Ted Wilson has been re-elected as president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, indicating that the church’s current situation will not change. On June 6, 2022, the first day of the 61st General Conference Session in St. Louis, MO, his re-election took place. [1] Ted Wilson had no one to defeat because the nominating committee had only provided his name for the delegates to vote on.
However, in a major departure from voting protocol, a president was elected by a secret and anonymous ballot for the first time in a General Conference Session. Tim Standish of the General Conference, the son of the late Dr. Russell Standish, raised this issue.
If there’s one thing we’ve learned about voting and elections, it’s that secret and anonymous ballots are problematic. This raises far too many valid concerns and questions. We’ll leave it up to the church committees to figure out how the voting processes were set up and whether or not they were in accordance with church policies. One thing is certain: God says that only one type of leadership is acceptable to Him:
“The greatest want of the world is the want of men—men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall” (Education, p. 57).
These principles apply to all levels of church leadership. Today’s greatest threat to God’s people isn’t radical, godless elements trying to impose their secular agendas on the church. No, that isn’t the most pressing problem. The most serious problem we have today is that we have weak, politically correct leaders at all levels who allow these things to enter without intervening.
We have a timid leadership that prefers to be polite rather than correct. We can and should be loving but courageous at the same time. Unfortunately, the current status quo dictates that church leaders must constantly smile and avoid causing controversy. This has resulted in a weakening of the truth and a desire among people in positions of authority to avoid debate, crucial battles, rebukes, and agitation. Is this how we want to influence the culture around us?
We can’t be like King Zedekiah, Judah’s final king. Zedekiah was a weak leader who did little. We are told by inspiration:
“With no fixed purpose to do evil, he [Zedekiah] was also without resolution to stand boldly for the right” (Prophets and Kings, p. 457).
Is that a desirable trait in a leader? Certainly not. This describes perfectly what we are witnessing today. Here we had a king who was not seeking to do evil, but who was unwilling to stand bravely for the right. This, according to inspiration, was the reason of his downfall.
“As a consequence he advanced steadily in the wrong direction” (Prophets and Kings, p. 457).
What good is a faith when it is silenced and not vigorously defended? Silence has never saved anyone. Lost souls seldom come to repentance on their own. If we refuse to defend the faith, we will be lost because God equates weakness with sin:
“The weakness of Zedekiah was a sin for which he paid a fearful penalty” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 458).
“But the fearful (weak), and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Revelation 21:8.
If leadership fails in the exercise of their sacred duties, souls will be lost and they will have blood on their hands in the Day of Judgment (Ezekiel 33:6). However, if they discharge their duties properly, then souls will be saved for God’s kingdom. Not all will heed the warning, but some will, and we will meet those people in God’s kingdom one day.
The only hope for the church today is to see the return of godly leadership. The good news is that God will raise up individuals during this period of earth’s history to declare the much needed truths for this time and to confront the dangers facing God’s people.
It looks like they took a page from the Democratic Patry’s playbook on anonymous voting.
Bro. James, as i watched and considered the “election buddy”, sadly, i thought of the same mess that has surrounded the two wolves, and how it now appears that sheep is imitating wolves, or is it wolves in sheep’s clothing. Watch Dr. Conrad Vine’s appeal to the delegates of GC session 2022 on YT. The only cover up we need right now is Christ’s robe of righteousness and the only thing naked should be the truth. Israel wanted to be like all the nations around them, rather than being an example (peculiar people) to them. Seventh Day Adventism seems to a great degree to be spiraling in the same direction, but It is at the same time of this spiraling that a people will stand and make up the hedges and stand in the gap. There are days i know when we get so discouraged but, Never give up, Jesus is coming! May we be ready to meet Him.
Very good and accurate comment.
Some powerful truths were expressed in this article…..and I’mhappy to say I agree with every one! Please keep it coming!
The statements from Patriarchs and Proohets about king Zedekiah that are quoted in this article, unfortunately, describe the majority of our leadership at the GC perfectly and I say that with heavy heart.
For me, When I hear this news I was very disappointed……Ted to be President again. But things are happening in our church but He’s not care of. ……
The same status quo will continue people will live in slumber current events and bible prophcies will take place without the knowledge of church congregats.May God have mercy upon the SDA’S.
This is the way conference leadership does business, even in local conferences, almost with exception. They know they are almost untouchable with regards to accountability….very sad indeed! We are told that the church will seem about to fall but doesn’t. I truly believe we are living through this time. We must hold these corrupt, ‘good old boy’ leaders accountable in our constituency meeting and vote the inept, corrupt leaders out and truly look for men and women who have a track record of doing things God’s way. Don’t give up or become discouraged!
