By Chris Chung
Hello Advent Messenger readers.
We cannot thank you enough for your enthusiastic support for the work of Liberty and Health Alliance. We’re very excited to bring you an update on the next LHA-sponsored live, in-person event: Tampa, FL September 15-18, 2022. The event is called UPSIDE DOWN to RIGHT SIDE UP. It is free and open to the public.
We would love to see you all there in person (register here)
We are in MAJOR need of volunteers (learn more here)
And of course, funding the event is a God-sized task (learn more about the needs here).
What is the Tampa event all about?
Whether it’s health freedom, unborn life, or LGBTQIA+, it wouldn’t be over-stating it to say that the world has been flipped up-side down. It’s as if society has gone completely crazy. But the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ has the only and the ultimate answer to every social illness invented by fallen humanity. And Isaiah 58 – the theme chapter for this Tampa convention and health summit – contains our marching orders.
We are called to turn individuals back to the Creator God, while uplifting his design for liberty of conscience, the sanctity of life, and the beauty of God-given gender identity. Through the providence of God, the Tampa event is coming together very rapidly. As we learned first-hand in Phoenix in January, It is truly inspiring to see a wide open door to evangelism, and specifically for the straight message of the third angel of Revelation 14, as we stand for freedom of conscience.
The first two days consist of a free mega-clinic, similar to how Dr. Lela Lewis has run massive events in the population centers of America in the past, including founding high-impact ministries along these same lines of the healing gospel work.
After those opening days of free medical care for the community, the evenings of September 16 and September 17, as well as all day Sabbath, are dedicated to seminars and plenary messages exploring God’s original plan and how we can invite one and all to discover the joy of living right-side-up by God’s design.
We hope to, along with our volunteers, (again, please consider becoming a volunteer! Out of state providers are encouraged and welcome; medical board allows temporary licensure after applying) provide an estimated $15 million in free healthcare to the community, serving patients numbering in the thousands. This includes:
• dental procedures
• medical evaluations and varied treatments based on specialty
• optical evaluations and glasses
• Lifestyle Medicine!
• medical massage
• and more
We plan to add to that free legal and financial counseling, as well. A guest concert will be provided by Steve Green. Guest speakers include:
Peter McCullough, MD, MPH
Walt Heyer (of
Matt Staver, Esq
Jenny Federman, DDS
Avery Jackson, MD
Linda Royall, PhD
Ron Kelly
Jonathan Zirkle, Esq
Andrew Chung MD
Suzanne Vheimeister
Margaret Song, MD
Skip Dodson
Greg Nelson
Lela Lewis, MD, MPH
Rob Bernardo
Mark Anthony
Craig Cleveland
Robert Hines
… and more!
Again, learn more here, here, and here! Hope to see you there!
About: Chris Chung is the Communications Director for the Liberty and Health Alliance, and he can be reached at the following email address:
Can we attend via zoom meeting or live streamin on youtube? ….Malawi is too far:) thanks
What is the address?
Which hotels are near by the event?