Students of Bible prophecy have long awaited the moment when the Roman Catholic Church would rise up and fulfill its one great end-time purpose – to control the politics and politicians of the world. The actions of Pope Francis in preparation for the 2021 United Nations Climate Conference (COP26) have clearly indicated that a new era of church-state relations has begun. The Catholic Leader, published by the Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane, is Australia’s oldest Catholic newspaper. They have published the following article entitled “Catholic Church will be ‘Everywhere’ at COP26” and revealed the following:
“EVEN though Pope Francis will not attend the 26th U.N. Climate Change Conference in Glasgow in person, the Vatican delegation and the Catholic Church will be “everywhere” during the two-week summit, from the highest-level private negotiations to the sidelines with grassroots “social action” and community-led events … “We (Vatican delegation) go there to represent the church, as Christians.” [1]
The Catholic newspaper also reported that the members of the Vatican delegation will be “actively engaged in the so-called blue zones” which are the spaces managed by the UN during COP26, where official “negotiations” with the 190 government “parties” will take place. The Vatican representatives will also be engaged in the “green zone, managed by the U.K. government for the general public in order to promote dialogue, awareness and active commitments.” [1] In truth, Rome will have its hands in everything!
If that wasn’t enough, COP26 will also host “sacred spaces” for reflection that will include “faith and belief sections” operated by Catholic bishops. There will also be a Catholic Mass on November 7, 2021 followed by an interfaith service. “The church will be everywhere,” said Alistair Dutton, a member of the Holy See delegation to COP26. [1]
This is the reason why we see such an attack on Constitutional restraints in many governments across the world. The church-state political relationship runs contrary to our Constitution. Therefore, the Constitution must be eliminated. A careful study of Daniel and Revelation will reveal that a political church will prevail over the governments of the world and that the policies of the state will be dictated by those in the church. The activities planned for COP26 reveal to us that we are already on the way to seeing the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
President Joe Biden is heading to Glasgow to attend COP26, which begins this Sunday. But before Joe Biden arrives at the climate conference, he will meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican to discuss the climate crisis. Is this just a coincidence? We think not. The White House reported:
“The President and Dr. Biden will also visit Vatican City and have an audience with His Holiness Pope Francis on October 29. They will discuss working together on efforts grounded in respect for fundamental human dignity, including ending the COVID-19 pandemic, tackling the climate crisis, and caring for the poor.” [2]
It is obvious that the plan that will be discussed and adopted during the climate conference will be the one that Pope Francis has been promoting constantly since 2015. Rome is leading the battle against the climate crisis by organizing many events around the world. They have been pushing the Pope’s encyclical on climate change Laudato Si’ among business, political and religious leaders worldwide. They have helped create the climate change movement on the basis of religion and politics and the world has been bewitched by this deception.
The two most influential powers are joining forces to combat the climate crisis, Rome and the United States. This is not the first time that religious and secular powers have come together hand in hand. When the spirit to control the policy of governments entered the early church, the church became corrupted and ceased to be Christian. This led to the rise of the Papacy and the Spirit of the Lord abandoned that religious community. Later, when Rome completely controlled the political systems of secular governments, the church still called itself Christian, but it was teaching abominable errors and began to persecute the true saints of God.
Today will be no different. Tyrants love control and only one side will be tolerated and all opposing views will be silenced or worse. People are losing everything for simply expressing a different opinion or by refusing to accept government mandates – oppressive mandates that have the full support of apostate Christians? Is this just another coincidence? Not at all. The political powers are joining a confederation with the religious powers. This is what will happen during COP26. 190 governments will be sitting at the feet of Rome. This time it will be the final and greatest display that the prince of this world (Satan) can bring together.
“A great crisis awaits the people of God. A crisis awaits the world. The most momentous struggle of all the ages is just before us. Events which for more than forty years we have upon the authority of the prophetic word declared to be impending are now taking place before our eyes … But are we ready for the issue? Have we faithfully discharged the duty which God has committed to us of giving the people warning of the danger before them?” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 711).
All this has been going on for hundreds of years actually since the split of Protestants from the mother church . But now has come to fruition that which the papacy has been looking and working toward since the reformation. This is the full fulfilment of bible prophecy . This means we are nearer and even nearer too Jesus return. All this has been for told . Now we need to beg and plead with the the holy spirt to help us make sure we are ready to stand up for Jesus our wonderful saviour redeemer and friend . Our glorious king who gave up everything and more than we can comprehend. Remember Jesus bought us with a very very heavy price we belong to him. We need to ask for forgiveness guidance wisdom, strength, courage , understanding to fully comprehend where we are in the stream of time . God bless each and every Adventist. I pray that we will all make the right decision. This we can only do with Gods help.
October 31st Reformation day,
Can’t think they just picked that day by accident to do this on.
The meeting with Biden and the Pope was cancelled by the pope! I wonder what caused that? Maybe, God is giving His people a little more time to get the warning message out. Also, why is just the catholic church going to be at this meeting? Didn’t the catholic church push that they did not want any other churches trying to proselytize their church members? So, what are they doing at this meeting? Proselytizing!!!
I see a big storm coming, not only on the political side, but, also on the religious side! I think it is interesting that China is now taking a big step forward, trying to take over the world as the super power. Sad, that they do not know about God and His plans. Don’t they know that God has stopped every world power that has tried to take over this country (USA) has failed? Sad that they do not know about Bible prophecy!
This country is flexing its muscles, getting ready for the big day of speaking like a dragon. I feel that day is not far off.
Only the live coverage of it was canceled due to some kind of “protocol”.
“Ready, Is A State Of Being.” (O’Ceallaigh)
Can you imagine Biden meeting with him. He is barely coherent himself. What these two have to say isn’t worth one red cent. It’s all for show. Just remember, God is still on His thrown, and He’s in control. Praise God!
Biden and the Pope did speak. Biden said the Pope was happy he was such a good Catholic! The subject of abortion was never brought up.
Prophecy fulfilling before our very eyes.
Joe Biden has met with the Pope and other G20 leaders have or are due to meet with the Pope, such as Angela Merkel, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Moon Jae-in, Shri Narendra Modi.
May we be faithful, may we be found ready.
May we seek the Lord for wisdom for the time in which we live.
These are truly the end time Lord make us ready we nerd to pray without ceasing
слава Богу! пришествие Господа все ближе… Ей, ГОСПОДИ, гряди! (откр.22:20)
Аминь!, Да будет так!
Our Lord Jesus is coming soon, prophecy is being fulfilled in our eyes. Watch unto prayer saints of the Most high
I am more than ready for the bleak future that we are facing as christians. Just wondering big on how masses of people are not able to see the impending crisis prophesied in the book of Daniel and Revelation. Lord Jesus, give us the strength even as we patiently wait for your glorious appearance in the sky
We must be prepared to speak the truth to those whom God sends into our sphere of influence. And, He WILL send them! WE, must be able to RECOGNIZE them when they encounter us!
May the Grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ and the Communion of the Holy Spirit be with us all!!