This is the message that appears when trying to access the “Pre-Worship Fun” video.
On Sabbath, November 2, 2019 the Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Youth & Young Adult Ministries published a ‘Pre-Worship Fun’ Video on their Facebook page for the whole world to see. We found out about this video on Monday, November 4, 2019 and published a short expose on the same day. [1] By Tuesday evening, November 5, 2019 the controversial video was removed from the Florida Conference’s Facebook page.
They made the right decision by taking it down. It was indefensible for several reasons; the music was just one of them. Even though some defended the ‘Pre-Worship Fun’ video, the fact that the Florida Conference chose not to stand by it says it all. I would like to acknowledge the Florida Conference by giving them credit for doing the right thing.
The power of social media has a far reaching effect, and it should be used for good. There is a built-in analytic software in every Facebook Business page that tracks your post engagements, clicks, traffic, new likes and other details. Below is our Facebook page’s activity for the last 28 days.
[1] http://adventmessenger.org/pre-worship-fun-video-posted-by-the-florida-conference-is-not-worship/