas estamos en pandemia, yo continue caminando y corrio hacia mi y me dijo irresponsable por lo menos toma gel, extendi mis mianos agarre gel y continue caminando y muchos me quedaron mirando, pocos dias despues empezaron a golpear a las personas que no llevavan el cubrebocas.
aca en mexico hay lugares muy muy salvages que hasta te pueden colgar si obedeses las ordenes me refiero a la parte sur de mexico.
here in mexico last week in the town of ECATEPEC MEXICO imposed by law in the constitutional code according to them that anyone who walks on the street without a mask will pay a fine and go to jail there are many detainees there are places in mexico that is It is real, my personal walks through the streets of a small town, I was putting on gel and taking care that everyone wears a face mask, you pass by and a lady yells, hey, face mask, we are in a pandemic, and you keep walking and running, and they call me irresponsible for at least taking gel , spread my mianos grab gel and keep walking and many are still looking for me, a few days later they started hitting people who were not wearing a mask.
here in mexico there are many places that can save you until you comply with the orders i mean the south of mexico.