As previously reported in Saved to Serve’s Mid-day Power Surge video, the Alabama High School Athletic Association (AHSAA) has responded to all the criticism they received for their decision to not change the Oakwood Adventist Academy team’s tournament game scheduled for Saturday (Sabbath) to another time. Oakwood Adventist Academy was scheduled to play in a tournament game at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday. They petitioned the AHSAA to change the game time to 7:30 p.m. when the Sabbath hours would have finished. The AHSAA refused to accommodate the Adventist academy and this led to the team having to forfeit the game and their chances to advance to the championship playoffs. [1]
This story sparked national attention and brought a lot of criticism to the AHSAA. Even the Governor of the State of Alabama, Kay Ivey, wrote a letter asking the AHSAA why they didn’t accommodate the religious beliefs of Oakwood Adventist Academy and change the game time. The AHSAA responded to the Governor, explaining their decision why they denied the Seventh-day Adventist institution’s request.
In a February 24, 2022 letter, Alvin Briggs, Executive Director for the AHSAA, asked Governor Ives: “Is the public narrative over Oakwood’s treatment accurate?” The letter goes on to explain that the AHSAA simply upheld the agreement that was made in writing with Oakwood Adventist Academy. The letter stated:
Oakwood’s membership in the AHSAA is 100% voluntary. In 2017, Oakwood requested full membership into the AHSAA. Although Oakwood had been an associate member for three years, they desired to become a full member which would allow them to participate in championship play. To be a full member, a private school must sponsor a minimum of five male and five female sports to be assigned area and region opponents. As a result, Oakwood committed to sponsor boys’ and girls’ basketball, boys’ soccer, girls’ volleyball, boys’ and girls’ cross country, and boys’ and girls’ indoor and outdoor track.
Because championship events in the aforementioned sports are held on Fridays and Saturdays, the AHSAA Central Board of Control had questions about Oakwood participating since their school is a Seventh Day Adventist organization that recognizes the Sabbath from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday. Therefore, Oakwood agreed to follow the rules of the AHSAA and agreed to participate in all playoff games without petition, or forfeit. This statement was provided to the AHSAA in writing, and the AHSAA responded, in writing, accepting their agreement to participate in championship play, without petition, or forfeit .
Therefore, regardless of the news reports and the public narrative that has been created, the AHSAA simply upheld the agreement that was made when Oakwood became a full member.
Oakwood agreed in writing to participate in all scheduled playoff games without petition or forfeit when they became a member in 2017. It was our understanding that Oakwood’s administration would take responsibility and ownership and explain the situation to the student-athletes, parents, and stakeholders.
The AHSAA expressly asked if Oakwood would participate in championship play before Oakwood became a member. Oakwood agreed in writing that they would without petition or forfeit. Furthermore, through the legislative process of the AHSAA, Oakwood, as a member school, has had opportunities to submit proposals to change current bylaws or to create new ones. [2]
What an embarrassing situation we create when we begin to compromise our beliefs. It is not surprising anymore to hear that the school’s administration agreed to play basketball during the Sabbath hours. What is amazing is the fact that they didn’t disclose this blatant compromise and then acted surprised when the AHSAA refused to accommodate their request. The Bible says, “Be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23).
By concealing their secret consent to play on the Sabbath so that their application to join the AHSAA as full members could be approved, the Oakwood Adventist Academy administration betrayed the students, staff, and God. However, it has all come to light, demonstrating that we have weak, compromised leaders who are willing to sell out God’s truth for the “corruptible crown” of this world (1 Corinthians 9:24, 25). They’ll give up their birthright in exchange for a pot of lentils. They will forfeit heaven for the “pleasures of sins for a season” (Hebrews 11:25). None of this would have occurred if we had heeded God’s warnings against engaging in competitive sports. [3]
It is a difficult situation when the world rebukes the church for its shameful compromises and fake moral outrage when things don’t go their way. It wouldn’t be the first time. King Abimelech publicly chastised Abraham for his cowardly lies (Genesis 20:9, 10). The seamen rebuked Jonah for neglecting to reveal that he was fleeing from God’s presence (Jonah 1:8-10). However, just as those men repented and made amends and eventually fulfilled God’s will, we too have the choice today to obey God’s instructions and withdraw from these worldly sporting events before we bring eternal ruin upon ourselves and others.
Sad to see leaders fail their responsibilities and are now accountable for betraying the team and the school!
Thank you, Andy for calling out the leaders at Oakwood. We needed to know the truth about this situation. The leaders that have led this school to apostasy need to resign now!
So sad for the Governor and the local news to have to witness this.
This situation unexpectedly went the wrong way than the school hoped for.
The term “from hero to zero” is befitting.
They sold their souls to the devil in 2017!
It reminds me of the events that lead up to the flood. When Noah and his family entered the ark, and the angel of the Lord shut the door, those outside did not know that for a whole week, their fate had already been sealed!!! Christ said while here on earth, “LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU”.
When they entered into an agreement with this organization, they had already sealed their fate! They just did not know it yet…………….
Did the Athletic Director of Oakwood know the Administration had went into an agreement like that?
Way to go Oakwood, making our denomination look like hypocrites.
I want to know who was involved in signing the contract……
Oakwood Adventist Academy didn’t even disclose that information. They keep that secret. It was the other party, the AHSAA, who felt compelled to come forward and reveal that.
Thank you Andy,
I was just throwing it out because those are the people that need to be held accountable for this situation.
Have a blessed Sabbath,
Why are SDA’s opposed to the playing of team/competitive sports? Isn’t this taking sabbath observation to extremes. When the sabbath eda somewhere it will still be before 7.30 pm somewhere.
I would like you to look at Christ and His character.
I grew up playing and watching sports.
I learned a lot about teamwork, sportsmanship and other things that helped to mold me as I grew up.
As Christians we are called to be separate from the world.
Can you see the Creator of everything playing or attending a football game?
Specifically on Sabbath?
I think Jesus played some kind of games with His disciplines but nothing that would cause bodily harm and the minds to become focused on self.
If you are honest with yourself and really look at the ultimate goal of sports and then the Creator you will have your answer.