The World Economic Forum has presented their plan for our planet’s long-term sustainability. In collaboration with the United Nations and the Vatican, a coalition of politicians, corporate leaders, and big tech companies is campaigning for a global reset in the coming new economy. “You will own nothing and be happy,” the plan states. To effectively address the so-called climate crisis, you will have to pay that price. The video below is courtesy of the World Economic Forum.
You will literally own nothing. You won’t own a vehicle. You will not own a house. There will be no privacy for you. You will be stripped of dignity and self-respect. But you will have lots of green energy and you will never be happier.
Due to a lack of housing in major cities, rising inflation, limited space, and skyrocketing real estate and property rental prices, you can now live in PodShare, a new “communal home” where you can pay up to $1,200 a month for a bed, not a room. [1] This new concept in affordable shared housing is gaining traction in major cities across America, in which you get your own open sleeping space but must share the kitchen, bathroom, and other living areas with up to 15 strangers. [2]
Welcome to the Great Reset. It’s not about spreading wealth. This is about spreading misery. The New World Order would like to put everyone in these chicken coops, all in the name of sustainability. Only the super-rich and powerful will live in mansions, be chauffeured in limousines, and fly around the world in private fossil-fuel-burning jets, but remember, you will be happy even if you own nothing.
You will be given a sleeping “pod” (a bed, not a room) in a shared community with no doors or locks as globalists, pharmaceutical companies, and politicians become increasingly richer. If the proponents of the New World Order have their way, and their proposals are enforced, we will all be living in this way by 2030, if not sooner.
With rising inflation and taxes, many citizens will soon find that this will be their only option for housing in the future. Because of the new economy, this arrangement will soon be all that people can afford. However, you’ll be happy to learn that your new sleeping pod will be powered entirely by renewable, green energy.
However, this is not a new idea. This is the same living arrangement you find in prisons. In prisons, everyone gets their own sleeping “pod” (bed) in a shared gated community, complete with free meals. Because sleeping areas in prisons actually have doors and locks, you may feel safer in this setting than in others. However, you’ll be even happier to know that your new life in a shared communal environment has a much more sinister origin. Notice the next image.
This image is from a plantation and depicts the slaves’ permanent housing arrangements in colonial America. [3] What a dreadful way to live. This is where the population is headed during the Great Reset. The media today praises and glorifies this type of “communal living,” but if you connect the dots, you will realize that they’re trying to get us accustomed to the prisons and slave camps that will be part of the socialist new world order.
Take a look at what our people have become in the big cities. Take a look at what they’ve accepted as their way of life. We’ve been reduced to renting a bed. This is not a good situation. Please, for the love of God, wake up! Take a look at where globalist and Marxist policies are leading us. Thousands of people are sleeping on the streets, with many more attempting to rent a bed. The situation is simply going to get worse.
This is the gloomy, unavoidable future for those living in the major cities. Your overlords will guarantee that living arrangements like these become the new normal, along with higher taxes and unending regulation. Sleep tight and don’t let the bedbugs bite!
“The crisis is coming … Educate our people to get out of the cities into the country where they can obtain a small piece of land, and make a home for themselves and their children” (General Conference Bulletin, April 6, 1903).
This is what happened during Soviet Russian. The people had nothing.
This is pure luxury compared to Soviet Russia. Under Stalin, it was usually bullet in the head, death march, or 10 years in Siberian wilderness catching and eating rats.
Whether we have or whether we own nothing, I will be happy because if I have God, I have everything I need. Seek the kingdom of heaven first, and all these things will be added. God will provide our needs according to him mercies.
Look on the bright side. If we are faithful to the end we have mansions waiting for us when this mess down here is ended.
They can forget it if they think I’ll be living like that. The only people this appeals to is the liberal sheep millennials.
Does anyone else wonder about The Klauss Schwab fellow, is he an obvious fall guy?
“Own nothing and be h-appy about zit”
“You will eat ze bugz”
“None of our politicians ever loze electionz”
Like a Bad guy/bond Villian for everyone to worry about so that whatever the man of sin offers as an alternative people will immediately say yes to?
I think he’s their fall guy,
It’s fascinating how quickly they went from 6feet Socialism to you are 30cm away in a wooden pod/jail cell, none of what they do holds up to any scrutiny.
I hate to state the obvious, but the American people must understand that elections have consequences. And this is all part of a larger plan for us in America devised by certain political parties.
Thanks, Andy. Be sure of one thing, this will never happen! Instead, the whole world will be supervised by a religious take-over, a religious dictatorship, if you please. And all the world will be ‘converted’ to it, whether acceptingly or otherwise. This is what I read in my Bible and the SOP. The USA is to start the ball rolling. Plans are taking place behind the scenes for this religious takeover.
Pastor Henderson, you are entirely correct. We know who is pulling the strings behind the scenes.
Bedbugs would probably be the least of their concerns; a lot of bad things can happen in open spaces like that, especially when “iniquity shall abound” in the last days, according to Matthew 24:12.
Move out of the major cities and buy a home somewhere else with that kind of money.
Looks like a luxury Auschwitz. What if someone put’s the eyes on you during night?