On Saturday 7, 2021 during the ASI Convention in Orlando, FL, President Ted Wilson preached the Sabbath sermon. It was during this message that Ted Wilson expressed the unadulterated, pure Third Angel’s Message before his audience. He clearly and unambiguously declared that the Papacy is the beast power of Revelation and that the mark of the beast is Sunday.
In the video above, Ted Wilson says:
“Let me just tell you straightforward, and with kindness, Bible prophecy indicates clearly that the beast is the papacy … since the beast is the papacy, the mark of the beast is the keeping of the false day of worship, Sunday … those who choose to keep Sunday will receive the mark of the beast, for the mark of the beast is the keeping of Sunday.
We apologize for the quality of the video, but it is the only quality you will find online. This video of Ted Wilson is a complete reversal and change from what he had been saying previously. For the first time in many years, Ted Wilson expressed what we as Seventh-day Adventists have believed from the beginning. For the past few months we have been reporting on a new prophetic shift seen within Adventism that attempted to reapply many of our end-time interpretations. Ted Wilson had also been expressing for many years that the mark of the beast could apply to any day.
We, along with several other ministries, addressed this issue and showed how this was changing our long-standing prophetic beliefs. This was sowing confusion and denying the sure word of inspiration. Ted Wilson has now come out and made a complete U-turn. He has openly expressed what he should have been doing from the beginning. It takes a lot of fortitude to come out openly and say this. We can’t read Ted Wilson’s heart and we don’t know if it was the pressure, the prayers, or both that caused this change, but we have to give people the benefit of the doubt that their motives are sincere, unless at some later point they prove otherwise.
One thing is certain; there have been many prayers ascending to heaven on behalf of Ted Wilson. We believe that the Holy Spirit can and does work to answer our prayers, and it was disappointing when Ted Wilson didn’t speak very clearly regarding the mark of the beast in the past. Many people prayed while others sounded an alarm because it seemed that no one was holding him to account for his previous statements.
Obviously this is only the beginning. It would be nice if every church media published these words expressed by Ted Wilson because it is one thing to speak the truth to a mostly conservative base during a church sponsored event, and quite another to proclaim them to the world with love. When this happens, there will be a shaking in the church. Many of those who are leading us down the wrong path will be shaken by words like these. The apostates shudder every time the pure truth of God is embraced and proclaimed. In fact, Rome becomes furious.
When the leader of the Seventh-day Adventist Church tells the truth as it is in Christ, Satan takes notice and works against those efforts. Here we have at least one leader making statements that are sure to put him at odds with many in the church. So let’s keep praying for Ted Wilson. Let’s raise him up before God and keep holding him accountable. When people do the right thing, we must acknowledge it. When they don’t, we should pray for them and encourage them on the path of righteousness.
Amen! God is Good All The Time! Let God be praise. Prayers were sent up to the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary and have been answered. Glory to God!
It would be nice to see the contrast between what Ted Wilson have been saying before and what he is saying now.
Nice, go back to March 2021 on this website and view the posted video. It was Ted’s own words.
Nic, sorry autocorrect strikes again.
Can’t find March 2021 on this website. Can you post a link?
As it is in Jesus name amen namen
We do thank God many times for redirecting the mind and thought of our leader to acknowledge the fact. Let all proclaim this solemn message to world as we approach the end.
Hello Brothers and sister.
Mr. Flip-Flop Ted Wilson;’
I have been searching for the full sabbath message in YouTube, AudioVerse and ASI Miniestry and it is not available yet. Hopefully that portion of the beast and the mark of the beast remains.
Praise the Lord, for Ted Wilson’s turn around, and praying that he will stay on the right path, and help all SDA’s, through his leadership, to stay on the narrow road also!
Sincere Blessings,
Jan M
May God shake the GC with this Message.
I once was lost but now am found. That hopefully applies to Pastor Wilson also. Let’s keep praying for him and Jesus’ church. Jesus will carry each of us and His church through to the end. Give me Jesus. Focus on Jesus. Let’s pray for each other to be faithful. We have a lot of trouble on the way. Our only hope to get through this time of trouble is to have a very close relationship with Jesus.
Claim John 6:37 every day.
