The City of Naples, FL has imposed a ban on fishing from its popular pier on Sundays in order to protect pelicans that were being injured by hooks and lines. The Naples Pier is open to fishing Monday through Saturday, but not on Sunday, according to the new ordinance. The Naples City Council voted to ban Sunday fishing in order to prevent pelican injuries. [1]
This Sunday ban is similar to the Covid mask mandates. We were told to wear a mask when entering a restaurant, but once seated, we were free to remove it. If you are just going to take off your mask once you’re seated and ready to eat, why did they make us wear it while sitting in the waiting area of the restaurant? Does Covid know when you are eating, so it won’t bother you then?
The same flawed reasoning applies when fishing is prohibited on Sunday but allowed on Monday through Saturday. Do city officials believe that pelicans can only get hurt on Sunday but not Monday through Saturday? Did the city council conduct a study to find out if Sunday is a family day for pelicans? Obviously, this Sunday fishing ban has nothing to do with protecting the pelicans. If the Naples City Council really cared about saving pelicans, they would ban fishing from the pier every day, not just on Sunday.
Sunday closings have more to do with encouraging people to go to church than protecting wildlife. If city officials in Naples, FL truly cared about protecting nature, they would be much more concerned about the expansion of new condos, car dealerships, and beachfront properties and would stop attempting to enact regulations requiring Sunday rest.
“In free America, rulers and legislators, in order to secure public favor, will yield to the popular demand for a law enforcing Sunday observance” (Great Controversy, p. 592).
Poor pelicans, they are only safe one day a week!
I think it chivalrous. Has anyone told them yet? lol! Imagine God telling Adam that 6 days he was on his own but every 7th He’s got his back. LOL!!! 6 days you’ll be subject to Satan’s strings and hooks but in the 7th you’ll find rest alone, oh, and between the hours of 11pm-5am. Reckon them pelicans know when to clock in? lol. Somebody ought tell the animals that don’t fly in the dark that it’s a free for all at midnight. I’m embarrassed to be part of the human species sometimes. I mean, the lord didn’t make the whole state that dim. This level of computation must be a witness of the harshness resulting from the indulgence of vice.
It’s about association, The Papacy must associate Sundays with anything and everything that people want protected,
In Australia from many years ago now they had train tickets that were $2.5 all day Sundays called “family funday Sunday” tickets,
It gave people unlimited travel but only on Sundays, it was the same price as a pensioner ticket it worked the same but only for Sundays…
It’s like the chriopractors often inserting the word “family” to their business name, helps the chriopractor look less like a crook who just took your money and didn’t do anything,
Most people like Pelicans so the association is if You like Pelicans keep The Sunday Sacred….🤮
Probably a real condudrum for people who like fishing and only had Sunday to do it in.
Sunday has become the universally accepted day of rest, and it’s clear to me that this is where this is headed.
The problem with pelicans is that they go after the bait fish with the hooks in it once they get cast into the water. This has nothing to do with Sunday. The city should hire someone to chase the pelicans away, and the problem will be solved.
Their pretext to saving the planet and its species is by imposing Sunday rest.
Are they trying to tell us that pelicans are Sunday keepers?
Funny because their animal kingdom brother, the mighty ox, is known to be a Sabbath keeper.