I agree that the church will not fall, but it is not the GC church that makes it through.
06 06 2022(=06) 060606=666
The date this was done was kinda fascinating like TPTB are telling us He is the SDA president TMOTB will happen under,
Was Ted Wilson’s name REALLY the only one provided? We may never know. But suspicions have been raised. We are each saved as individuals. Let’s make sure to be in God’s Word more and more as we see the day approaching!
It was the only name that the delegates were given to vote for. They had the choice of voting yes or no.
Hello brother Andy,I have read all the comments and your reply on how the delegates to 61GC SESSIONS reelected Ted Wilson to another 5years marking him to be 15years on presidency.I can see two things being played.1.It can be that all delegates were programmed to re elect him based on the wish of certain groups of which only God knows.2.It can also be possible that before the session in the previous month ADCOM was charged with the task to find out if anyone in NAD was willing to contest and maybe no one was interested so that’s why he re reinstated to the presidency.If the above mentioned reasons are not,then maybe secret societies orchestrated for the church to be still worldly while the enemy will still be infiltrate churches and souls of people.But the greatest question should be “will the LORD GOD grant us His Spirit such that the loud cry can start and we will be sealed as Adventists such that we can stand firm during the time of the national Sunday laws?If not then as the whole Adventists,we are not prepared for the time of trouble.Thanks.
Most SDA’s are not prepared for the NSL and will not be. It is an individual work to be prepared. We are not saved in groups.
What I see is concern over people. Why don’t we try praying for these people and start spreading the gospel rather than looking at men to fix the churches “current situation”? God has chosen men and women as the church. My little church has gone without a pastor for quite some time now and we have flourished. We need to be praying and cleansing our own hearts rather than looking at a “president” to fix the church. This is a heart problem not a conference problem. Its not what the conference can do for you but rather what Jesus has already done for you and what you can do for Jesus.
Amen! Excellent point, God is in Control. This Apostasy has been prophesied in His word, the greatest Apostasy still to come by the leadership, the full endorsement of Sun Worship, Ezekiel 8:16.
Right on Jason !!!!!!!
I’m surprised white smoke didn’t pour out the chimney when Ted was re-“elected”.
Smells a little off to me . . . I am thinking the entire thing was rigged!! . . . The world has white anted the GC, and the GC Churches. Seventh Day Adventist Denomination is not a movement anymore but a SYSTEM!!
It will end as it started, a movement, but few of the leaders will be involved in that movement. As individuals we need to be seeking to be in that movement.
From the time they replaced the the three angels symbol and was and is widely accepted and used as Adventist symbol even as we speak, that left the door open for anything else to creep in. Anything else including satanic appointments in service carried by human agencies. Like in Garden of Eden, great lessons are to be learnt, and like Christ, we ought to heed and abide by the Holy word of God in faith and obedience,It’s Written expresses God’s only Devine will. Be strong in the lord don’t be discouraged but be encouraged, don’t be scared but rather be prepared. God bless.
Howdy! Would you mind if I share your blog with my facebook group? There’s a lot of people that I think would really appreciate your content. Please let me know. Many thanks
Thanks for writing this article
Hi all, in light of your concerns, please allow me to share a dream I had about a year ago. I was standing on the side of a very broad street and saw a prominent adventist leader standing in the middle of it awaiting someone. I did not know who he was, but knew that he was an important church leader. Not long after, as I looked to my right, I saw pope Francis walking toward the leader. As they met, they walked to a large building with a glass wall sectioned off in squares. I followed at a distance, and on looking through the glass wall into the building, which they entered, I noticed that everyone, men and women, was dressed in white shirts or blouses, and black skirts or trousers. Somehow I found myself inside the building, listening as the adventist official was giving a lecture, under the watchful eye of the pope. At a certain point in his speech, he pronounced a word incorrectly. The pope stopped him, pronounced the word correctly, spelled it to him, and then began to dictate to him, what he should say. He proceeded to repeat the pope’s words verbatim. This is when I spoke out loudly with indignation, and said.”Wait a minute, this is the beast, the harlot, the man of sin, son of perdition, Babylon, the little horn power, and he is dictating to you? ” The hall went silent ,as the pope turned his head slowly and looked at me. No one said a word. It was at this juncture the dream ended.