“Do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.” Matthew 23:3.
In the above Bible verse, Jesus plainly rebukes the Pharisees for not practicing the rules that they imposed on the rest of the nation. Sadly, we’ve arrived at that place in Adventism. The church today has been engaged in a process to cancel Dr. Conrad Vine from speaking in our churches for merely suggesting that church entities that go woke—pro LGBT+, pro women’s ordination, and the lowering of our standards—should not be paid with tithe. Yes, the Spirit of Prophecy does tell us that our organizations need to have standards for keeping employees.
“It would be poor policy to support from the treasury of God those who really mar and injure His work, and who are constantly lowering the standard of Christianity” (Testimonies, Vol. 3, p 553).
“I was shown how important it is that the ministers who engage in the solemn, responsible work of proclaiming the third angel’s message be right … There are fearful woes for those who preach the truth, but are not sanctified by it, and also for those who consent to receive and maintain the unsanctified to minister to them in word and doctrine” (Testimonies, Vol. 1, p. 261).
God is telling our leaders to retrain these people or get them replaced. Failure to follow these divine counsels has led us to where we are today. And because Dr. Vine is pointing this out, the church accuses him of violating church policy regarding the redistribution of tithes. But it turns out that the General Conference, for a $164 million dollar contribution, was willing to deviate from the same policy that is being used against Dr. Vine. When the church enforces its policies with a double standard and treats individuals differently, favoring the elite within the church over individuals, such as Pastor Conrad Vine, this undermines the principle of equal treatment under God’s law, which is the cornerstone of His kingdom; it erodes public confidence in fairness and impartiality; and distorts the character and image of God.
For $164 million, the church actively participated in a multi-year tithe redistribution scheme but is now crucifying Dr. Conrad Vine for merely suggesting it. Here is what the long-standing written policy says about the General Conference receiving money:
“Since tithe is returned to the Lord, not given, it is inappropriate for that tithe to come with stipulations as to how and where it is to be used. After being receipted by the treasury where it was received, such tithe is to be returned anonymously to the local conference/mission field/union of churches where the member holds membership.” (General Conference Working Policy Section V, 09 05 5.c).
Basically, the General Conference is forbidden, by church policy, to receive tithe directly from anyone! General Conference Working Policy says in black and white that the General Conference cannot receive any direct tithe contribution from members or individuals. This means all tithes. Tithe is tithe, whether it’s $1 or $100,000,000, and according to policy, the General Conference can’t keep it. Any and all money that is sent directly to the General Conference must be returned to the local conferences, and they must allow those funds to work their way up through the channels—local conferences, unions, divisions, and then to the General Conference. These are long-standing voted policies of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Unless, of course, there is someone wanting to give $164 million dollars. What does the General Conference do since they are not allowed by their own policy to receive any money directly from its members? Here’s what they did. You will see in the video above that the General Conference voted to make a one-time, temporary “variance” to the rules in order to receive this $164,000,000 contribution. How convenient. But it’s not a violation; according to them, it’s a “variance.” A one-time variance. Just once. Very conveniently, however, this so-called one-time “variance” has turned into several payments that have extended for nine long years! As you will see in the video, for nine years the General Conference has been redistributing tithe and bypassing the conferences, unions, and divisions. They have been receiving “variance” payments that go against voted General Conference Working Policy. For nine years, this so-called temporary “variance” dragged on.
Oh, but policy was still being followed, we were told. Church policy was being upheld. And policy will continue to be enforced on all, including Dr. Conrad Vine. And even though the General Conference violated the policy on the redistribution of tithes because they voted to give themselves a “variance” to the rules, they were actually considered, in their own eyes, to still be in compliance with church policy.
My brothers and sisters, the Lord despises duplicity.
“But if ye have respect (show favor) to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.” James 2:9.
God doesn’t call having two different sets of rules for the people a “variance.” He calls it sin. He calls this double standard a violation of His moral law.
In the video, Juan Rafael Prestol-Puesán, the former General Conference Treasurer, attempts to explain in a roundabout way why the General Conference received a “variance” to the General Conference Working Policy. He tries to overwhelm his listeners with so many words and introduced side-issues that have nothing to do with why the General Conference accepted $164 million.
