Authorities in Karala, India voted on January 22, 2022 to set aside a day and lockdown the city in order to help combat the spread of Covid-19. Guess which day was chosen to shut down all non-essential commercial establishments? It was, of course, Sunday. On Sunday, Karala police closed businesses, as seen in the image above. The streets were quiet and empty. [1] Sunday rest is the new strategy to fight Covid. Mask mandates, social distancing, and triple vaccinations are insufficient. In order to survive the pandemic, Sunday must also be made mandatory by law. Does this ring a bell?
For now, government officials have limited these Sunday closings to just two weekends. But we know what is coming. We know that Pope Francis and other globalists are trying to make a connection between the Covid-19 epidemic and Sunday rest. This is how Sunday will gain momentum. This is Laudato Si’ in action. And this is helping to heal the deadly wound and spread Catholic social teachings worldwide.
The Covid pandemic and the climate change crisis will be used to implement the “common good.” What is that common good? Well, according to Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’, the common good is when we recognize “Sunday” rest and impose it by law by creating a new economy that protects both the environment and the poor by giving them the “law of weekly rest” that uplifts humanity through “relaxation” and “contemplative rest” (Laudato Si’ #237).
Thanks to the Covid pandemic, people will begin doing just that. And those who violate the Sunday lockdowns (rest) will be hauled off to jail. Are we ready, brothers and sisters, for the impending Sunday law crisis? A weekly Sunday rest is clearly being proposed as a solution to the Covid crisis. And don’t expect these issues such as Covid or Sunday rest to go away anytime soon. The proposal to make Sunday a uniform day of rest in response to the pandemic will only grow stronger. This was predicted by God himself.
“It will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday sabbath; that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced” (Great Controversy, p. 590).
Unless God intervenes, we are about to witness the passage of radical Covid policies that will favor Sunday closing measures. Let us never forget that Pope Francis for the last 7 years has made very strong appeals to business leaders, church leaders, and political leaders to listen to the “Cry of the Earth.” This “Cry of the Earth” is a direct quote from Laudato Si’, the Pope’s climate encyclical. This is a call to protect the planet, protect the poor, reduce CO2 emissions, and to make Sunday the universal day of rest.
This is not the time for us to be negligent or to act contrary to the duty that God has given us at this time. God has a true day of rest and worship, and it is the seventh-day Sabbath, Saturday, the true Lord’s Day. Every Seventh-day Adventist media ministry should be warning the world of this coming threat without hesitation. The enemies of present truth grow bolder each day as they try to exalt Sunday as the day of rest for the world. Sadly, demonic forces are causing many of our people to act indifferent at this solemn moment in history:
“The effort that is being made to press through the Sunday law should be vigorously met; for we are not ready for that issue. The crisis is right upon us, and soon the last issue will have to be met. Every talent held in trust by God’s people should now be employed to advocate the truth as it is in Jesus, to cause it to stand before the world in clear lines. The work that is being done by some to counterwork the Lord’s warnings is the consequence of the devising of satanic agencies. We now present our case to heaven, asking God to work in our behalf” (Letter 72, 1906).
Brother Andy, so thankful for our organizations that are preaching the last day message that Jesus had called us to give:. Amazing Facts, White Horse Media, Dr Veith and Amazing Discoveries, 3ABN, Pastor John Lomacang, and others that are faithful.
Most of these are really Independent Ministries. Thank you brother Andy for standing firm. Praying for all our people that are preaching the truth. Keep the Faith. Jesus is coming very, very soon.🙏🙏🙏👆♥️
Let’s all be praying for each other and all our church. So glad Jesus is the Head of His church. Let’s Hold the Banner high.
Good article only one problem that needs correction and I have seen the same mistake made on social media, especially on Facebook and this is the correction…
The Sabbath is neither on Saturday nor the Sunday, these are measured from midnight to midnight, while The Sabbath is from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday over two days and dates with the darker side of the Sabbath from sunset Friday up to midnight Friday until sunrise Saturday morning and when in the daylight hours Sabbath keepers meet in the public place of worship.
How can we take the gospel and the three angel’s message to the world if we do not know the time in which The Sabbath span over two dates and unlike the tradition day measured by all humanity which is always between midnight and midnight, The Sabbath will become longer and shorter depending on the season of the year and the place we live in and we forget that the early Christians lived from sunset to sundown as Paul encourages the church in Ephesus to settle all differences before the sun goes down (read Ephesians 4: 26) therefore as long as the admonition of Paul was carried out by the church and even among married couples that by sundown all differences were settled, forgiveness requested and received, reconciliation found and a general warming of friendliness and social relations, then not a single divorce would be mentioned among Christian couples.
Sadly the divorce rate among Christians and even among the Seventh day Adventist church is almost parallel with that of married couples outside of the church, this is because we do not keep The Sabbath as we should, nor settled all differences before the time the sun sets and the new day begins, we do not kiss and make up before we prayer and go to sleep as husbands and wives and will not forgive each other of their faults, failings, weaknesses and imperfections while expecting our God to forgive our personal sins we will be judge and jury on others while expecting others to be kind and merciful when it comes to our failings.
To conclude, how can we take the gospel to the world, preach the three angel’s messages, encourage proper Sabbath keeping if (1) we incorrectly state that The Sabbath is on Saturday when it is over two days between sunset Friday to sunset Saturday (2) when we do not welcome and close The Sabbath with vesper service and encourage the church members to go about their own business after sunset Saturday if they so desire to (3) we do not learn to live between sunset and sundown as much as possible, to make sure that all our differences and conflicts between church members are solved before the sunsets and begins a new day that is the darker side of each day (4) we do not know how to reconcile our differences and forgive each other which is just as important and keeping The Sabbath as The Creator expects us to; let there be a heaven sent revival and refreshing from the Throne of God sent according to the divine purpose for the church on earth and all that is said by your brother Alric will surely come to pass, such revived ones can correctly take the pure gospel of Christ and The Law of God in all its fulness together with the ministry of reconciliation being strengthened among believers as the highest and closest ministry among those within whom the indwelling Christ resides, may such a day come sooner than a little later, whenever you are ready my God let there be divine intervention and that The Seventh day Adventist will be foremost in lifting Christ before the world and that there will be found nothing that will help the spiritual life as the study of the life of Christ, may we be living instruments in the hands of Christ, filled with The Spirit of Christ, because if your Spirit does not dwell within our lives, we do not belong to Christ (Romans 8: 9)
Yes have read this article and it’s so true your note about Sabbath keeping from sun set Friday to sunset Saturday is true and most Adventist no this I have not allwayes been an adventus but soon lurnt of times and laures