“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation.” Matthew 12:25. Divisions will cause any nation to come to its end. This is where all the fighting, the riots and protests that we see daily in the heartland of America is taking us to. The mob mentality is only getting worse as protesters turn into […]
A Society Gone Mad with Violence
“And the way of peace have they not known” Romans 3:17. We are living in what could perhaps be considered one of the most violent eras of earth’s history. The violence that we are seeing is devastating and demoralizing as innocent children, mothers, the elderly and law enforcement are being murdered. This is only an […]
Mass Shootings: A new culture of violence
“Make a chain: for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence. Destruction cometh; and they shall seek peace, and there shall be none. Ezekiel 7:23, 25. Why are we seeing so much violence and mass shootings in America? Something has seriously gone wrong. Just this week inside a […]