Towards the end of the video, Pastor Randy Roberts of Loma Linda University Church calls attention to the General Conference’s double standard and disregard for church policy. He further questioned that if the General Conference could deviate from church policy on tithe redistribution, why couldn’t the church do the same for women’s ordination? In other words, if the General Conference is authorized to violate church policy by granting themselves a “variance,” then it is imperative that this “variance” be applied fairly and equally to those who support women’s ordination.
Pastor Vine, who has been calling for revival and reformation, has been canceled from preaching in our church for simply making a suggestion when it comes to tithe. Nothing was redistributed. Not a single penny. Nevertheless, he is being banned from speaking in our pulpits. Will the General Conference also be canceled for actually participating in a tithe redistribution scheme that lasted for at least 9 years? Regretfully, Conrad Vine is being targeted by an unfair two-tiered justice system that has infiltrated the church and treats people disproportionately.
The cancellation of Pastor Vine symbolizes a major contradiction, since the church is far more guilty of what they accuse Pastor Vine of. The church’s response to publicly ostracize him is problematic given its own history of “tithe redistribution variance” and protecting its own higher-ups. This blatantly obvious double standard not only betrays our biblical beliefs, but it also alienates the members, revealing a gap between politics and principles, and will likely go down as one of the greatest scandals in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
The church’s unwillingness to discuss the actual evil that Brother Conrad Vine so thoroughly describes in his sermons is a moral failure and a missed opportunity. The current leadership is not interested in discussing liberty of conscience. They have no desire to discuss how members suffered, passed away, or lost their jobs due to the church’s position during the pandemic. They refuse to discuss the billions in grants that the church receives from the state—the possible motive for supporting tyranny during the crisis. They are unwilling to offer any kind of apology. And of course, they won’t resign their positions. No, all they want to do is deflect away from the real issues and talk only about the gold.
“Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.” Isaiah 56:11.
“Woe unto you, ye blind guides, which say, Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is a debtor! Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold?” Matthew 23:16-17.
It’s fascinating that the GC goes after those who do the Right thing the Danny Vierra’s and Conrad Vine’s
BUT Totally ignore the Loren Seibold’s “letting Rome off the hook” article,
and Ganoune Diop’s actively calling those who give the third angels message”closet terrorist”,
God is allowing these things to happen so people can see how useless it is to trust in earthly leadership.
Honesty and policy will not work together in the same mind. In time, either policy will be expelled, and truth and honesty reign supreme, or, if policy is cherished, honesty will be forgotten. They are never in agreement; they have nothing in common. 5T 96.2
This blatantly obvious double standard not only betrays our biblical beliefs, but it also alienates the members, revealing a gap between politics and principles, and will likely go down as one of the greatest scandals in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.+++++
I think it can only be added the dung hill of decretals from GC already, with GC 2022 violation of Roberts rule of roder, one man moving the discussion to his side, as well as doing nothing for 7 years with violation of woman pastors in the PUC, and Columbia Union.
The history at the corporate is not one of promoting righteous decisions without variance since 1915. The 1957 QOD, project Whitecoat in the 70’s, the list goes on.
Oh the irony that Rand Roberts brought this out. God certainly has a way with showing hypocrisy.
The entire reason for laws rules and guidelines is to stop impede and prevent a variance in conduct and labor.
I have seen the darker side as a culporter and had it expressed to me by former Adventist pastor, it worse than most people realize.
Just think of it like the temple rulers during the time of Jesus. Wanting to protect the building and structure and seat of power, over the purity and purpose of serving God.
The church only has to send back “tithe” to where the giver holds membership.
The obvious way around this is to not mark your contribution as tithe. There are dozens of categories where one can send what they mark “offerings” and among them are at least a few that go directly to pay the salary of overseas pastors and missionaries that aren’t teaching woke apostasy.
“The General Conference does not accept or receive tithe directly, from members. When tithe is sent to the General Conference directly by members, ,the General Conference sends the funds anonymously to the local conference”… unless of course it is a very large amount where we will make an exception. As a former church administrator I find this amazing. Just imagine what such a tithe income could do for a struggling local conference, in terms of its pastoral staff, its schools, its mission and anything else that the administration may be trying to achieve within the policy for tithe usage. Think about the boost that this would make to the local Union which would also receive at least 16 million in tithe over the 9 years which would revolutionise their mission. This action on the part of GC leaders was all about the money, just as their action during Covid was about the money. It would appear that what we are seeing time and time again is that we are driven by MONEY every time.
