By The Remnant Herald
“The time is not far distant when the test will come to every soul. The mark of the beast will be urged upon us. Those who have step by step yielded to worldly demands and conformed to worldly customs will not find it a hard matter to yield to the powers that be, rather than subject themselves to derision, insult, threatened imprisonment, and death. The contest is between the commandments of God and the commandments of men. In this time, the gold will be separated from the dross in the church. True godliness will be clearly distinguished from the appearance and tinsel of it. Many a star that we have admired for its brilliancy will then go out in darkness. Chaff like a cloud will be borne away on the wind, even from places where we see only floors of rich wheat. All who assume the ornaments of the sanctuary, but are not clothed with Christ’s righteousness, will appear in the shame of their own nakedness.” Testimonies for the Church, volume 5, p. 81.
Fraught with the utmost solemnity and seriousness, this powerful statement concerning the approaching Sunday Law crisis highlights the focal point of that contest which will test the faith and character of humanity (and seal their destiny for eternity) — the commandments of God versus the decrees of men. In various places, the servant of the Lord referred to a “decree” enforcing Sunday observance, which signals an epochal change in human affairs that leads inexorably towards the very last events of earth’s history:
“By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with Spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvellous working of Satan and that the end is near.” Testimonies for the Church, volume 5, p. 451.
“As the siege of Jerusalem by the Roman armies was the signal for flight to the Judean Christians, so the assumption of power on the part of our nation in the decree enforcing the papal sabbath will be a warning to us. It will then be time to leave the large cities, preparatory to leaving the smaller ones for retired homes in secluded places among the mountains.” Ibid., pp. 464, 465.
The conflicting, combative, chaotic, and confusing condition of the world at that time will be cited as sufficient reason for a Sunday decree to be enforced with rigour (to restore the world to “normality”), and anyone who refused to obey would be issued with another decree:
“As the Sabbath has become the special point of controversy throughout Christendom, and religious and secular authorities have combined to enforce the observance of the Sunday, the persistent refusal of a small minority to yield to the popular demand will make them objects of universal execration. It will be urged that the few who stand in opposition to an institution of the Church and a law of the State ought not to be tolerated; that it is better for them to suffer than for whole nations to be thrown into confusion and lawlessness. The same argument eighteen hundred years ago was brought against Christ by the ‘rulers of this people.’ ‘It is expedient for us,’ said the wily Caiaphas, ‘that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.’ This argument will appear conclusive, and a decree will finally be issued against those who hallow the Sabbath of the fourth commandment, denouncing them as deserving of the severest punishment, and giving the people liberty after a certain time, to put them to death. Romanism in the Old World and apostate Protestantism in the New will pursue a similar course toward those who honour all the divine precepts.” The Great Controversy, p. 615. edition, 1888.
Increasingly, this inspired account of future events is rejected by pastors and theologians within the denomination as nothing more than the “imaginings” of Adventism from another era — that The Great Controversy “no longer corresponds to what the end represents for religious and secular communities in the 21st century” (Website of Spectrum: “The End of the World” or “The End of a World”? July 14, 2022. Hugh Gutierrez, Peruvian theologian, Italian Adventist University, Florence, Italy). In light of this “higher criticism” towards the Spirit of Prophecy — which is an extension of the treatment meted out to the Bible by the New Theology for decades — we should pause for a moment to reflect upon a significant gathering held in the United States last July which lends momentum to the following prediction made over 110 years ago:
“When the leading churches of the United States, uniting upon such points of doctrine as are held by them in common, shall influence the State to enforce their decrees and sustain their institutions, then Protestant America will have formed an image of the Roman hierarchy, and the infliction of civil penalties upon dissenters will inevitably result.” The Great Controversy, p. 445. 1911 edition.
On Friday night, July 1, 2022, at the Gas South Arena in Atlanta, Georgia, thousands of Christians met at the beckoning of Kenneth Copeland Ministries, in connection with other Pentecostal ministers, and voiced their affirmation with a series of decrees and declarations to save the United States from utter destruction. The following contains the full “Watchman Decree” that was read aloud in unison by all in the arena.
Note the language of “The Watchman Decree” — “we will operate in unity, going beyond denominational lines.” The ongoing crisis in America (heightened by the intense controversy surrounding the FBI raid on the Florida home of Donald Trump — August 8, 2022) guarantees that we will hear a lot more from the evangelical base which has become so intensely political. “Everything in our world is in agitation” (Education, p. 179).
The language of this statement reflects the sentiments uttered by Christian activists from a generation ago for evangelicals to be directly involved in politics for the stated purpose of bringing their nation “back to God.”
“If Christians unite, we can do anything. We can pass any law or any amendment. And that’s exactly what we intend to do.” Robert Grant, Director of Christian Voice, speaking on Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., on Thursday, June 14, 1979. Quoted in Ministry, December 1979.
