Back in October 2022, The New York Times published an article by a female Anglican priest by the name of Tish Harrison Warren in which she urged for the reinstatement of the blue laws in order to protect Sunday as the day for “worship, rest, family life,” and the “dignity of the worker.” [1] Now the Des Moines Register, the number one news source for Des Moines and Iowa, has praised the same Anglican priest and reissued the call for the establishment of a day of rest for the populace.
In an article published in the Des Moines Register on November 21, 2022, titled “Now is a Good Time to Create a Regular Day of Rest,” we read:
“Tish Harrison Warren, THW, writes, ‘When a careerist culture meets a digital revolution that allows unlimited access to work, something’s got to give. And in America, that something tends not to be work demands but is instead the human soul’.’ [2]
“Recently THW, an Anglican priest, examined how the dynamics of our contemporary work environments increasingly sap any humaneness from our employment and deplete our spirits. She probed the history, intent, and evolution of a sabbath day as a lens to understand our current predicament and to suggest constructive responses. One such response THW offered is the renewal of a palpable and impenetrable humane day of rest — unplugged from digital monitoring and employer or customer communication.” [2]
“She yearns for ‘a life where a healthy rhythm of work and rest characterize each day and each week, a life where we can do good, hard, meaningful work and then truly leave it behind’.” [2]
“Her wish may be ready to emerge.” [2]
“THW’s ruminations shed a light on an ideal moment and opportunity for our culture to coalesce into a new day of recalibration and recharge. Cultural apparatuses are present that may do the trick. Basic income and the four-day work week, perhaps, could bring us to this goal of a delineated restful day.” [2]
Do you see how a “Sunday law” sentiment is being manufactured throughout our nation? The so-called “secular” media is making a plea for a “Sabbath day” of rest for our “culture” on the grounds that people need to recharge and unplug from work. The call is being made to shut down all businesses in order to give the working class a day of rest. This all sounds very good, until you read the entire article that the Anglican priest wrote in the New York Times. The force of the argument is lost when you realize that Tish Harrison Warren is actually calling for the revival of Sunday laws so that worship can be restored. [3]
Sunday laws were originally established to encourage people to attend church when Constantine issued a decree in 321 AD declaring that Sunday should be kept as a day of rest from secular labor in cities and towns. This was a pagan decree issued by a pagan emperor for a pagan holiday known as “the venerable day of the sun.” Opportunistic bishops and priests in the Catholic Church exploited the law to force the common people to attend church. The Anglican priest Tish Harrison Warren is arguing in favor of this.
Even as certain actors in our society work endlessly to reinstate Sunday laws, assuring us that they are doing so to provide rest to a generation that is overworked as a result of the new digital world we live in, these Sunday-observance laws are nothing more than religious requirements designed to get people in church on Sunday. Sunday laws should be rejected and not reinstated because they are unjust, unconstitutional, unfair, discriminatory, anti-Christian, and anti-American. The enforcement of these laws will result in the persecution of minority religious groups. Those who support the legal reinstatement of Sunday laws show that they have been imbibing the spirit of papal Rome and are no longer capable of comprehending the foundational principles and rich history of American liberty.
As the campaign for workers’ time off on Sundays is perpetrated upon the populace, God’s faithful people must cry aloud and spare not:
“I do hope that the trumpet will give a certain sound in regard to this Sunday-law movement. I think that it would be best if in our papers the subject of the perpetuity of the law of God were made a specialty … We should now be doing our very best to defeat this Sunday law” (Last Day Events, p. 128).
Sunset Friday to Sunset Saturday being the 7th day of the week is the only day that qualifies to be called the sabbath of YAHUAH which too is the sabbath of YAHUAH’S real/literal only begotten Son,YAHUSHA.
We have been told that these things and much more will happen just before our Lord comes. I am not fearful, and neither am I concerned. My faith will carry me through the hard times ahead. Friends, let us look to Jesus our Lord, He will be here soon to take us home. Pastor J
I never think one day our nation gonna change like that, they are forget everything in the past, how the papacy was persecuted, so now our nation gonna down, Jesus Christ is coming again, he will fix everything.