He is making these comments to score points with SDAs. At the same time there is silence in the land outside of SDA gatherings. The world is NOT being warned as EGW said we are to do. We can play SDA all we want in SDA clubhouse gatherings, but the world is NOT hearing the three angels messages by design. Wilson does NOT want the world to hear the three angels’ messages. God is very upset over this. And Wilson was behind the attempted destruction of The Great Controversy by having it re-written into a simple booklet with everything about the pope removed. This was his project to spread The Great Controversy around the country. It was a fake book, designed to please the pope. What we preach to the world is what matters. The slaughter of Ezekiel 9 EGW said is a literal slaughter of SDAs. God is very upset with SDAs and the slaughter begins with the leaders. And she said “storm and tempest would sweep away the structure.” This is the future. God is upset.
Kevin Fisher Well said. It’s nice to hear he has publicly stated the truth but it’s not enough by any stretch if the imagination. And that butchering of the the book “the great controversy” was super terrible. If I recall correctly, I think Ted Wilson said he had nothing to do with that. But even if he didn’t, as president, how could he let that travesty not only slip by but not condemn it after the fact? By their fruits we know them. And I add to that the official church position on abortion (of which I heard from his own mouth his position and his dereliction if duty on that subject) and I see him in a light that is very dim. 🙏
How come we can’t find his sermon on YouTube or 3ABN? Only a clip from someone’s phone. It’s just a ploy to get reelected next year.
I likewise distrust this show of adherence to SDA prophetic Tuths as diplayed by Ted Wilson. Maybe he is playing politics by just trying to appease God’s faithful remnant with seemingly sincere U-turn in his mode of thinking. You never know, because even evil king Manaseh turned to God . However, I still remain doubtful because i have seen Ted Wilson’s duplicity. Mark Finley writes his sermons ( at least most of them) and i had the opportunity to listen to such a sermon ( incidentally , i had read it in Signs) when Mr. Wilson spoke to a gathering of the Bulgarian church in Sofia back in October 2014. Even back then i saw that what he speaks does not correspond to what he does.
This is good. Praise be to God! Am also glad to hear the GC plans to distribute a billion copies of The Great Controversy (full book). This is what the world needs now.
His previous statements and actions speak clearly where he stands on present truth (Be carful and remember Jesuits can play both sides) His leadership as the General conference president is a failure as a result the damage has been done. Again be carful time will tell. Also I did not hear him say anything about being repentant for all his years of apostacy
God is so gracious and willing to forgive when we sincerely turn to Him in humbleness of heart. Wilson knows how far he had gone trying to please man rather than God and now that he has come back to his senses we give God praise and glory, let him get back to the crossroads and find the old path …Thus says the Lord:
“Stand in the ways and see,
And ask for the old paths, where the good way is,
And walk in it;
Then you will find rest for your souls. [Jeremiah 6:16]
I’m not fully convinced by this, would be great if it’s true, as in the recent past He had published publically Three times that TMOTB
“Was ANY other day than than 7tb day Sabbath”, He even had it featured in The book He put out…
To me this looks like “Damage control”
How come we can’t find his sermon on YouTube or 3ABN? Only a clip from someone’s phone. It’s just a ploy to get reelected next year.
His words are chosen for his audience. Saints, be very careful. Words are nothing but air until there is actions to back them up. Hegelian methods work both sides. You will know them by their fruits, not by their words.
Si lo hace de corazón está correcto,pero parece una cortina de humo,ya que no se arrepiente de promocionar las medidas draconianas de los Césares del mundo,y no dice nada de la permanencia de la iasd en el ecumenismo con Roma,ni de haber cambiado la reforma pro salud por la “ciencia”de las vacunas,ojala el hermano Ted reflexione y siga corrigiendo
“Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses. Them that sin rebuke before ALL, that others also may fear.” 1Timothy 5:19-20. Emphasis supplied
Elder Ted Wilson’s comments were published in a world wide publication, which means there are millions of witnesses that witnessed his unfaithfulness to the beliefs of the church he claims to represent. But there was and will be NO PUBLIC rebuke and this is true from the General Conference clear down to the person standing in the pulpit. Ecclesiastes 8:11 ” Because sentence against an evil work is not EXECUTED SPEEDILY therefore the hearts of the sons of men are FULLY set in them to do evil.” Emphasis supplied…hence the reason that others have NOTHING to fear… sin is tolerated in the camp and the leaders are openly bringing into their tents in broad day midianitish women…where are the Phinehas in the church? Numbers 25; Psalms 106:28-31
We don’t know his heart but even a tree is known by its fruit!!!! Zacheus made restitution beyond his initial theft… Like it is said, ” Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.” James 2:18
When there is public confession of public sin then that would be in accordance with Scripture and then their actions (fruit) would show whether the sin was regretted or just the consequences of sin was regretted. He will be found in a garden crying or hanging silently…will it be Peter or Judas? How many choose to be SILENT is dumbfounding! But time will tell…in the meantime we need to be working out our own salvation with fear and trembling! Philippians 2:12
It is good to see our President at last proclaiming what an Adventist would in this last days but on the other hand we have to be cautious..In light of his previous involvement with the pope and his actions we do not know what his intentions are..Having ministries like the Amazing Word and Advent Messenger shedding light on activities involving GC and the Vatican, many have come to know the truth..And so for Ted Wilson to say such need to be taken with cautious with reference to what EG White prophesied back then to be cautious of leaders in the GC.
