What is the fastest way to get people to attend church on Sunday? Declare Sunday to be a national day of prayer in response to the climate crisis. But is there really a connection between Sunday and the weather? No, but Rome is creating one and is calling on the people of Colombia to be in church on Sunday in order to cry to God for rain, just as the priests of Baal did on the summit of Mount Carmel.
On January 29, 2024, Vatican News reported that the Catholic leadership in Colombia has issued a call to the nation to get together on Sunday in order to experience an ecological conversion, to pray for rain, and to remember Pope Francis’ call to work and cultivate an integral ecology. Vatican News expressed the following:
• “The national prayer, organized by the Episcopal Conference, took place on Sunday, January 28, within the framework of the fire outbreaks that the country has been going through in recent days, aggravated by high temperatures and drought.” [1]
• “Concerned about the critical situation in Colombia due to the scarcity of water and the multiple forest fires that have occurred in recent days in different regions, the country’s bishops held a national prayer on Sunday, January 28, to ask God for the gift of The rain. Likewise, they sent a letter to the People of God, in which they demonstrate ‘the need to have greater environmental awareness, as well as to undertake forceful actions that help prevent this type of risk’.” [1]
• “In the message, the prelates allude to the current climate situation, accentuated by the ‘El Niño’ phenomenon, and emphasize the imperative to ‘direct our gaze to the God of life, asking him to move our hearts so that we undertake concrete actions of ecological conversion, encouraged by the care and conservation that we must have of our common home and of the poorest, who are the main affected.” [1]
• “Although the national prayer was held on Sunday, January 28, in a message sent exclusively to Vatican News, the archbishop of Bogotá invites people to continue praying for the gift of rain and thanks those who have linked themselves to prayer and concrete exercise of solidarity in different regions of the country.” [1]
• “He also expresses his gratitude to the volunteer firefighters, the Civil Defense, the Army, the Police and the media who have raised awareness of the responsibility of the men and women ‘missionaries of the common home’ in protecting the environment. Likewise, he remembers Pope Francis’ call to work and cultivate an integral ecology.” [1]
Roman Catholics were not the only churches observing this national day of prayer for rain on Sunday. According to the local news in Colombia, “all the communities of faith” would also be taking part in the Sunday ceremonies. La Guajira Hoy is a news agency in Riohacha, Colombia, and reported the following:
• “That is why this Sunday, all the parishes in La Guajira join in this national prayer, as well as all the communities of faith, a prayer that they hope to replicate in the following days and thus united in common prayer. ‘May the Lord look upon us with mercy and grant us the water that falls from the sky and that also springs from the earth,’ said Wilmer Silva , priest of the San Isidro Labrador church in the Palomino district, Dibulla.” [2]
So on Sunday, all the churches gathered to pray to God for rain and for an ecological conversion. This is in perfect harmony with the message of Pope Francis because, according to Rome, ecological conversion involves designating Sunday to be the common shared weekly day of rest.
Dr. Isaac Olatunji: What is Ecological Conversion? #sda #adventist #adventista pic.twitter.com/saOldo0T9U
— Advent Messenger (@Advent1844) November 19, 2023
Let’s be clear, though: The ecological conversion that Rome wants to inspire in everyone is much more than just addressing environmental concerns. The purpose of ecological conversion is to honor, respect, and give thanks to the idol Sabbath (Sunday). Sunday sacredness and Rome’s climate agenda are inextricably linked. You cannot separate them. And on Sunday, January 28, 2024, in Colombia, all the people gathered together, united on Rome’s day, to pray that everyone might have an ecological conversion—something Pope Francis has been urging people to do for a long time.
Will God send them rain? Will God send them the early and the latter rain? Unfortunately, the only rain that they will experience is the counterfeit spirit because Sunday is not the Bible Sabbath. Sunday sacredness is not mandated by the word of God. The God of the Bible commands us to keep holy the seventh day of the week, not the first. And as long as people are violating God’s law by exalting the counterfeit, their prayers will not be heard by Jehovah but rather by the prince of darkness in this world.
“It will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday-sabbath, that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced, and that those who present the claims of the fourth commandment, thus destroying reverence for Sunday, are troublers of the people, preventing their restoration to divine favor and temporal prosperity” (Great Controversy, p. 590).
This is so very subtle, just like the serpent in the garden.
These national days of pray on Sunday will be followed by a national Sunday law.
Every day it seems more and more obvious that God is correct and that our modern SDA scholars are telling us lies when they claim Ellen White was a classical prophet rather than an apocalyptic one. The incredible assumption that the Great Controversy book is not applicable today is pure baloney. Rome is accelerating the globalization of Sunday sacredness at a rate that Protestants in 1888 could never have predicted.
Sunday laws will be introduced with the same arguments.