As it was in 1979/1980, so it is now — genuine fears were held regarding the moral decline of Western civilization. The counterculture of the 1960s, the growing acceptance and use of drugs in society, the sexual revolution, the “God is Dead” movement — these and other developments have morphed into today’s culture of identity politics, gender plurality, and sexual license (same-sex unions, transgenderism, polyamory — co-habitation & sexual engagement with multiple partners) — all coupled with a deep-seated hatred of biblical Christianity Spiritualism, nihilism (rejection of absolute truth, morality, values), hedonism (pursuit of carnal pleasure as the chief purpose in life), and humanism (God is not needed nor wanted in human affairs). As the foreign editor of an Australian newspaper wrote not too long ago, speaking of Australia:
“Christianity is under siege by a culture hostile to and uninterested in its ideas. We are on the way to becoming, for the first time, an avowedly anti-Christian nation. Not just non-Christian, but anti-Christian. The census tells us. The culture tells us. The law tells us.” The Weekend Australian, July 23-24, 2022. Sydney, Australia. Greg Sheridan.
Loud, angry chants from leftist protestors — “Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground” — is matched by vigorous, passionate slogans from the Religious Right — “We will never stop fighting!” The language of the “Watchman Decree” — in the call to “save America” — is filled with much self-confidence (we are this, we can do that). No trace of humility, meekness, lowliness of heart, self-abasement, repentance, confession, forsaking of sin, beseeching of God’s grace to obey ALL the Ten Commandments — including the seventh-day Saturday Sabbath — was evident in this proclamation. No condition was attached by which Jehovah God can heal a nation, a society, a people, or an individual:
“If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
No acknowledgement was made of the sins of apostate Christianity, particularly those of unfaithful shepherds, that have contributed to the overflowing tide of iniquity engulfing this world:
“We have sinned, and have committed iniquity, and have done wickedly, and have rebelled, even by departing from Thy precepts and from Thy judgments: neither have we hearkened unto Thy servants the prophets, which spake in Thy name to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, and to all the people of the land.” Daniel 9:5, 6
“Upon those religious leaders whose teachings have opened the door to infidelity, to Spiritualism, and to contempt for God’s holy law, rests a fearful responsibility for the iniquity that exists in the Christian world..” The Great Controversy, p. 404. edition, 1884.
The tone in which the “Watchman Decree” was read aloud by one of the Pentecostal ministers under the “anointing” of the “Spirit”, the political chanting of “USA! USA! USA!”, and the claims of “healing” and “miracles” wrought in that arena — all are reflective of an “unholy influence” which is “breathed” on those assemblies that refuse to walk in the advancing light of the Sanctuary truth, a “Spirit” possessing “light and much power, but no sweet love, joy and peace” (The Day Star, February 27, 1846). The ecumenical “Spirit” galvanising Christendom today is the identical “Spirit” that is stirring up counter elements to echo sentiments from the French Revolution (which exemplified the atheism of Pharoah and the licentiousness of Sodom — The Great Controversy, p. 269. 1911 edition). This selfsame “Spirit” (that masterminded the St. Bartholomew’s Massacre and the Reign of Terror in France) will one day unite people from around the world, in spite of their irreconcilable differences, to decree that everyone must observe Sunday — or else!
Back in 1982, Seventh-day Adventists were alleged:
“Contributing to the intensification of the apostasy, as the age draws to its close, has been the successful interjection, by the Adversary, of a spirit of discord destroying our former united acceptance of the Lord’s Day — that is, Sunday — to be nationally observed as holy unto the Lord. Mrs. White was used to voice the objection to Sunday as the Sabbath Day. The Seventh-day Adventists have continued to promulgate this erroneous conception, which is a major contribution to enhancing Sunday desecration.” Special Alert, No. 33. September 1982. H. Rand. Destiny Publications. Merrimac, Massachusetts.
We are informed by the servant of the Lord:
“The battle is to be waged between the Christianity of the Bible and the Christianity of human tradition.” Review and Herald, January 1, 1889.
“It is a contest between the Christianity of the Old and New Testaments and the Christianity of human tradition and corrupt fables.” Selected Messages, volume 3, p. 385 (Manuscript 30, 1889).
How shall we stand in that great day? God will be with His people. Will you be with Him to the end?
“It is a solemn time for God’s people, but if they stand close by the bleeding side of Jesus, He will be their defence.” Website of EGW Writings: Manuscript 18, 1888.
About The Remnant Herald: The Remnant Herald is an Australian publication produced by Remnant Ministries. The current editor and author is Elvis Placer, and we have reproduced this article with his permission. You can contact Elvis Placer through email at or call the office clerk at +61 3 9706 2173 to request a FREE subscription to the Remnant Herald.
Wonderful article…. thanks
Amazing! So sad! What is Hanz Gutierrez doing in an adventist educational institute?
May The Lord have Mercy on all of Us. That we remain faithful to his commandments and have the faith of Jesus.