“The greatest want of the world is the want of men—men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall” Education page 57
“Now is the time for God’s people to show themselves true to principle. When the religion of Christ is most held in contempt, when His law is mor despised, then should our zeal be the warmest and our courage the most unflinching. To stand in defense of truth and righteousness when the majority forsake us, to fight the battles of the Lord when champions are few — this will be our test.”
Thank you for these quotes!
The fact that something is true does not mean that is what you need. I wonder how this message resonates with a world that is dying without hope: Covid, drugs, depression, racism, etc. How does this help people who do not know God to get to know about His character?
Proverbs 23:23 KJV
“Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.”
John 16:13 KJV
“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.”
John 17:17 KJV
“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”
John 14:6 KJV
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
2 Thessalonians 2:10 KJV
“And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.’
Revelation 1:2-3 KJV
“Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”
“Covid, drugs, depression, racism,” can also be traced back to the Papacy:
Dr Fauci has a Jesuit education, he owns the patent for various covid vaccines with Bill Gates another Roman Catholic, club of Rome, St Corona is the Catholic saint of pandemics,
Vatican also runs all the secret societies, including the ones which profit from drugs both legal and illegal, world’s largest shareholder in pharmaceuticals, which don’t cure disease or sickness only the symptoms of the illness,
Leading to side effects like depression,
The Jesuits also created the Social Justice warrior ethois which is forced onto young people in the education system and entertainment realms,
Knowing that God holds truth as the ultimate currency, He warns us in Hosea 4:6 “my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge..”
He warns us who the end time players are so we can avoid their deceptions and avoid being destroyed with them.
I have been blessed by all the comments posted; thank you for sharing, brothers and sisters. We are no one’s judge(yet), but we are required to prove all things, and to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. God infinitely desires the salvation of our brother Ted Wilson, and as sons and daughters of God we will share that desire. God has raised up a people to take the 3 angel’s messages to the whole world. A critical element of that truth is the warning against receiving TMOTB. As we have all been clearly instructed that the mark can only received when worship on Sunday is mandated by legislation, I am very concerned by brother Wilson’s decided omission of that signal truth.
I must agree with YesMsJane says’ concern regarding the veracity of our brother’s ‘correction’. I would ask all those reading this to pray earnestly for Ted Wilson, and our church.
Dear Andy Roman, continue to be the awakened watchman and don’t let the enemy seduce you with his charming voice so that you fall asleep along with your unsuspecting readers…read carefully the comments made from the brothers who are awake. Remember that a course of action of years of open apostasy (which was further deepened by your father Neil Wilson being president) is not corrected by just a couple of words that boil the pot of sentimentality in the midst of unsuspecting Adventist members to rush their hand in their wallets to financially support, not THE GREAT CONTROVERSY 2.0 PROJECT but THE GREAT DECEPTION 2.0 PROJECT . But, in case WIlson’s statements are true…what would be a clear sign that Ted Wilson’s words come from a sincere heart?That he and his entire board of directors would repent and publicly acknowledge that they have sinned against heaven and against His Commander General Jesus Christ by having turned away from the Word of God and moved closer to Rome through the ecumenical movement that began back in the days of the publication of the book QUESTIONS ON DOCTRINE and then went on to the Second Vatican Council and shook hands with the Papacy through the Department of Religious Liberty [couldn’t that name be more sarcastic? ] instead of having allowed the right hand of the Third Angel’s message to hold on to the Most High to help a world sinking into this plandemia with an apostate traitorous organization supporting the climate change – nature worship agenda (omega apostasy) and following Satanic tyrannical policies that are pushing towards forced vaccination, character samples that will soon lead to delivering the faithful to persecution and death by Rome the Mother of Harlots and her daughters the apostate Protestant churches during the crisis of the mark of the beast which is mandatory Sunday. Until then … the works are speaking against his words. And my last question: If Ted Wilson told the truth in that very speech, that he believes every word as the truth of the book of THE GREAT CONTROVERSY, WHY DID HE WAIT 12 YEARS TO SAY that Rome is THE BEAST OF REV 13 AND THAT THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS SUNDAY?