Is this redistributing tithe with out permission from the donar ? How would this weigh in light of it being redirected by the donor to a place they see to the best of the knowledge as Biblically sound ??? 🧐
We stand with Dr. Conrad Vine. Speak the Truth ” Thus saith the Lord”
It’s definitely a shaking in the church. 🙏 🤲
We never know who is really behind these acts, whether someone is being paid off in order to allow all this. And if that is the case, we can clearly blame Satan as the one after the destruction of our churches. We must press together more than ever, and not allow ourselves yo become distracted by such things as these. I’m a tithe paying member and honestly, I’ve set that up automatically from my bank each month. That is God’s. Whether it’s being used correctly or not, is not my concern. My concern is that I do what my Lord asks. Charles Stanley used to say, “obey God and leave the consequences to Him”.
Félicitations pour votre commentaire si intelligeant.
Thanks AM and Dr. Vine for being a light in the darkness and all others that speak out against this hypocrisy!
You overlook important facts: we, the members have not been granted any authority from God to direct our tithe through other channels than the regular. But the leadership have been given full authority over tithe (whether we like it or not).
It is true that the leadership are in many places in deep apostasy but it doesn’t change the fact that God has given them the authority to collect and distribute tithe.
So even if the leadership has double standards (we don’t know for sure), we, the members, have no right to suggest, as Conrad Vine did, that members can redirect their tithe to “faithful conferences” because God has not given them that right! This would in fact be a call to rebel against God’s visible church, his organized body of Christ and that is a very serious crime.
You’re wrong my friend. You need to quit buying into the myth and read more of the spirit of prophecy on the subject. Here’s one example:
Spalding-Magan Collection, pp421-422–“Do not worry lest some means shall go direct to those who are trying to do missionary work in a quiet and effective way. All the means (“means” in EGW usage was both tithes and offerings) is not to be handled by one agency or organization”
Is the conference the only storehouse of God?
Some cases have been kept before me for years, and I have supplied their needs from the tithe, as God has instructed me to do. And if any person shall say to me, Sister White, will you appropriate my tithe where you know it is most needed, I shall say, Yes, I will; and I have done so. I commend those sisters who have placed their tithe where it is most needed to help to do a work that is being left undone; and if this matter is given publicity, it will create a knowledge which would better be left as it is. I do not care to give publicity to this work which the Lord has appointed me to do and others to do. 20LtMs, Lt 267, 1905, par. 5
Very wrong wrong
In regard to your comment: “You overlook important facts: we, the members have not been granted any authority from God to direct our tithe through other channels than the regular. But the leadership have been given full authority over tithe ( whether we like it or not).
…God has given them the authority to collect and distribute tithe.”
Is it just my imagination or am I still a member of the Roman church I left 57 years ago? I read and reread the epistles, (after Christ’s death) and even the disciples were not authorized to collect and distribute TITHES. They were not Levitical priests. Offerings, or wages which Paul declined, were authorized, but not tithe. Read for yourself, and please, apply exegesis, not eisegesis.
Your comment states: “You overlook important facts: we, the members have not been granted any authority from God to direct our tithe through other channels than the regular. But the leadership have been given full authority over tithe (whether we like it or not).” “…God has given them the authority to collect and distribute tithe.”
Actually, in the epistles after Jesus’ death, the disciples, not being Levitical priests, were not given authority to collect and distribute tithes. They could distribute offerings to the saints and could receive a wage, which Paul declined, but it is eisogesis to say they were given authority to collect and distribute tithe. There is no Biblical support for that.
I want to know what they did with the money since they have no one to answer to directly.. what did the GC do with the money???
Excellent article by Brother Andy Roman. May Pastor Conrad Vine continue to shine bright for the Lord and
continue to preach the truth as God lays on his heart to do so. May the greed & selfishness of the General Conference be
put under the glaring spotlight and it’s filthy underbelly be exposed for the world to fully see. The GC is
acting like Rome, in that it has developed the mindset that ‘it sits a queen and will see no sorrow’. The
GC has corrupted itself with Rome for so long now that it is ‘Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness’ Proverbs 30:20. The shaking is going on and we are now witnessing the many lights that were once so admired for their brightness are now falling away
into outer darkness to be remembered no more.