One of the most recognizable sites in the world is Times Square, with its flashing lights and soaring billboards. Times Square, which has been shown in innumerable films and television programs, is a center for fashion, entertainment, cuisine, media, news, finance, and shopping. Millions of tourists visit this area every year, and its annual New Year’s Eve celebration with the dropping of the ball is broadcast on television across the world, making Times Square a cultural, historical, and economic icon of New York City.
It should come as no surprise that Times Square was selected as the ideal setting for Rome’s National Eucharistic Revival celebration. This movement is promoting the worship of Jesus Christ through the Eucharist in the United States. [1] 4,000 Roman Catholics gathered in Times Square on May 27, 2023, for what is reportedly the largest Eucharistic celebration in New York City’s history. The people sang hymns, prayed, worshipped, and led a procession through the city streets as they publicly venerated the Eucharist.
The National Catholic Register reported the following:
• “In what many are calling the largest eucharistic procession ever held in New York City, thousands of people took to the streets reciting prayers and singing songs of praise on the vigil of Pentecost, May 27.” [2]
• “The NYPD estimated more than 4,000 people took to the streets and processed through Times Square. Led by Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Espaillat of the Archdiocese of New York, the procession brought together priests, nuns, and laity to pray for the forgiveness of sins in the iconic city and the world.” [2]
• “The theme of the procession was “¡Esta ciudad pertenece a Jesucristo!” — “This city belongs to Jesus Christ!” [2]
During the Times Square Eucharistic celebration, Bishop Joseph Espaillat of the Archdiocese of New York said the following in both English and Spanish with a bullhorn:
“In the middle of New York is the cross of Jesus Christ! And this is why we rejoice today. We rejoice because this is Pentecost weekend. And we know what happened on Pentecost, right? There was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. El Espíritu Santo vino y llenó a los apóstoles (The Holy Spirit came and filled the apostles). And we would not be standing here if it were not for the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen? Very good. So, my sisters and my brothers in Christ, we rejoice today for the blessings that God has in store for this great city. I love this city! I love New York! And that’s why I’m here, because I want to pray for our city. Amen? Yo estoy aquí porque yo amo Nueva York. Yo amo esta ciudad. ¡Esta es mi ciudad! ¡Esta es nuestra ciudad! ¡Esta ciudad es de Jesucristo! Aplausos al Señor. (I am here because I love New York. I love this city. This is my city! This is our city. This city is Jesus Christ’s! Praise the Lord!) (YouTube Video).
Since this took place in Times Square, the whole world was watching this religious celebration. The Eucharist, which, according to Catholic theology, is the actual and literal body and presence of Jesus Christ, was carried in a solemn procession through Times Square. The host, referred to as the “body of Jesus,” is kept in a monstrance, which was carried by bishops and priests wearing liturgical vestments. Catholics sang, prayed, and worshiped the Eucharist as the procession passed by.
Where was the stern voice of rebuke protesting the theological errors and paganism that were being practiced on the streets of America? Rome is on a mission to conquer the world. The Vatican’s top priority is making sure that her doctrines alone take precedence over all others. Prophecy predicts that this will occur:
“And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.” Revelation 13:3.
“For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.” Revelation 18:3.
How true these statements are! Our once-powerful Protestant nation has fallen, and tragically, America is being brought to the feet of Rome. Our protest, for the most part, is no more. Our historically strong Protestant influence is coming to an end. Today, we see the Protestant churches returning to full communion with Rome as they join hands to work together with the Papacy.
Because God foresaw the end-time fall of Protestantism, He raised up Seventh-day Adventists to clearly preach the final truths about the beast, its image, and the mark. Just as God raised Martin Luther to oppose the errors of his time, we too must move forward with the final warning message, which includes exposing the sins of Babylon (Revelation 13, 14, 17, 18). Now is the time to give the final warning message to this perishing world, for the whole world is turning to the beast for truth and direction.
God’s remnant people have been given the mission to point erring mortal humans towards God, to worship Him, and to keep His commandments. The Third Angel’s Message is needed more in this last generation than ever before. Now is not the time to abandon our post and turn back, but to go forward giving “the mighty, the most solemn, testing message ever given to the world” (Manuscript Release, Vol. 5, p. 314). May God help us during this testing hour of great spiritual darkness, and may we shine the light of truth as prophetic events unfold before our eyes.
It is only God who is holding back the storm so that the church can accomplish it’s work.
2 Thessalonians 2:6, 7 – “And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.”
I am not surprised that New York City is whose it is claimed to be, Protestant, Catholic or whoever may claim it, we are living in the last days of this earth’s history. Events are strategically placed to work to whomever the major player is currently New York City Catholic and events dictate so. Ask yourself a simple question “if the mayor of New York is a serious practicing Catholic how can New York City not lead from the front. More will come up, you have not even scratched the ground to see what is coming. Pray that God opens our spiritual eyes to see the way marks.
This reminds me of AGENDA21 Oh it’s over. We must leave the cities so that we will not mingle with them in what they are doing.
To the administrator, Your posts are always well thought out.