The words of Christ resound in our ears … “SEE THAT NOBODY DECEIVES YOU”
With brotherly love
A correction…”by his father Neil Wilson”
Very good article. I certainly appreciate this website. Thanks!
Ted Wilson is a hypocrite. Why? Because he criticizes the Catholic Church over Sunday-keeping while not stopping abortions performed in SDA hospitals. To date over 15,000 non-life threatening and for profit abortions have been performed in SDA hospitals in the last 50 years. (His father, Neal Wilson, also a past SDA GC President,
also knew about it in the early 1980’s and, also, never stopped it.) Catholic hospitals will not perform abortions in their hospitals- but SDAs will? And SDAs claim to be
God’s remnant, law-keeping people. Really? What’s also sad is that the SDA GC will not respond to protests to abortions in their hospitals. (Do the SDA leaders think
that abortions performed in SDA hospitals are holy? And they think silence is golden?) The Lord is not glorified in any of this. It is shameful to say the least. Dear
Reader, do you think confession and repentance are in order here by the SDA leadership? I think so and hope you agree. SDAs will fulfill the “Lord, Lord” group that
Jesus spoke about, and be called “workers of iniquity”, and form a line to the lake of fire- unless they do the right thing- publicly acknowledging the evil and stopping
it. Again, I hope you agree. Would the SDA Church like it if the Catholics protested abortions performed in SDA hospitals in large media sources? I don’t think so.
During the council of Trent, the biggest death blow argument against protestantism made by the papacy was the fact that we claim the bible alone is the surpreme authority as our reason for “rebelling” against church authority and yet we do not follow the bible as the surpreme authority because if we did, we’d keep saturday and not sunday. We were called hypocrites only seeking our own ambitions. We were called liars about our true intentions. How can we be trusted if we dont practice what we preach and are doing the same thing as the church we call anti Christ by giving tradition of man equal authority?
I fear that when such a council or pinnacle of the two arguments are brought forth once again in front of the whole world, the arguments made by the papacy back then will be able to be made against the only pillar of protestantism left, the SDA movement. They’ll argue we claim the bible alone as the authority that supercedes their jurisdiction and then they’ll say, “Well if they were who they claim to be, they wouldn’t be allowing abortions in their own hospitals” thus pointing to the “Thou shalt not murder” commandment as the one we break making us hypocrites who do still fall under their jurisdiction. And they’ll say “They’re so worried about the day of the week people worship but not the lives of the innocent?”.
I know most SDAs do not agree with the abortion loophole that still exists in our hospitals that if the womans “mental health” is compromised then abortions are still allowed. Any woman could get an abortion with such a loophole. Doug Batchelor did speak against this loophole at the GC sessions only to be attacked by a “Doctor”.
I believe through infiltration of our church and through those being led by the spirit of satan, we are being set up to lose this argument when the time comes. It is not about politics. We shouldn’t waste our time in the political system or accuse those who dont but we do need to make sure we have documentation explicitly forbidding abortion in our own institutions or this will be used as the nail in our coffin. I know this is still Gods church. We’re being set up and the answer is not to call the SDA church apostate or encourage others to leave the biggest living argument against the papacy as this is what the papacy wants. The answer is prayer and to get the word out everywhere that we are being set up to lose this great argument, not that the SDA church is evil. People doing that are actually making it harder for this issue to be addressed. The SDA church is not the enemy. The enemy is trying to set us up. Lets all shine light on this fact. There is little time to fix it.